Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2022)

USD 4.58 billion

CAGR (2023-2028)


Fastest Growing Segment

Wound Management Products

Largest Market

Abu Dhabi

Market Overview

UAE Medical Disposables Market has valued at USD 4.58 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to witness an impressive growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 16.47% through 2028. Medical disposables refer to a category of healthcare products that are designed for single or limited use, typically for a specific medical purpose. These disposable items are used in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and home healthcare. The primary characteristic of medical disposables is that they are intended to be discarded after use, thereby reducing the risk of infection transmission, ensuring hygiene, and often providing convenience in healthcare practices. Medical disposables are explicitly designed for single or limited use. Once used for a specific medical procedure or patient care activity, these items are discarded to prevent cross-contamination and ensure a sterile environment. Medical disposables play a critical role in infection control and prevention. By using single-use items, the risk of transmitting infections between patients, healthcare professionals, and different healthcare settings is minimized. Disposable medical products offer convenience and efficiency in healthcare practices. They eliminate the need for extensive cleaning, sterilization, and maintenance processes, saving time and resources for healthcare providers.

Advances in medical technology and materials science drive innovation in medical disposables. The development of more efficient and technologically advanced disposables can stimulate market growth as healthcare providers seek improved patient care solutions. The emphasis on infection control in healthcare settings continues to fuel the demand for disposable items. Products such as gloves, gowns, and face masks play a crucial role in preventing the spread of infections in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Increasing awareness of environmental issues has led to a focus on developing eco-friendly and sustainable medical disposables. Manufacturers are exploring materials and production processes that reduce environmental impact. The increasing number of surgical procedures, both routine and complex, contributes to the demand for surgical disposables, including drapes, gowns, and instruments, driving market growth.

Key Market Drivers

Technological Advancements

Integration of sensors and connectivity features in medical disposables allows for real-time monitoring of patient health. Examples include smart bandages that monitor wound healing or disposable patches that transmit vital signs wirelessly. Innovations in eco-friendly and biodegradable materials for medical disposables address environmental concerns. Manufacturers are exploring materials that maintain performance while being more sustainable and reducing the environmental impact of disposables. Nanotechnology is applied to enhance the properties of medical disposables, including improved drug delivery systems, increased surface area for better filtration, and the development of nanostructured materials for wound care and diagnostics. Coating medical disposables with antimicrobial or antiviral agents helps prevent infections. These coatings can be applied to surfaces like catheters, surgical instruments, and wound dressings to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections.

3D printing allows for the customization and rapid prototyping of medical disposables. This technology is used to create patient-specific devices, surgical tools, and implants, offering tailored solutions for better outcomes. Wound care has seen innovations with the development of advanced dressings. These may include dressings with bioactive components, hydrogels, and nanofiber dressings that promote optimal wound healing and reduce the risk of infections. The integration of diagnostic capabilities into disposable devices allows for on-the-spot testing and monitoring. Examples include disposable blood glucose monitoring systems and rapid diagnostic tests for infectious diseases. Surgical disposables have seen advancements, including disposable endoscopes, single-use surgical instruments, and specialized disposable devices for minimally invasive surgeries. These innovations enhance surgical precision and reduce the risk of infections.

The use of biocompatible materials in medical disposables reduces the risk of adverse reactions and enhances patient safety. Biocompatible materials are crucial in devices such as implants, catheters, and stents. Disposable devices are being developed to facilitate remote patient monitoring and telehealth. These may include disposable sensors that patients can use at home to collect data, which is then transmitted to healthcare providers for remote assessment. Advancements in flexible and injectable electronics are being explored for use in medical disposables. These devices can be integrated into flexible materials for applications such as drug delivery or monitoring internal physiological parameters. Disposable wearables equipped with monitoring capabilities are being developed for continuous patient monitoring. These devices can track vital signs, activity levels, and other health parameters, providing valuable data for healthcare professionals. This factor will help in the development of the UAE Medical Disposables Market.

