Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 2.98 Billion

Market Size (2029)

USD 4.90 Billion

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Closed Systems

Largest Market

North America

Market Overview

Global Breast Pump Market was valued at USD 2.98 Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 8.82% through 2029. The Global Breast Pump Market has witnessed substantial growth over the years, primarily driven by a combination of factors such as increasing awareness about breastfeeding benefits, rising working women population, and technological advancements in breast pump designs. This market encompasses a wide range of breast pump products, including manual, electric, and battery-operated pumps, catering to the diverse needs of lactating mothers worldwide.

As more women recognize the importance of breastfeeding for infant health and development, the demand for breast pumps has surged, particularly in regions where maternity leave durations are limited, necessitating the need for expressing milk while away from the baby. Societal shifts towards more inclusive workplaces and supportive policies for nursing mothers have further propelled market expansion, as employers increasingly provide facilities for expressing breast milk at the workplace. Technological innovations have revolutionized the breast pump landscape, with manufacturers focusing on enhancing product efficiency, comfort, and portability. Advanced features such as adjustable suction levels, double pumping capabilities, and lightweight, discreet designs have significantly improved user experience, driving market penetration.

The advent of smart breast pumps equipped with Bluetooth connectivity and smartphone apps for tracking pumping sessions and milk supply has gained traction among tech-savvy consumers, contributing to market growth. The global breast pump market is characterized by intense competition, with key players continually investing in research and development activities to introduce innovative products and gain a competitive edge. Furthermore, strategic initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, and product diversification are prevalent strategies employed by market participants to expand their market presence and cater to evolving consumer preferences.

Key Market Drivers

Increasing Awareness of Breastfeeding Benefits

The increasing awareness of breastfeeding benefits is a significant driver fueling the growth of the global breast pump market. Healthcare professionals, advocacy groups, and governmental organizations have been actively promoting breastfeeding as the optimal nutrition source for infants, emphasizing its numerous advantages for both babies and mothers. Breast milk is rich in essential nutrients, antibodies, and enzymes that support healthy growth and development, protect against infections, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases later in life. Breastfeeding fosters a strong emotional bond between mother and baby, promoting feelings of closeness, security, and comfort.

As awareness of these benefits continues to spread, more women are choosing to breastfeed their infants, thereby increasing the demand for breast pumps. Breast pumps play a crucial role in enabling mothers to express and store breast milk, providing flexibility and convenience for feeding. They allow mothers to continue breastfeeding even when they are unable to be physically present with their babies, such as during work hours or when traveling. This ability to maintain breastfeeding goals despite competing demands on time and attention is particularly important for working mothers, who may face challenges balancing their professional and personal responsibilities.

The emphasis on breastfeeding promotion has led to greater acceptance and normalization of breastfeeding in public and in the workplace. Employers are increasingly implementing supportive policies and facilities for nursing mothers, such as lactation rooms and pumping breaks, which further encourages breastfeeding continuation. As a result, more women feel empowered to breastfeed and use breast pumps as a practical tool to support their breastfeeding journey. In response to the growing demand, manufacturers have introduced a variety of breast pump options tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of lactating mothers. These pumps feature advanced technologies, ergonomic designs, and user-friendly interfaces, making them more accessible and appealing to consumers.

Growing Working Women Population

The burgeoning population of working women is a significant catalyst propelling the expansion of the global breast pump market. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of women entering the workforce, driven by changing societal norms, economic opportunities, and educational advancements. This trend is particularly pronounced in urban areas, where more women are pursuing careers and professional ambitions alongside their roles as mothers.

For working mothers, the ability to continue breastfeeding while meeting professional obligations is of paramount importance. Breast pumps provide a practical solution, enabling women to express and store breast milk for their infants even when they are away from home or the workplace. This flexibility allows working mothers to maintain their breastfeeding goals and provide the best possible nutrition for their babies, despite the demands of their jobs.

The growing working women population has led to a corresponding increase in demand for breast pumps, particularly electric and portable models that offer convenience and efficiency. These pumps allow women to express milk discreetly and quickly, fitting seamlessly into their busy schedules.Technological advancements in breast pump design have further enhanced their appeal to working mothers, with features such as adjustable suction levels, hands-free operation, and smartphone connectivity making pumping sessions more comfortable and manageable.

