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The power sector is one of the crucial inputs to the growth of other industrial sectors and overall economic growth of India. It has been rightly awarded the status of an infrastructure sector and can avail of a tax holiday and priority status in bank lending. 

India has fourth largest installed generating capacity in world but the per capita consumption of electricity is very low, owing to a huge gap between demand and supply of power. Traditionally the power sector was dominated by the public sector but has now been opened for competition from private and foreign players by the government sector. 

The power sector is highly regulated by the government and is dependent on the policies framed regarding bidding for power projects. Regulations regarding transmission of the power between states and pricing for power supply to consumers is also decided by the government. 

While other infrastructure sectors such as telecom, roads, and airports have seen much progress in the last few years as India embarked on a fast growth track, the power sector has lagged behind with not much progress. 

The India Power Market Forecast And Opportunities 2014 report looks at the following key areas:
  • Present installed capacity and plans for future
  • Demand and supply scenario
  • Rural electrification market
  • Ultra Mega Power Projects in India
  • Power equipment market
  • Sector Trends
  • Smart Grid Infrastructure
  • Government, Policy and Regulations in power industry
  • Competitive landscape

India Power Market Forecast And Opportunities 2014 has covered all the aspects of power market such as generation, transmission and distribution. This study gives an unbiased view on various aspects of the power market and helps readers to get a complete overview on the latest trends, market potential, infrastructure and investments related to the industry. This study will help investors, infrastructure developers and business professionals to identify the market opportunities in the kingdom and will help them in market centric decision making process.

Table of content

Table of content

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Indian Power Sector Overview
  3. Indian Power Sector Performance: Current & Future Scenario
    1. Installation Capacity by Fuel
      1. Thermal Power
      2. Hydro Power
      3. Nuclear
      4. Wind
      5. Solar
      6. Biomass
    2. Installation Capacity by Sector
      1. Central Government
      2. State Government
      3. Private Sector
      4. Power Capacity Forecast
    3. Power Generation
    4. Demand-Supply Scenario
      1. Power Demand Forecast 2014
    5. Distribution
    6. Transmission
  4. Rural Electrification
  5. Ultra Mega Power Projects
    1. Regulation of UMPP
    2. The Bidding Process
  6. Power Equipment Market
    1. Transmission Lines
    2. Transformers
    3. Switchgears
    4. Energy Meters
  7. Sector Trends
    1. Rising Investment
    2. Power Sector Reform
    3. Focus on Renewable Energy
  8. Opportunity for Smart Grid Infrastructure
  9. Policy & Regulatory Framework
    1. Electricity Act, 2003
    2. Central Electricity Authority
    3. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
    4. FDI Policy
    5. Incentives/ Benefits
  10. Competitive Landscape
    1. NTPC
    2. NHPC
    3. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd
    4. Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd
    5. Reliance Power
    6. Adani Power Limited
    7. Tata Power
    8. Suzlon Energy
    9. GVK Power & Infrastructure

