Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size, By Volume (2024)

0.74 thousand Metric Tonnes

CAGR (2025-2030)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market

West India

Market Size (2030)

0.94 thousand Metric Tonnes


Market Overview

India Potassium Iodate Market achieved a total market volume of 0.74 thousand Metric Tonnes in 2024 and is poised for Significant growth to reach 0.94 thousand Metric Tonnes in 2030, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.00%

Potassium iodate, a crucial chemical compound with the formula KIO, is gaining significant traction within India's chemical sector. Primarily recognized for its role in the food industry as a source of iodine, potassium iodate is also vital in numerous other sectors. As India continues to prioritize public health and boost its industrial capabilities, the demand for potassium iodate becomes more pronounced. Over recent years, the Indian potassium iodate market has exhibited consistent growth. As an essential iodizing agent for table salt, potassium iodate plays a central role in addressing iodine deficiency disorders among the population, given India's vast size and diverse dietary habits. The Indian government, recognizing the health implications of iodine deficiency, has prioritized salt iodization as a public health initiative.

Potassium iodate is the primary agent used in the iodization of table salt, driving its demand in the market. Beyond food, potassium iodate finds applications as an oxidizing agent in various chemical reactions, further bolstering its demand within India's expanding chemical sector. Potassium iodate is also recognized for its potential role in radioprotection – particularly in protecting the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine, which becomes pertinent given nuclear energy's role in the country. Like many chemical compounds, potassium iodate requires careful handling and storage. Overexposure or incorrect use, especially in the food industry, can lead to health concerns, emphasizing the need for stringent quality control measures. The production and disposal processes related to potassium iodate can raise environmental issues. It necessitates that manufacturers adhere to environmental guidelines and adopt sustainable practices. Ongoing research is exploring broader applications of potassium iodate, especially in healthcare.

As science advances, new uses may emerge, potentially expanding the market further. With an increasing understanding of iodine deficiency and its implications, public health campaigns can further stimulate demand as they highlight the importance of iodized salt in daily consumption. The Indian potassium iodate market's future looks promising, fueled by both government initiatives and expanding industrial applications. As India's focus on healthcare continues and as its chemical sector thrives, potassium iodate's demand is expected to rise. The focus on sustainable manufacturing and the potential for new applications points to a vibrant and dynamic future for this market. In conclusion, the Indian potassium iodate market is an essential segment of the country's chemical and healthcare sectors. Its role in addressing public health concerns, coupled with its growing industrial relevance, establishes its importance. As India strides forward in its industrial and healthcare ambitions, the potassium iodate market is set to flourish, cementing its position in the country's growth narrative.

Key Market Drivers

Growing Demand form Pharmaceutical Sector Propels India Potassium Iodate Market Growth

The Indian potassium iodate market is currently experiencing significant growth, primarily propelled by the increasing demand from the pharmaceutical sector. Potassium iodate, a chemical compound containing iodine and potassium, plays a crucial role in pharmaceutical applications, particularly in the production of medicines, tablets, and iodine-based formulations. This demand is a major driver behind the expansion of India's potassium iodate market. The Indian pharmaceutical industry, often lauded as the 'pharmacy of the world,' has experienced exponential growth in recent years. From reaching USD 40 billion in 2021, it is anticipated to surge to USD 130 billion by 2030, with projections soaring to $450 billion by 2047. Apart from meeting domestic demands, this industry holds a significant position in the global pharmaceutical supply chain, accounting for over 20% of its share. Notably, it caters to approximately 60% of the global vaccine demand and fulfills 40% of the generic drug requirements in the US, while also supplying a quarter of all medications in the UK. This transformation underscores India's evolution into a dynamic force propelling healthcare advancements globally. Additionally, India stands out as the largest contributor to UNESCO, contributing over 50-60% of its share, and boasts the highest number of USFDA-approved manufacturing plants outside the United States.

The key factors contributing to the surge in demand for potassium iodate in India is its pivotal role in the pharmaceutical industry. India has emerged as a global hub for pharmaceuticals, producing a wide range of medicines, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and pharmaceutical formulations. The pharmaceutical sector is a fundamental part of India's industrial landscape, contributing significantly to the country's economic growth and providing essential medications to both domestic and international markets.