The growing awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding and the importance of work-life balance have fueled demand for breast pumps among working women. By enabling mothers to continue breastfeeding while pursuing their professional goals, breast pumps play a vital role in empowering women to achieve success both in their careers and as mothers. As the number of working women continues to rise globally, the demand for breast pumps is expected to remain strong, driving further growth in the global breast pump market.

Technological Advancements in Breast Pump Designs

Technological advancements in breast pump designs have emerged as a key driver fueling the growth of the global breast pump market. In recent years, significant strides have been made in improving the functionality, comfort, and convenience of breast pumps, thereby enhancing the overall user experience for lactating mothers. Modern breast pumps incorporate a range of innovative features aimed at making the pumping process more efficient and user-friendly. One notable advancement is the introduction of adjustable suction levels, allowing mothers to customize their pumping experience according to their comfort and milk flow. This feature not only enhances comfort but also maximizes milk expression, ensuring efficient milk removal and maintaining milk supply.

Another technological innovation transforming breast pump design is the integration of multiple pumping modes, including massage and expression modes. These modes mimic the natural suckling pattern of a nursing baby, stimulating milk flow and promoting let-down. By offering a variety of pumping options, manufacturers cater to the diverse needs and preferences of breastfeeding mothers, enhancing their overall satisfaction with the product.

The development of lightweight, portable breast pumps has revolutionized the mobility and convenience of expressing breast milk. Compact and discreet designs allow mothers to pump on-the-go, whether at work, during travel, or in public settings. This portability not only facilitates breastfeeding continuation but also empowers mothers to maintain their active lifestyles without sacrificing their commitment to breastfeeding.

The integration of smart technology into breast pump design has opened up new possibilities for monitoring and managing breastfeeding. Bluetooth connectivity and smartphone apps enable mothers to track pumping sessions, monitor milk supply, and receive personalized feedback and recommendations. These digital features provide valuable insights into breastfeeding patterns and help mothers optimize their pumping routine for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.


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Key Market Challenges

Affordability Constraints

One of the primary challenges hindering the global breast pump market is affordability constraints, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The cost of breast pumps, especially electric and hospital-grade models, can be prohibitively high for many families, posing a significant barrier to access. As a result, some women may resort to using manual pumps or forgo breastfeeding altogether, leading to suboptimal infant feeding practices and potential health risks for both mothers and babies.

The affordability issue is compounded by the lack of insurance coverage and reimbursement policies for breast pumps in certain regions. While some countries have implemented policies to provide free or subsidized breast pumps to low-income families, coverage remains limited, leaving many women to bear the full cost of purchasing or renting a breast pump out-of-pocket. The availability of affordable financing options or rental programs for breast pumps is limited in some areas, further exacerbating the financial burden on consumers.

Addressing affordability constraints requires collaborative efforts from policymakers, healthcare providers, and manufacturers to develop innovative solutions that make breast pumps more accessible and affordable for all women. This may involve implementing targeted subsidy programs, expanding insurance coverage for breast pumps, and promoting the use of low-cost, entry-level models tailored to the needs of resource-constrained settings. By reducing financial barriers to access, stakeholders can help ensure that all women have the opportunity to benefit from breastfeeding and breast pump technology.

Cultural Barriers and Stigma

In some societies, breastfeeding is perceived as a private and intimate act that should be confined to the home, leading to social discomfort and stigma associated with breastfeeding in public or using breast pumps in the workplace. This cultural stigma can deter women from breastfeeding or expressing milk, undermining efforts to promote breastfeeding as the optimal nutrition source for infants.

Cultural beliefs and practices regarding breastfeeding vary widely across different regions and communities, influencing attitudes towards breastfeeding and milk expression. In some cultures, formula feeding may be preferred or perceived as more convenient than breastfeeding, leading to lower demand for breast pumps. Misconceptions about breastfeeding, such as concerns about milk supply or discomfort associated with pumping, may contribute to reluctance or hesitancy among women to use breast pumps.

Addressing cultural barriers and stigma requires comprehensive education and awareness campaigns that challenge negative attitudes towards breastfeeding and promote the benefits of breastfeeding and milk expression. Healthcare providers play a crucial role in providing accurate information and support to women and families, helping to dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding breastfeeding. Workplace policies and public health initiatives can create supportive environments that normalize breastfeeding and accommodate the needs of nursing mothers, reducing stigma and encouraging breastfeeding continuation.

