Consumer Research
For consumer-centric companies, research is an imperative part of the business. Research helps to explore possibilities and identify gaps in existing strategies. A brand research and audit come handy to diagnose problem areas for an existing product. On the other hand, research is fairly useful for new businesses and initiatives, for example, for a group company seeking to venture into a new category or a new product line. To map the behavior, trends and preferences of the product can be evaluated through a scientific approach.
In today’s trending scenario, research and audits have become an essential tool to benchmark the capabilities of an organization, individual, product or brand. Audits ensure the quality and expected deliverables to the end customer, while research explores the impact of the strategy adopted to position the brand. ‘Research’ involves gathering data from the customers and arranging it in a proper order to fetch new insights. Two types of research are primarily conducted for brands i.e. Quantitative and Qualitative. In the quantitative research, questions that are asked by the client are objective in nature. Thus, the questions are backed by number of options (multiple choice or multiple select). On the contrary, qualitative research is subjective in nature. Different research methodologies such as exploratory research, descriptive research, experimental research, random sampling, and stratified sampling are adopted to select sample size, target respondents, etc.
The market influx towards advanced analytics shows the success of the research being conducted across different industries. Research should not only be carried out for fast moving consumer products, but also for B2B industries like petrochemical or heavy engineering industry.
The most important part of any research or audit is to choose the right target segment. 85% of failed research are either due to wrong selection of the Target Group or wrong selection of the Target Geography. We at TechSci Research smartly select the Target Group and as a practice, run Customer Universe Identification program in preliminary rounds of any exhaustive research, followed by proper training of field associates, who are the most neglected but an important part of the entire research and audit process. The field associates are spokespersons of the brand. We at TechSci Research ensure quality training of each and every field associate. TechSci Research has 4-level Quality Check parameters, right from the respondent recruitment to delivery of final data. The client gets superior quality and right audience.

TechSci Research has divided the entire consumer research panel into 11 major parts. The brand track studies and campaign evaluation services are most niche out of all the existing product line. Further, Net Promoter Surveys, Customer Satisfaction Surveys, and Retail & Mystery Audits are strongly backed by live proofs and enhanced customized technology. We strongly believe in delivering quality and meaningful insights to the clients, with a huge in-house panel of respondents and employees. The power-packed infrastructure of TechSci Research provides quality in lowest possible turnaround time.