Potassium iodate is used in the pharmaceutical industry, primarily as a source of iodine for the synthesis of various medications and formulations. Iodine, an essential trace element, is incorporated into pharmaceutical compounds with applications in thyroid medications, contrast agents, and antiseptics. As the pharmaceutical industry continues to expand its product portfolio and meets the increasing demand for medications, the need for potassium iodate as a source of iodine remains robust. One notable application of potassium iodate in the pharmaceutical sector is in the production of contrast agents used in medical imaging. These agents are essential for enhancing the visibility of internal body structures during medical imaging procedures such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. Potassium iodate is used to prepare iodine-based contrast agents, which are administered to patients to improve the quality and accuracy of diagnostic images. With the growth in medical diagnostic procedures and the increasing need for accurate medical imaging, the demand for potassium iodate in the production of contrast agents is on the rise.

Also, potassium iodate is used in the synthesis of iodine-based antiseptics and disinfectants, which are vital for healthcare and sanitation. These products are employed for wound care, skin disinfection, and general hygiene. The healthcare and pharmaceutical industries rely on these antiseptics to prevent infections and ensure patient safety. As healthcare standards and awareness continue to rise, the demand for potassium iodate as a key ingredient in antiseptics and disinfectants is increasing. The pharmaceutical industry encompasses a wide range of medications for various health conditions, including thyroid medications that contain iodine as an essential component. Potassium iodate plays a critical role in ensuring that these medications contain the necessary iodine levels to treat thyroid disorders effectively. With the growing prevalence of thyroid-related conditions and the increasing need for thyroid medications, the demand for potassium iodate as an iodine source remains strong.

Potassium iodate is used in the production of iodine tablets, which are essential for addressing iodine deficiencies and ensuring public health. Iodine deficiency can lead to thyroid disorders and developmental issues, particularly in pregnant women and children. The demand for iodine supplementation through iodine tablets to combat iodine deficiencies is on the rise, particularly in regions where iodine intake is insufficient. The growing demand from the pharmaceutical sector, driven by the need for iodine-based medications, contrast agents, antiseptics, and iodine supplementation, is a significant driving force behind the growth of the potassium iodate market in India. Potassium iodate's essential role as a source of iodine positions it as a crucial component of India's pharmaceutical manufacturing landscape. As India's pharmaceutical industry continues to expand and innovate to meet domestic and international healthcare needs, the demand for potassium iodate remains strong, contributing to the country's economic development and the production of high-quality pharmaceutical formulations and healthcare products.

Rising Demand for Potassium Iodate in Chemical Industry Applications is Driving the Market Growth

The demand for potassium iodate in the chemical industry applications is on the rise, driving the growth of the potassium iodate market in India. Potassium iodate, a chemical compound containing iodine and potassium, finds applications in various chemical processes, including analytical chemistry, laboratory reagents, and industrial applications. This increasing demand from the chemical sector is a significant factor behind the market's expansion.

The primary factors contributing to the surge in demand for potassium iodate in the chemical industry is its role as a critical analytical reagent. In the chemical laboratory, potassium iodate is used in various analytical techniques, such as titration, to determine the concentration of reducing agents or to standardize solutions. It is a crucial component in chemical testing and quality control processes, ensuring accurate and reliable results. As the chemical industry continues to innovate and develop new compounds, the need for potassium iodate as an analytical reagent remains robust.

Potassium iodate also plays an important role in industrial chemical processes. It is used in several applications, such as the production of iodine-based industrial chemicals, disinfectants, and chemical intermediates. The chemical industry relies on potassium iodate for the synthesis of various compounds and chemical reactions. With the ongoing development of new chemical processes and the increasing demand for specialty chemicals, the demand for potassium iodate as a key ingredient in industrial applications is growing.

Another significant application of potassium iodate in the chemical industry is in the production of iodine-based compounds. These compounds have various industrial uses, including in photography, pharmaceuticals, and as disinfectants. Potassium iodate serves as a source of iodine for the synthesis of these compounds. The demand for iodine-based chemicals is driven by applications ranging from antiseptics to photographic development, spurring the use of potassium iodate. Potassium iodate is essential in the production of disinfectants and antiseptics. These products are crucial for sanitation and hygiene in various industrial and healthcare settings. The chemical industry relies on potassium iodate to produce iodine-based disinfectants and antiseptics, which are vital for preventing infections and ensuring public health. With the growing emphasis on health and hygiene standards, the demand for potassium iodate in these applications is increasing.