Affordability constraints and cultural barriers pose significant challenges to the global breast pump market, impacting access to breastfeeding support and hindering efforts to promote breastfeeding as the optimal infant feeding option. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration between policymakers, healthcare providers, and community stakeholders to develop targeted interventions that make breast pumps more accessible and acceptable for all women.

Key Market Trends

Portable and Lightweight Designs

Portable and lightweight designs have emerged as key drivers in boosting the global breast pump market, catering to the needs of modern mothers seeking convenient and discreet breastfeeding solutions. With the increasing prevalence of on-the-go lifestyles and the desire for flexibility in managing childcare responsibilities, portable and lightweight breast pumps have become highly sought after by lactating mothers worldwide.

These innovative designs offer a range of benefits that resonate with today's busy mothers. Portability allows mothers to express milk wherever and whenever needed, whether at work, during travel, or while running errands. Unlike traditional bulky breast pumps, portable models are compact and lightweight, making them easy to carry in a purse or diaper bag. This portability empowers mothers to maintain their breastfeeding routine even when away from home, ensuring continued nourishment for their infants.

Lightweight breast pumps are designed with user comfort in mind, featuring ergonomic shapes and soft materials that minimize discomfort during pumping sessions. Mothers can discreetly express milk without feeling self-conscious or encumbered by heavy equipment, allowing for a more comfortable and enjoyable breastfeeding experience. This comfort factor is particularly important for mothers who pump frequently throughout the day, such as working mothers or those with busy schedules.

The popularity of portable and lightweight breast pumps reflects a broader trend towards convenience and mobility in modern parenting. As more mothers seek breastfeeding solutions that fit seamlessly into their active lifestyles, manufacturers have responded by developing innovative designs that meet these evolving needs. With ongoing advancements in technology and design, portable and lightweight breast pumps are expected to continue driving growth in the global breast pump market, empowering mothers to provide the best possible start for their babies, wherever they may be.

Increasing Awareness of Breastfeeding Benefits

Increasing awareness of breastfeeding benefits is playing a significant role in boosting the global breast pump market. As healthcare professionals, advocacy groups, and governmental organizations continue to emphasize the advantages of breastfeeding for both infants and mothers, more women are choosing to breastfeed their babies. This heightened awareness of the numerous benefits associated with breastfeeding has led to a corresponding increase in the demand for breast pumps.

Breastfeeding is widely recognized as the optimal nutrition source for infants, providing essential nutrients, antibodies, and enzymes that support healthy growth and development. Breast milk is easily digestible and contains antibodies that help protect infants from infections and diseases, reducing the risk of illnesses such as respiratory infections, ear infections, and gastrointestinal infections. Breastfeeding has been linked to lower rates of chronic conditions later in life, such as obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Breastfeeding fosters a strong emotional bond between mother and baby, promoting feelings of closeness, security, and comfort. The act of breastfeeding releases hormones such as oxytocin, which contribute to maternal well-being and relaxation. Breastfeeding also offers numerous benefits for mothers, including faster postpartum weight loss, reduced risk of postpartum depression, and lower rates of certain types of cancer, such as breast and ovarian cancer.

As awareness of these benefits continues to spread, more women are choosing to breastfeed their babies, creating a greater need for breastfeeding support tools such as breast pumps. Breast pumps allow mothers to express and store breast milk, providing flexibility and convenience for feeding. They enable mothers to continue breastfeeding even when they are away from their babies, such as during work hours or while traveling.

In response to the increasing demand, manufacturers have introduced a variety of breast pump options tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of lactating mothers. These pumps feature advanced technologies, ergonomic designs, and user-friendly interfaces, making them more accessible and appealing to consumers.

Segmental Insights

Product Type Insights

Based on the product type, closed system segment emerged as the dominant segment in the global breast pump market in 2023. Closed system breast pumps offer several advantages over open system pumps, which have contributed to their widespread adoption. One of the key advantages is hygiene and contamination prevention. Closed system pumps feature a barrier between the milk collection kit and the pump motor, preventing any backflow of milk or contaminants into the motor unit. This design minimizes the risk of bacterial growth and cross-contamination, ensuring the safety and purity of expressed breast milk for the baby.

