Report Description

Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market is anticipated to grow significantly in the projected period of 2028. Malaysia's healthcare sector has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, particularly in the field of prenatal and neonatal care. For the special requirements of tiny infants, complicated instruments and devices are used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). A new parent may feel overwhelmed by the NICU. It can be reassuring to learn what to anticipate in the NICU. Prenatal and neonatal care devices play a crucial role in monitoring and managing the health of both mothers and infants, ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy journey. With a strong emphasis on improving maternal and infant health outcomes, Malaysia has witnessed a remarkable growth in its prenatal and neonatal care devices market, driven by innovative technologies and increasing investments in healthcare infrastructure. One of the primary drivers behind the growth of Malaysia's prenatal and neonatal care devices market is the increasing awareness among expectant mothers and healthcare providers regarding the importance of early detection and monitoring of potential health issues during pregnancy and infancy.

The Malaysian government has taken several initiatives to promote and enhance maternal and infant health, including increased funding for healthcare infrastructure, the implementation of prenatal screening programs, and the introduction of policies supporting early diagnosis and intervention. Technological advancements have revolutionized the prenatal and neonatal care devices landscape in Malaysia, leading to the growth of the Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market. From advanced ultrasound systems to wireless fetal monitoring devices and smart incubators, innovative technologies have greatly improved the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosing and managing maternal and neonatal health conditions. These devices enable healthcare professionals to monitor fetal development, detect anomalies, and intervene early, thus reducing the risk of complications and improving outcomes for both mothers and infants, thereby driving the growth of the prenatal and neonatal care devices market. Also, the demand for home-based prenatal and neonatal care devices has witnessed significant growth in Malaysia.

These devices provide expectant mothers and parents with the convenience of monitoring their health and the well-being of their infants in the comfort of their own homes. Home fetal dopplers, blood pressure monitors, baby scales, and thermometers are some of the commonly used devices that allow parents to track vital signs and ensure early detection of any abnormalities, promoting timely intervention and peace of mind, which is expected to propel the growth of Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market in the forecast period.

As per UNICEF Data Warehouse, the neonatal mortality rate per 1,000 live births was reported to be 4.211 in 2021.

 The digital revolution has transformed various industries, including the prenatal and neonatal care devices sector in Malaysia. E-commerce platforms have gained popularity, providing consumers with convenient access to products through online healthcare portals. Digitalization has also enabled medical devices companies to streamline their supply chain and distribution processes, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

As per the International Trade Administration (ITA), the number of active internet users in Malaysia rose from 27.4 million to 80 % by 2021 and mobile phone penetration was high at 84.2 percent. In Malaysia, there were 28 million active users on social media and 39.9 million cellular connections in January 2021.


Growing Prevalence of Preterm Hypothermia


Preterm birth is a significant global health issue that poses a range of challenges to the healthcare system, particularly concerning the well-being of newborns. Among the many complications associated with preterm birth, hypothermia stands out as a crucial concern. In Malaysia, the prevalence of preterm hypothermia has propelled the demand for advanced prenatal and neonatal care devices. These devices play a pivotal role in maintaining optimal body temperature and ensuring the healthy development of premature infants. The World Health Organization defines hypothermia as a core temperature below 36.5° C (97.7° F). Hypothermia increases morbidity and mortality in premature newborns. Hypothermia can be caused by the environment alone or be a symptom of another condition, such sepsis. Neonatal hypothermia must be avoided by keeping the delivery room or operating room at a comfortable temperature. Infants who are hypothermic need to be warmed up, and any underlying conditions need to be identified and treated. which is expected to grow the Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market in the forecast period. Prenatal and neonatal care devices are crucial tools that aid in monitoring, supporting, and providing care to preterm infants, leading to the growth of Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market. These devices are designed to help maintain an ideal thermal environment and offer precise temperature regulation, essential for the well-being of premature babies. Some of the commonly used devices include incubators, radiant warmers, heated mattresses, and temperature probes.