Increasing Demand of Infection Control Measures

Medical disposables, such as gloves, gowns, and masks, create a barrier between healthcare professionals and patients, minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. This is essential in preventing the transmission of infectious agents from one person to another. In cases where patients are isolated due to infectious diseases, disposable items become critical. Single-use items, such as gowns, gloves, and masks, are used to maintain strict infection control protocols in isolated environments, reducing the risk of spreading pathogens. During surgical procedures, the use of sterile disposable products, including drapes, gowns, and sterile instruments, is vital for preventing surgical site infections. These disposables help maintain a sterile field and reduce the introduction of pathogens into wounds. Infection control measures often include respiratory hygiene practices, especially during respiratory virus outbreaks. Disposable face masks, particularly N95 respirators, are widely used to protect healthcare workers from airborne particles and prevent the spread of respiratory infections.

The implementation of standard precautions in healthcare involves the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes disposable items like gloves, masks, and gowns. These precautions are applied in the care of all patients to reduce the risk of infection transmission. Proper wound care is essential in preventing infections. Advanced wound dressings, which are often disposable, contribute to maintaining a sterile environment around wounds, promoting optimal healing, and reducing the risk of complications. Single-use disposable syringes and needles are critical in preventing the transmission of bloodborne pathogens during medical procedures. Safe injection practices, including the use of disposable injection equipment, are essential for infection control.

During disease outbreaks or pandemics, infection control measures become even more critical. The demand for medical disposables, including gloves, masks, and other protective gear, often surges during such periods to protect healthcare professionals and control the spread of the infectious agent. Disposable items are used in environmental cleaning and waste management practices to reduce the risk of contamination. Single-use cleaning materials and disposable waste bags contribute to maintaining a hygienic healthcare environment. Healthcare facilities are required to adhere to strict regulatory standards for infection control. The use of disposable medical products is often mandated to meet these standards and ensure a safe healthcare environment. This factor will pace up the demand of the UAE Medical Disposables Market.

Rising Surgical Procedures

Surgical drapes and gowns are essential in maintaining a sterile field during surgical procedures. These disposable items help prevent contamination and reduce the risk of surgical site infections. Single-use surgical instruments, including scalpels, forceps, and scissors, are designed for one-time use to ensure precision and sterility during surgeries. The increasing complexity and variety of surgical procedures contribute to the demand for these disposable instruments. Surgeons and healthcare staff wear disposable gloves during surgeries to prevent the transmission of pathogens and maintain aseptic conditions. The demand for gloves increases with the number and diversity of surgical procedures.

Surgical masks and, in certain cases, respirators are crucial in preventing the spread of airborne particles during surgeries. The rising number of surgical procedures drives the demand for these disposable respiratory protection items. Surgical drains are used to remove excess fluids from surgical sites. Disposable drains reduce the risk of infection and simplify postoperative care, contributing to the demand for disposable surgical supplies. Sterile wraps and covers are used to maintain the sterility of surgical equipment and supplies. The increasing demand for disposable wraps aligns with the growth in surgical procedures. Surgical procedures often involve injections for anesthesia, medication administration, or blood collection. Single-use needles and syringes contribute to infection control and are in demand for various surgical applications.

Disposable materials for wound closure, such as sutures, staples, and adhesive strips, are crucial for closing incisions after surgery. The choice of wound closure materials often depends on the type of surgical procedure. Advancements in medical technology have led to the development of disposable endoscopes for specific procedures. These single-use endoscopes reduce the risk of cross-contamination and are suitable for various surgical applications. Hemostatic agents, such as absorbable gelatin sponges or hemostatic powders, are used to control bleeding during surgery. These disposable agents contribute to maintaining a clean and controlled surgical field. In addition to personal protective equipment (PPE), various infection prevention and control supplies, such as disposable waste bags and cleaning materials, are essential in surgical settings to maintain a hygienic environment. This factor will accelerate the demand of the UAE Medical Disposables Market.