Closed system breast pumps are known for their superior suction performance and efficiency. The sealed system creates a vacuum seal that maintains consistent suction levels throughout the pumping session, resulting in more effective milk expression and higher milk yields. This reliability and effectiveness are particularly important for mothers who rely on breast pumps to maintain their milk supply or to build a freezer stash of breast milk.

Technology Insights

Based on the technology, the electric segment emerged as the dominant segment in the global breast pump market in 2023. Electric breast pumps are powered by motors that automate the pumping process, allowing for faster and more efficient milk expression compared to manual pumping. This automation saves time and effort for mothers, making electric pumps particularly popular among those with busy schedules or who need to pump frequently throughout the day. Electric breast pumps typically offer adjustable suction levels and pumping modes, allowing users to customize their pumping experience according to their comfort and milk flow. This versatility makes electric pumps suitable for a wide range of users, from those with low milk supply to those who need to express milk quickly and efficiently.


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Regional Insights

North America emerged as the dominant region in the Global Breast Pump Market in 2023, holding the largest market share. North America has a high prevalence of working mothers who seek breastfeeding support tools such as breast pumps to balance their professional and personal responsibilities. With a significant portion of women participating in the workforce, there is a growing demand for breast pumps that offer convenience, efficiency, and portability to enable mothers to continue breastfeeding while away from their babies. North America has well-established healthcare infrastructure and supportive policies that promote breastfeeding and provide access to breastfeeding support services.

Recent Development

  • On November 28, 2023, Pigeon, the renowned brand synonymous with reliable products for mothers and babies, is delighted to unveil the long-awaited release of its second-generation GoMini Electric Breast Pump, the GoMini Plus. Specifically designed for contemporary, mobile mothers, this revolutionary advancement assures an unparalleled pumping experience. Crafted with care and supported by decades of breastfeeding research, the new GoMini Plus sets new standards for convenience and comfort for breastfeeding mothers.
  • In August 2023, Lansinoh launched the Lansinoh Wearable Pump as a testament to their dedication to supporting mothers. This new product aims to assist new moms by providing convenient solutions and resources to enhance their parenting experience.
  • In February 2023, Madela AG and Sarah Wells joined forces to integrate the Allie sling bag into Madela’s Freestyle Hands-free Breast Pump range, designed to support breastfeeding parents.
  • In January 2023, Willow Innovations, Inc. introduced the inaugural breast pump companion application, Willow 3.0, compatible with Apple Watch. The Willow 3.0 breast pumps feature a companion app for smartwatches, enabling breastfeeding parents to effortlessly monitor, manage, and review their pumping sessions.

Key Market Players

  • Koninklijke Philips N.V.
  • Medela AG
  • Pigeon Corporation
  • Ameda, Inc.
  • Hygeia Healthcare Holdings Co., Limited
  • Linco Baby Merchandise Works Co., Ltd.
  • Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc.
  • Willow Innovations Inc.
  • Mayborn Group Limited
  • Motif Medical

By Product Type

By Technology

By End User

By Region

  • Open
  • Closed Systems
  • Manual
  • Electric
  • Hospitals & Clinics
  • Homecare
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • South America
  • Middle East & Africa

Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Breast Pump Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Breast Pump Market, By Product Type:

o   Open

o   Closed Systems

  • Breast Pump Market, By Technology:

o   Manual

o   Electric

  • Breast Pump Market, By End User:

o   Hospitals & Clinics

o   Homecare

  • Breast Pump Market, By Region:

o   North America

§  United States

§  Canada

§  Mexico

o   Europe

§  France

§  United Kingdom

§  Italy

§  Germany

§  Spain

o   Asia-Pacific

§  China

§  India

§  Japan

§  Australia

§  South Korea

o   South America

§  Brazil

§  Argentina

§  Colombia

o   Middle East & Africa

§  South Africa

§  Saudi Arabia

§  UAE

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Breast Pump Market.