According to WHO, Currently, it is anticipated that healthcare will account for around 7.25% of the nation's GDP. This is anticipated to rise because of population growth, an increase in life expectancy, and rising government spending on better healthcare infrastructure and services.

The Increasing Prevalence of Hospital-Acquired Infections Among Neonates Propels the Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market

Malaysia's healthcare system has made significant progress in reducing infant mortality rates and improving neonatal care over the years. However, the increasing prevalence of hospital-acquired infections among neonates has become a concerning issue. These infections pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of newborns, necessitating the use of advanced prenatal and neonatal care devices. As a result, Malaysia's prenatal and neonatal care devices market is witnessing a surge in demand and growth. Hospital-acquired infections, also known as nosocomial infections, refer to infections that are acquired during a hospital stay. Neonates, particularly premature babies, or those with low birth weight, are particularly vulnerable to hospital-acquired infections due to their underdeveloped immune systems. The main sources of hospital-acquired infections include contaminated medical equipment, healthcare workers, and the hospital environment itself. Hospital-acquired infections can have devastating consequences on neonatal care. Infected newborns often require longer hospital stays, increased medical interventions, and face a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. These infections can lead to complications such as bloodstream infections, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and surgical site infections. To combat this growing concern, healthcare providers and facilities are focusing on implementing stringent infection control measures and relying on innovative prenatal and neonatal care devices, which is expected to grow the Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market in the forecast period.

According to Ministry of Health Malaysia, hospital admission increases from 2,687,181 in 2019 to 2,284,303 in 2020 and admissions in Special Medical Institutions increase from 72,352 in 2019 to 102,515 in 2020.

 Malaysia has witnessed substantial growth in its healthcare infrastructure, with the establishment of specialized neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and prenatal care facilities across the country. This expansion has created a demand for advanced devices and equipment to cater to the increasing number of neonates requiring specialized care, hence, augmenting the growth of Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market. With an increasing focus on neonatal care and infection prevention, healthcare professionals and parents are becoming more aware of the risks associated with hospital-acquired infections. This awareness has driven the demand for effective prenatal and neonatal care devices that can aid in infection control and improve patient outcomes.

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Recent Development

In June 2020, after the relaxation offered by FDA, Philips launches its prenatal monitoring system. With the help of a disposable electrode patch, the Fetal and Maternal Pod and Patch will be able to continuously monitor the uterine activity, the maternal heart rate, and the fetal heart rate. For high-risk pregnancies, the technology is intended. Each patch has a 48-hour shelf life and is applied to the patient's stomach.

Market Segmentation

Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market is segmented into device type, application, end user, region, and company. Based on device type, Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market is divided into prenatal care and neonatal care. Based on application, Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market is categorized into jaundice, pneumonia, respiratory disorders, ENT, and others. Based on end user, malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market is categorized into hospitals, pediatric & neonatal clinics, and others. Based on region, the market is segmented into East Malaysia and West Malaysia.

Company Profiles

Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd, GE Healthcare Sdn Bhd, Medtronic Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Masimo Medical Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Becton Dickinson Sdn. Bhd, and Siemens Healthineers AG are some of the key players of Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market.



Base Year


Historic Data

2018 – 2021

Estimated Year


Forecast Period

2024 – 2028

Quantitative Units

Revenue in USD Million and CAGR for 2018-2022 and 2023-2028

Report Coverage

Revenue forecast, volume forecasting, Company shares, competitive landscape, growth factors, and trends

Segments Covered

Device Type


End User


Country Scope

East Malaysia, West Malaysia

Key Companies Profiled

Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd, GE Healthcare Sdn Bhd, Medtronic Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Masimo Medical Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Becton Dickinson Sdn. Bhd, Siemens Healthineers AG

Customization Scope

10% free report customization with purchase. Addition or alteration to country, regional & segment scope.