The demand for potassium iodate in the chemical industry also extends to the synthesis of iodine-based chemical intermediates. These intermediates are used as building blocks to produce various chemicals and chemical compounds. They are employed in the manufacturing of a wide range of products, from pharmaceuticals to agrochemicals and industrial chemicals. The versatility of potassium iodate in chemical reactions positions it as a crucial component in the chemical industry's growth. In the field of water treatment, potassium iodate is used as a disinfectant and a source of iodine for the treatment of water supplies. It is employed to ensure the safety and quality of drinking water by eliminating harmful microorganisms and providing iodine supplementation. With increasing awareness of the importance of clean and safe drinking water, the use of potassium iodate in water treatment applications is on the rise.

The rising demand from the chemical industry for potassium iodate, driven by its essential role in analytical chemistry, industrial processes, the synthesis of iodine-based chemicals, and the production of disinfectants and chemical intermediates, is a significant driving force behind the growth of the potassium iodate market in India. Potassium iodate's versatility in chemical applications positions it as a crucial component of the chemical industry's manufacturing landscape. As India's chemical industry continues to evolve and develop new chemical compounds to meet various applications and industrial needs, the demand for potassium iodate remains strong, contributing to the country's economic development and the production of high-quality chemical products.

Ongoing Salt Iodization Programs by the Government Propelling the India Potassium Iodate Market Growth

The India potassium iodate market is experiencing substantial growth, primarily fueled by ongoing salt iodization programs initiated and supported by the government. Potassium iodate, a chemical compound containing iodine and potassium, plays a critical role in ensuring public health by preventing iodine deficiency disorders, and these government programs are a major driving force behind the expansion of the market.

Iodine deficiency is a significant public health issue, particularly in regions where the natural iodine content in the soil and water is insufficient. This deficiency can lead to iodine deficiency disorders, which include goiter, mental impairment, and developmental issues. To combat this problem, governments around the world, including the Indian government, have implemented salt iodization programs. In India, the government's salt iodization program aims to ensure that every household has access to iodized salt. Potassium iodate is a key ingredient used to fortify salt with iodine, a vital nutrient for human health. Iodized salt, which contains a controlled and safe amount of iodine, has become an essential dietary staple in India.

The government's efforts in promoting salt iodization have been instrumental in reducing the prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders, improving overall public health, and preventing developmental and cognitive issues in children. These programs have gained significant momentum over the years, leading to an increase in the demand for potassium iodate. The demand for potassium iodate is closely tied to the success and expansion of salt iodization programs. As these programs continue to reach more households, the need for potassium iodate as a key ingredient for salt fortification remains robust. Potassium iodate ensures that iodized salt meets the required iodine content levels, which is critical for the health and well-being of the population.

Potassium iodate has applications beyond salt iodization. It is used in various pharmaceutical and chemical processes, including the synthesis of iodine-based compounds, chemical intermediates, and disinfectants. The demand for potassium iodate from these sectors is also influenced by the government's commitment to public health and safety, as iodine-based products have applications in healthcare and sanitation. The Indian government has taken significant steps to ensure the success of salt iodization programs. These steps include awareness campaigns, quality control measures, and monitoring to ensure that iodized salt is readily available and meets the required iodine levels. The government's commitment to these programs and their impact on public health make potassium iodate an essential chemical in India.

As a result of these programs, the demand for potassium iodate is expected to continue growing. The ongoing efforts to reach the entire population with iodized salt, particularly in rural and underserved areas, are driving the expansion of the potassium iodate market. The government's commitment to salt iodization and the success of these programs have made India one of the largest producers and consumers of potassium iodate in the world. As the country continues its focus on public health and nutrition, the role of potassium iodate in fortifying salt and supporting the health of the population remains vital. Ongoing salt iodization programs initiated and supported by the Indian government are a major factor propelling the growth of the potassium iodate market in the country. These programs play a critical role in ensuring public health, reducing iodine deficiency disorders, and preventing developmental and cognitive issues. The demand for potassium iodate is closely tied to the success of these programs, and as they continue to expand to reach more households, the market for potassium iodate is expected to grow, contributing to the country's commitment to public health and nutrition.