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Key Market Challenges

Supply Chain Disruptions

Supply chain disruptions can lead to shortages of key raw materials used in the production of medical disposables. The availability and prices of materials such as latex, plastics, and specialized fabrics can be affected, impacting the manufacturing process. Disruptions in transportation and logistics, including delays in shipping and customs clearance, can hinder the timely delivery of medical disposables. This can lead to supply chain bottlenecks, affecting the distribution of products to healthcare facilities. Increased global demand for medical disposables, especially during health crises, can strain the supply chain. Competing demands from different regions may result in challenges in securing a sufficient supply of essential medical disposable products. the UAE relies heavily on international suppliers for medical disposables, geopolitical tensions or trade disruptions can impact the country's ability to access necessary products. Diversifying sources may be a strategy to mitigate this challenge. Disruptions in manufacturing processes, whether due to labor shortages, lockdowns, or other factors, can lead to delays in production. This, in turn, affects the availability of medical disposables in the market. Rapid adjustments in the supply chain to address disruptions may lead to challenges in maintaining stringent quality control measures. Ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical disposables becomes crucial during such periods.

Competition and Market Saturation

Intense competition can lead to price wars among manufacturers and suppliers. In an effort to gain a larger market share, companies may engage in aggressive pricing strategies, which can negatively impact profit margins. With increased competition, profit margins may be squeezed as companies may need to lower prices to remain competitive. This can put pressure on companies to find ways to reduce production costs without compromising on quality. Market saturation can make it challenging for companies to differentiate their products. Innovations become crucial for standing out, but increased competition may also mean that new entrants face hurdles in bringing novel and distinctive products to market. Building brand loyalty becomes more challenging in a saturated market where consumers have a wide array of options. Companies may need to invest in effective marketing strategies and brand-building initiatives to differentiate themselves. Competing for market share in a saturated market can be intense. Companies may invest significant resources in marketing and promotional activities to attract customers, leading to higher marketing expenses. As the market becomes saturated, gaining and maintaining a strong distribution network becomes crucial. Companies must navigate challenges related to shelf space, distribution partnerships, and ensuring products are readily available to healthcare facilities.

Key Market Trends

Increased Demand for Single-Use Products

Single-use products play a critical role in infection control by minimizing the risk of cross-contamination between patients and healthcare professionals. This is particularly significant in settings where infection prevention is a top priority. The use of single-use products contributes to patient safety by ensuring that each patient receives care with sterile and uncontaminated items. This is crucial in surgical procedures, diagnostic tests, and various medical interventions. While the disposal of single-use products raises environmental concerns, there is a growing emphasis on developing eco-friendly disposable items. Manufacturers are exploring materials and production processes that minimize environmental impact, addressing sustainability concerns. Single-use products offer convenience and efficiency in healthcare settings. They eliminate the need for sterilization and reduce the time and resources required for cleaning and maintenance. Single-use items such as disposable syringes and vials are essential in preventing medication contamination. They ensure that each patient receives medication from a sterile and uncontaminated source. The trend towards home healthcare services has increased the demand for single-use items suitable for home settings. Patients and caregivers often prefer the convenience and simplicity of disposable medical products.

Segmental Insights

Product Insights

In 2022, the UAE Medical Disposables Market largest share was held by Wound Management Products segment and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. Chronic wounds, such as diabetic ulcers and pressure sores, are common healthcare challenges. The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, including diabetes, contributes to a sustained demand for wound management products. With an aging population, the incidence of chronic wounds tends to rise. Older individuals may experience slower wound healing, making wound management products essential in providing effective care and preventing complications. Advances in wound care technologies have led to the development of sophisticated wound management products. These include products with features like antimicrobial properties, moisture control, and advanced dressings, contributing to the segment's growth. Wound management products are crucial in post-surgical care to promote healing and reduce the risk of infections. The demand for these products is closely tied to surgical procedures performed in healthcare settings. Infections associated with wounds pose a significant healthcare concern. Wound management products, such as antimicrobial dressings and bandages, are used to prevent and treat infections, addressing the growing concern of antibiotic resistance.