Figures and Tables

List of Figures
  1. Figure 2 1: India Installed Power Capacity (MW), FY’07-FY’10
  2. Figure 2 2: Power Demand (Million Units), FY’07-FY’10
  3. Figure 2 3: Per Capita Power Consumption (kWh), FY’03-FY’08
  4. Figure 3 1: Installed Capacity by Fuel (%), 2009 & 2010
  5. Figure 3 2: Installed Thermal Capacity (MW), FY’07-FY’11
  6. Figure 3 3: Thermal Power Installed Capacity by Fuel (%), FY’11
  7. Figure 3 4: Thermal Power Installed Capacity by Region (%), FY’11
  8. Figure 3 5: Thermal Power Generation Plant Load Factor by Fuel (%),2008 and 2009
  9. Figure 3 6: Plant Load Factor of Thermal Power Stations (%), FY’05 to FY’10
  10. Figure 3 7: Hydro Power Installed Capacity (MW), FY’07- FY’11
  11. Figure 3 8: Hydro Power Installed capacity by Region (%), FY’11
  12. Figure 3 9: Hydro Power Plants Plant Load Factor (%), FY’05-FY’08
  13. Figure 3 10: Nuclear Power Generation (Million Units), FY’07-FY’11
  14. Figure 3 11: Nuclear Power Installed Capacity by Region (%), FY’11
  15. Figure 3 12: Map of Atomic Energy Establishments in India
  16. Figure 3 13: Installed Wind Power Capacity (MW), FY’07-FY’10
  17. Figure 3 14: India Solar Radiation Map
  18. Figure 3 15: Installed Power Capacity by Central, State & Private Sector (MW), January 2010
  19. Figure 3 16: Power Plant Operating Availability by Sector (%), FY’08
  20. Figure 3 17: Central Government Power Capacity Addition (MW), FY’05-FY’10
  21. Figure 3 18: Central Government Power Capacity Addition by fuel (MW), FY’10
  22. Figure 3 19: State Government Power Capacity (MW), FY’05-FY’10
  23. Figure 3 20: State Government Power Capacity Addition by Fuel (MW), FY’10
  24. Figure 3 21: Private Sector Power Capacity (MW), FY’05-FY’10
  25. Figure 3 22: Private Sector Power Capacity by Fuel (MW), FY’10
  26. Figure 3 23: Forecast of power installed capacity (in MW) from FY’11 to FY’14
  27. Figure 3 24: Power Generation (Billion Units), FY’04-FY’10
  28. Figure 3 25: Hydro power Generation (MW) FY’01 to FY’08 (MW)
  29. Figure 3 26: Power Demand, Supply and Shortage Scenario (Million Unit), FY’05-FY’10
  30. Figure 3 28: Forecast of power demand (in MU) from FY’11 to FY’14
  31. Figure 3 29: All India Transformation, T&D and AT&C losses (%), FY’05-FY’08
  32. Figure 6 1: Composition of Electric Power Equipment Market (%), FY’10
  33. Figure 6 2: Size of Indian Transmission Llines Market (Rs. Crore), FY’05-FY’10
  34. Figure 6 3: Size of Indian Transformer Market from FY’05-FY’10 ( Rs. Crore)
  35. Figure 6 4: Switchgear Market (Rs. Crore), FY’05-FY’10
  36. Figure 6 5: Energy Meters Market (Rs. Crore), FY’05-FY’10
  37. Figure 7 1: FDI in Power Sector (US$ Million), FY’09-FY’11
  38. Figure 7 2: Funds release and utilized under APDP from FY’03 to FY’08 (in Rs. Crore)
  39. Figure 7 3: Funds released under incentive component of APDP (Rs. Crore)
  40. Figure 7 4: Sources / Systems Estimated Mid-Term (2032) Potential (in MW)
  41. Figure 9 1: Structure of Power regulation in India
List of Tables
  1. Table 3 1: Installed capacity by Fuel (MW), 2009 & 2010
  2. Table 3 2: Hydro-electric stations by Region, FY’07 & FY’08
  3. Table 3 3: Nuclear Power Plants Capacity (MW) and Power Generation (MU), FY’10
  4. Table 3 4: Nuclear Projects under Construction
  5. Table 5: World Wind Power Capacity
  6. Table 3 6: State wise installed wind generating capacity (MW), FY’07-FY10
  7. Table 3 7: Tariffs Charges for wind Energy in Different States (Rs./kWh)
  8. Table 3 8: India PV Module and Cell Production (Figures in MWp)
  9. Table 3 9: Potential for Bagasse Based Cogeneration In Major Sugar Producing States
  10. Table 3 10: Additional statistics of Biomass energy
  11. Table 3 11: Region wise Power shortage of electricity (July, 2010)
  12. Table 3 12: Anticipated power supply position by State(Mu), FY’11
  13. Table 3 13: Average Power Supply Cost & Realization ( paisa/kWh), FY’02-FY’07
  14. Table 3 14: All India Length of Transmission and Distribution Lines (Power) in India (As on 31.03.2008)
  15. Table 4 1: Status of Rural Electrification by End of FY’10
  16. Table 4 2: Status of RGGVY
  17. Table 5 1: Status of UMPP
  18. Table 7 1: Estimated renewable energy potential in India and achievements in the sector
  19. Table 7 2: Government Five Year Plan for Renewable Energy
  20. Table 10 1: NTPC Insalled Capacity & Power Plants, FY’10
  21. Table 10 2: NTPC Future Capacity
  22. Table 10 3: NTPC SWOT Analysis
  23. Table 10 4: NHPC Projects Undertaken
  24. Table 10 5: NHPC SWOT Analysis
  25. Table 10 6: Power Grid Corporation Installed Capacity,FY’09
  26. Table 10 7: Power Grid Corporation SWOT Analysis
  27. Table 10 8: REC Sanction of loans (cumulative since FY’03 to FY’09)
  28. Table 10 9: REC Status of Sanction and Disbursement of T&D Division (Rs. Crore), Fy’04-FY’09
  29. Table 10 10: Rural Electrification Corporation Limited SWOT Analysis
  30. Table 10 11: Reliance Power SWOT Analysis
  31. Table 10 12: Adani Power SWOT Analysis
  32. Table 10 13: Tata Power SWOT Analysis
  33. Table 10 14: Suzlon Energy SWOT Analysis
  34. Table 10 15: GVK Power & Infrastructure SWOT Analysis

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