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Key Market Challenges

Fluctuating Prices of Raw Materials

Fluctuating prices of raw materials pose a significant hindrance to the growth of the India Potassium Iodate market. Potassium iodate is a critical chemical compound used primarily in the production of iodized salt, a crucial element in addressing iodine deficiency disorders. The production of potassium iodate relies heavily on the availability and pricing of key raw materials, primarily potassium hydroxide and iodine.

These raw materials are subject to price volatility influenced by factors such as supply disruptions, geopolitical tensions, and market dynamics. These fluctuations can directly impact production costs, making it challenging for manufacturers to maintain consistent pricing for their customers, particularly in the field of public health, where affordability is a primary concern.

To overcome this challenge, the India Potassium Iodate market must diversify sourcing strategies, invest in efficient production processes, and engage in partnerships with raw material suppliers to stabilize the supply chain. These efforts are essential to ensuring a steady and affordable supply of potassium iodate for iodized salt production, supporting public health initiatives and market growth.

Competition from Substitute Products

Competition from substitute products is a significant obstacle hindering the growth of the India Potassium Iodate market. Potassium iodate is a vital chemical used primarily in the production of iodized salt, an essential means of addressing iodine deficiency disorders. However, the market faces competition from alternative iodine sources, such as potassium iodide or sea salt, which can fulfill the same purpose at potentially lower costs.

Consumers, driven by price sensitivity, may opt for cheaper alternatives or iodine sources, impacting the demand for potassium iodate. The market must address this challenge by emphasizing the advantages of potassium iodate, such as its stability and reliability in iodine fortification, and by conducting public awareness campaigns to educate consumers about the significance of iodized salt in preventing iodine deficiency disorders. The India Potassium Iodate market should focus on optimizing production processes, reducing costs, and establishing partnerships with the salt industry to ensure a competitive edge and continued growth in the face of substitute products.

Advocating for a Ban on the Use of Potassium Iodate

The Central for Science and Environment (CSE) advocating for a ban on the use of potassium iodate in bread production poses a significant challenge to the growth of the India Potassium Iodate market. Potassium iodate, a chemical compound commonly used as a flour treatment agent in bread making, plays a crucial role in fortifying the bread with iodine, an essential nutrient for human health. However, concerns raised by CSE regarding the potential health risks associated with the consumption of potassium iodate have prompted regulatory bodies to reconsider its usage in food products. The proposed ban on potassium iodate in bread production stems from studies suggesting potential adverse health effects, including thyroid disorders and other related complications. As a result, regulatory authorities are evaluating alternative methods for iodine fortification in bread, such as using iodized salt or other iodine-rich ingredients.

This regulatory scrutiny and the impending ban on potassium iodate have created uncertainty in the market, leading to hesitancy among bread manufacturers to continue its use. Consequently, this uncertainty has adversely impacted the demand for potassium iodate in the bread industry, restraining the overall growth of the potassium iodate market in India. The ban on potassium iodate in bread production not only affects its application in the food industry but also casts a shadow over its usage in other sectors, such as pharmaceuticals and chemical synthesis. The reluctance of regulatory authorities to approve its use in food products could deter potential consumers from exploring potassium iodate-based solutions in other applications, further impeding market growth.

In response to these challenges, stakeholders in the potassium iodate market need to engage with regulatory authorities to address safety concerns effectively and explore viable alternatives for iodine fortification in bread and other food products. Additionally, efforts to raise awareness about the importance of iodine nutrition and the role of potassium iodate in addressing iodine deficiency disorders could help mitigate concerns and foster market growth in the long term.

Key Market Trends

Increasing Use of Potassium Iodate in Agriculture

The increasing use of potassium iodate in agriculture is a key trend driving the growth of the India Potassium Iodate market. Potassium iodate, a chemical compound containing iodine and potassium, is recognized for its vital role in soil enrichment and crop development. As India continues to focus on improving agricultural productivity and ensuring food security, the demand for potassium iodate as a soil nutrient and micronutrient supplement has been on the rise. Potassium iodate is used to address iodine deficiencies in agricultural soils, which can have adverse effects on crop yield and human health. Its application aids in enhancing plant growth, improving the quality of agricultural produce, and boosting overall agricultural productivity. The Indian government and agricultural communities have acknowledged the importance of iodine supplementation to address deficiency issues, contributing to the growing use of potassium iodate in agriculture.