Raw Material Insights

In 2022, the UAE Medical Disposables Market largest share was held by Rubber segment and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years.  The rubber segment, particularly when it comes to medical disposables, often refers to products like latex and nitrile gloves. Gloves are essential in healthcare settings for infection control, protection of healthcare workers, and patient safety. The high demand for gloves, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, may contribute to the dominance of the rubber segment. Rubber-based medical disposables, such as gloves and certain types of elastic bands or tourniquets, are integral to infection control practices in healthcare settings. The emphasis on preventing the spread of infections has likely increased the demand for rubber-based products. Rubber-based materials are known for their versatility and utility in medical applications. Rubber can be used in various medical disposables, including gloves, syringe components, and other items. This versatility might contribute to the prevalence of rubber-based products in the market. Rubber-based gloves, particularly those made from nitrile, are known for their comfort and excellent fit. Healthcare professionals often prefer gloves that offer tactile sensitivity and a comfortable feel during prolonged use, leading to the continued demand for rubber-based gloves.

End-Use Insights

In 2022, the UAE Medical Disposables Market largest share was held by Hospitals segment in the forecast period and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years.  Hospitals typically handle a large volume of patients and provide a wide range of medical services. This high patient throughput results in a substantial demand for medical disposables, including gloves, syringes, surgical drapes, and other single-use items. Hospitals conduct a variety of medical procedures, ranging from routine check-ups to complex surgeries. Each of these procedures requires specific medical disposables, contributing to the overall demand. Hospitals adhere to stringent infection control measures to prevent the spread of infections among patients and healthcare workers. The use of disposable items, such as masks, gloves, and gowns, is crucial in maintaining a hygienic healthcare environment. Hospitals often serve as primary facilities for emergency care and critical medical interventions. The urgency and critical nature of these situations necessitate the use of a significant number of medical disposables to ensure patient safety. Hospitals, due to their scale and size, often benefit from bulk purchasing, negotiating better prices for medical disposables. This cost-effectiveness contributes to their ability to maintain a steady and substantial supply of disposable medical products.

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Regional Insights

The Abu Dhabi region dominates the UAE Medical Disposables Market in 2022. Regions with robust healthcare infrastructure and facilities may attract more medical disposables manufacturing and distribution activities. If Abu Dhabi has invested significantly in healthcare infrastructure, it could be a key factor. Government policies and initiatives to support the healthcare industry, including medical disposables manufacturing, can influence the dominance of a particular region. Supportive policies, incentives, and infrastructure development can attract businesses. The presence of research and development centers focused on medical technology and disposables in Abu Dhabi can contribute to the region's dominance. Proximity to innovation hubs often attracts businesses in the healthcare sector. Abu Dhabi's strategic location and accessibility to key markets, both within the UAE and internationally, can play a role in its dominance. Easy access to distribution channels and markets can be advantageous for businesses.

Recent Developments

  • In September 2020, Globalpharma, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubai Investments PJSC, has unveiled its inaugural UAE-produced hand rub sanitizer and surgical disposable face masks under the brand "GP+." The GP+ hand sanitizers will soon be accessible at pharmacies throughout the UAE by the end of this month, while the mass-produced surgical disposable face masks are expected to be available in the coming weeks. This development follows the recent guidance and support from the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) for local manufacturers, including accelerated approval processes and streamlined access to raw materials meeting the highest standards. The GP+ sanitizer, approved by the Dubai Municipality, adheres to the latest guidelines outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO), providing rapid and persistent action against a range of viruses and microorganisms. The face masks, incorporating a high-quality melt-blown filter for maximum filtration, are manufactured at the Globalpharma premises under UV sterilization and adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Key Market Players

  • Horizon Medical Supplies
  • Kiwi Medical Supplies L.L.C.
  • Al Magam Medical Supplies L.L.C.
  • City Pharmacy Co.
  • Bin Ali Medical Supplies
  • 3M Medical UAE
  • Smith & Nephew FZE
  • Becton, Dickinson, and Company UAE