Available Customizations:

Global Breast Pump Market report with the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Global Breast Pump Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Overview of the Market

3.2.  Overview of Key Market Segmentations

3.3.  Overview of Key Market Players

3.4.  Overview of Key Regions/Countries

3.5.  Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

4.    Voice of Customer

5.    Global Breast Pump Market Outlook

5.1.  Market Size & Forecast

5.1.1.    By Value

5.2.  Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.    By Product Type (Open, Closed Systems)

5.2.2.    By Technology (Manual, Electric)

5.2.3.    By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare)

5.2.4.    By Company (2023)

5.2.5.    By Region

5.3.  Market Map

6.    North America Breast Pump Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast        

6.1.1.    By Value

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Product Type

6.2.2.    By Technology

6.2.3.    By End User

6.2.4.    By Country

6.3.  North America: Country Analysis

6.3.1.    United States Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

6.3.2.    Mexico Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

6.3.3.    Canada Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

7.    Europe Breast Pump Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast        

7.1.1.    By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Product Type

7.2.2.    By Technology

7.2.3.    By End User

7.2.4.    By Country

7.3.  Europe: Country Analysis

7.3.1.    France Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

7.3.2.    Germany Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User  

7.3.3.    United Kingdom Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User  

7.3.4.    Italy Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

7.3.5.    Spain Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

8.    Asia-Pacific Breast Pump Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast        

8.1.1.    By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.    By Product Type

8.2.2.    By Technology

8.2.3.    By End User

8.2.4.    By Country

8.3.  Asia-Pacific: Country Analysis

8.3.1.    China Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

8.3.2.    India Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

8.3.3.    South Korea Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User  

8.3.4.    Japan Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

8.3.5.    Australia Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User  

9.    South America Breast Pump Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast        

9.1.1.    By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.    By Product Type

9.2.2.    By Technology

9.2.3.    By End User

9.2.4.    By Country

9.3.  South America: Country Analysis

9.3.1.    Brazil Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User  

9.3.2.    Argentina Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

9.3.3.    Colombia Breast Pump Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast            By Value        Market Share & Forecast            By Product Type            By Technology            By End User

10.  Middle East and Africa Breast Pump Market Outlook

10.1.             Market Size & Forecast         

10.1.1. By Value

10.2.             Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1. By Product Type

10.2.2. By Technology

10.2.3. By End User

10.2.4. By Country

10.3.             MEA: Country Analysis

10.3.1. South Africa Breast Pump Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Product Type         By Technology         By End User

10.3.2. Saudi Arabia Breast Pump Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Product Type         By Technology         By End User

10.3.3. UAE Breast Pump Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Product Type         By Technology         By End User

11.  Market Dynamics

11.1.             Drivers

11.2.             Challenges

12.  Market Trends & Developments

12.1.             Merger & Acquisition (If Any)

12.2.             Product Launches (If Any)

12.3.             Recent Developments

13.  Porters Five Forces Analysis

13.1.             Competition in the Industry

13.2.             Potential of New Entrants

13.3.             Power of Suppliers

13.4.             Power of Customers

13.5.             Threat of Substitute Products

14.  Competitive Landscape

14.1.             Koninklijke Philips N.V.

14.1.1. Business Overview

14.1.2. Company Snapshot

14.1.3. Products & Services

14.1.4. Financials (As Reported)

14.1.5. Recent Developments

14.1.6. Key Personnel Details

14.1.7. SWOT Analysis

14.2.             Medela AG

14.3.             Pigeon Corporation

14.4.             Ameda, Inc.

14.5.             Hygeia Healthcare Holdings Co., Limited

14.6.             Linco Baby Merchandise Works Co., Ltd.

14.7.             Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc.

14.8.             Willow Innovations Inc.

14.9.             Mayborn Group Limited

14.10.          Motif Medical

15.  Strategic Recommendations

16.  About Us & Disclaimer 

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of Global Breast Pump Market was anticipated to be USD 2.98 Billion in 2023.


Koninklijke Philips N.V., Medela AG, Pigeon Corporation, Ameda, Inc., Hygeia Healthcare Holdings Co., Limited, Linco Baby Merchandise Works Co., Ltd., Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc., Willow Innovations Inc., Mayborn Group Limited, Motif Medical, etc,. among others are leading the global breast pump market.


North America dominated the Global Breast Pump Market due to high awareness and adoption rates, favorable healthcare policies, and insurance coverage that enhance accessibility. The region's market leadership is further bolstered by the strong presence of major breast pump manufacturers and technological advancements. These factors collectively contribute to North America's significant market share, making it the leading region in the global breast pump industry.


Factors like rising number of working women, along with the increasing number of newborn populations in the world are driving the growth of the global breast pump market in 2023.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

Breast Pump Market to Grow with a CAGR of 8.82% through 2029

Jul, 2024

Increasing Awareness of Breastfeeding Benefits is anticipated to drive the growth of global breast pump market in the forecast period, 2025-2029