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Delivery Format

PDF and Excel through Email (We can also provide the editable version of the report in PPT/Word format on special request)


Report Scope:

In this report, Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends, which have also been detailed below:

  • Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market, By Device Type:
    • Prenatal Care
    • Neonatal Care
  • Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market, By Application:
    • Jaundice
    • Pneumonia
    • Respiratory Disorders
    • ENT
    • Others
  • Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market, By End User:
    • Hospitals
    • Pediatric & Neonatal Clinics
    • Others
  • Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market, By Region:
    • East Malaysia
    • West Malaysia

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies in Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market.

Available Customizations:

With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected].

Table of content

1.      Product Overview

1.1.         Market Definition

1.2.         Scope of the Market

1.2.1.     Markets Covered

1.2.2.     Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.     Key Market Segmentations

2.      Research Methodology

2.1.         Objective of the Study

2.2.         Baseline Methodology

2.3.         Key Industry Partners

2.4.         Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.         Forecasting Methodology

2.6.         Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.         Assumptions and Limitations

3.      Executive Summary

3.1.         Overview of the Market

3.2.         Overview of Key Market Segmentations

3.3.         Overview of Key Market Players

3.4.         Overview of Key Regions/Countries

3.5.         Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, Trends

4.      Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market Outlook

4.1.         Market Size & Forecast

4.1.1.     By Value

4.2.         Market Share & Forecast

4.2.1.     By Device Type (Prenatal Care, Neonatal Care)

4.2.2.     By Application (Jaundice, Pneumonia, Respiratory Disorders, ENT, Others)

4.2.3.     By End User (Hospitals, Pediatric & Neonatal Clinics, Others)

4.2.4.     By Region (East Malaysia, West Malaysia)

4.2.5.     By Company (2022)

4.3.         Product Market Map

5.      Malaysia Prenatal Care Devices Market Outlook

5.1.         Market Size & Forecast  

5.1.1.     By Value

5.2.         Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.     By Application

5.2.2.     By End User

6.      Malaysia Neonatal Care Devices Market Vaccine Outlook

6.1.         Market Size & Forecast  

6.1.1.     By Value

6.2.         Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.     By Application

6.2.2.     By End User

7.      Market Dynamics

7.1.         Drivers

7.2.         Challenges

8.      Market Trends & Developments

8.1.         Research & Development

8.2.         Product launch

8.3.         Merger & Acquisition

9.      Policy and Regulatory Landscape

10.   Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market: SWOT Analysis

11.   Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

12.   PESTLE Analysis

13.   Competitive Landscape

13.1.      Business Overview

13.2.      Product Offerings

13.3.      Recent Developments

13.4.      Financials (In Case of Listed Companies)

13.5.      Key Personnel

13.5.1.  Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd

13.5.2.  GE Healthcare Sdn Bhd

13.5.3.  Medtronic Malaysia Sdn Bhd

13.5.4.  Masimo Medical Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

13.5.5.  Becton Dickinson Sdn. Bhd

13.5.6.  Siemens Healthineers AG

14.   Strategic Recommendations

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Increasing prevalence of preterm hypothermia and hospital-acquired infections are driving the growth of Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market.


Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market was analyzed for the historical period of 2018 to 2021. While the base year was 2022, estimation for the year 2023 was calculated, and the market growth was further forecast for 2024 to 2028.


The rising cost of standard prenatal and neonatal care devices and the increasing competition with both local and international players vying for market share are hampering the growth of Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market.


Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd, GE Healthcare Sdn Bhd, Medtronic Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Masimo Medical Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Becton Dickinson Sdn. Bhd, and Siemens Healthineers AG are some of the key players of Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

Malaysia Prenatal and Neonatal Care Devices Market to be dominated by Neonatal Care Segment through 2028

Aug, 2023

Increasing prevalence of preterm hypothermia and hospital-acquired infections is expected to drive the Malaysia prenatal and neonatal care devices market in the forecast period, 2024-2028.