  • By Product
  • By Raw Material
  • By End Use
  • By Region
  • Disposable Masks
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Wound Management Products
  • Drug Delivery Products
  • Diagnostic and Laboratory
  • Sterilization Supplies
  • Others
  • Plastic Resin
  • Nonwoven Material
  • Rubber
  • Others
  • Hospitals
  • Home Healthcare
  • Outpatient/Primary Care Facilities
  • Others
  • Dubai
  • Abu Dhabi
  • Sharjah
  • Rest of UAE


Report Scope:

In this report, the UAE Medical Disposables Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  •   UAE Medical Disposables Market, By Product:

o   Disposable Masks

o   Hand Sanitizers

o   Wound Management Products

o   Drug Delivery Products

o   Diagnostic and Laboratory

o   Sterilization Supplies

o   Others

  •          UAE Medical Disposables Market, By Raw Material:

o   Plastic Resin

o   Nonwoven Material

o   Rubber

o   Others

  •  UAE Medical Disposables Market, By End Use:

o   Hospitals

o   Home Healthcare

o   Outpatient/Primary Care Facilities

o   Others

  •  UAE Medical Disposables Market, By region:

o   Dubai

o   Abu Dhabi

o   Sharjah

o   Rest of UAE


Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the UAE    Medical Disposables Market.

Available Customizations:

UAE Medical Disposables Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

UAE Medical Disposables Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Applications

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Overview of the Market

3.2.  Overview of Key Market Segmentations

3.3.  Overview of Key Market Players

3.4.  Overview of Key Regions/Countries

3.5.  Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, Trends

4.    UAE Medical Disposables Market Outlook

4.1.  Market Size & Forecast

4.1.1.     By Value

4.2.  Market Share & Forecast

4.2.1.    By Product (Disposable Masks, Hand Sanitizers, Wound Management Products, Drug Delivery Products, Diagnostic and Laboratory, Sterilization Supplies, Others)

4.2.2.    By Raw Material (Plastic Resin, Nonwoven Material, Rubber, Others)

4.2.3.    By End Use (Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Outpatient/Primary Care Facilities, Others)

4.2.4.     By Region (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Rest of UAE)

4.2.5.     By Company

4.3.  Product Market Map

5.    UAE Hospitals Medical Disposables Market Outlook

5.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

5.1.1.By Value

5.2.  Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.     By Product

5.2.2.     By Raw Material

6.    UAE Home Healthcare Medical Disposables Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

6.1.1.By Value

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.     By Product

6.2.2.     By Raw Material

7.    UAE Outpatient/Primary Care Facilities Medical Disposables Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

7.1.1.By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.     By Product

7.2.2.     By Raw Material

8.    Policy & Regulatory Landscape

9.    UAE Economic Profile

10. Competitive Landscape

10.1.     Horizon Medical Supplies

10.2.     Kiwi Medical Supplies L.L.C.

10.3.     Al Magam Medical Supplies L.L.C.

10.4.     City Pharmacy Co.

10.5.     Bin Ali Medical Supplies

10.6.     3M Medical UAE

10.7.     Smith & Nephew FZE

10.8.     Becton, Dickinson and Company UAE

11. Strategic Recommendations

12. About us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Medical Disposables Market was estimated to be USD 4.58 billion in 2022.


Kiwi Medical Supplies L.L.C., Al Magam Medical Supplies L.L.C. are some of the key players operating in the Medical Disposables Market.


The demographics of the population, including aging populations and changing healthcare needs, can impact the demand for specific medical disposables.


There is a growing awareness of environmental sustainability, and this is influencing the medical disposables market.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

UAE Medical Disposables Market to grow at a CAGR of 16.47% to 2028

Nov, 2023

Increasing healthcare infrastructure and a supportive regulatory environment are the major drivers for the UAE Medical Disposables Market.