This trend aligns with India's commitment to sustainable and efficient agricultural practices, aiming to enhance crop quality and yield while maintaining ecological balance. As the awareness of the benefits of potassium iodate in agriculture spreads, it is expected to drive the growth of the India Potassium Iodate market, fostering more robust and productive agricultural systems, and supporting the nation's goals for food security and improved livelihoods in the agricultural sector.

Increasing Use of Potassium Iodate in Nuclear Radiation Treatment 

The increasing use of potassium iodate in nuclear radiation treatment signifies a notable trend in the healthcare sector. Potassium iodate, a chemical compound containing iodine, has gained prominence for its role in mitigating the effects of radiation exposure, particularly in cases of nuclear accidents or radiation therapy. The significant trend driving the use of potassium iodate is its effectiveness in protecting the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine isotopes released during nuclear incidents. When administered promptly, potassium iodate saturates the thyroid gland with stable iodine, thereby preventing the absorption of radioactive iodine isotopes and reducing the risk of radiation-induced thyroid cancer. Potassium iodate finds extensive application in radiation therapy for cancer treatment. In oncology, high doses of radiation are used to target and destroy cancerous cells. However, this radiation may inadvertently affect healthy tissues surrounding the tumor. Potassium iodate supplements are often prescribed to patients undergoing radiation therapy to protect their thyroid gland and minimize the risk of radiation-induced thyroid dysfunction.

Another emerging trend is the incorporation of potassium iodate into emergency preparedness protocols for nuclear incidents. Governments and healthcare authorities are increasingly stockpiling potassium iodate tablets as part of their disaster response strategies to ensure timely distribution in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency. This proactive approach aims to safeguard public health by mitigating the potential health risks associated with radiation exposure. Ongoing research and development efforts are focused on enhancing the efficacy and safety of potassium iodate formulations for radiation protection. Innovations in dosage forms, such as fast-dissolving tablets and liquid formulations, aim to improve ease of administration and ensure rapid absorption in emergency situations. The increasing utilization of potassium iodate in nuclear radiation treatment reflects a growing emphasis on radiation safety and preparedness in healthcare settings. As awareness of its benefits continues to grow and research advances, potassium iodate is poised to play a vital role in mitigating the health impacts of radiation exposure and improving patient outcomes in nuclear emergencies and cancer treatment.

Segmental Insights

Type Insights

Based on the type, the solid segment emerged as the dominant segment in the Indian market for Potassium Iodate in 2024. As it plays a crucial role in various industrial and medical applications. Another, its alignment with the nation's healthcare and food industries, and its contribution to the development of radioprotective medicines and iodized salt. This dominance is expected to persist as these sectors continue to expand and prioritize product quality and safety.

The dominance of the solid Potassium Iodate segment can be attributed to its stability, ease of handling, and versatile uses in industries. Solid Potassium Iodate is a preferred form for applications in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors, where the controlled and precise dosage is essential. One of the primary applications of solid Potassium Iodate is in radioprotective medicines and in nuclear emergency preparedness kits. Its reliability, consistent composition, and long shelf life make it a crucial component in these applications. Solid Potassium Iodate is also used in the food industry as a source of iodine, ensuring that the population receives adequate iodine through table salt or iodized salt. Also, solid Potassium Iodate aligns with the strict quality and safety standards in the medical and food industries, which prioritize product quality and purity.

Application Insights

Based on the application, the Food & Feed Additives segment is projected to experience rapid growth during the forecast period reflecting its pivotal role in various industrial and consumer applications. The dominance of the Food & Feed Additives segment can be attributed to the versatile and critical applications of Potassium Iodate in the food and feed industries. Potassium Iodate is used as a food additive and preservative to provide a stable source of iodine in the diet and to prevent iodine deficiency. It is added to table salt or used in the production of iodized salt, ensuring that the population receives adequate iodine intake. Potassium Iodate is also used in animal feed formulations to address iodine deficiency in livestock and poultry, supporting their health and growth. 

India's growing population and increasing awareness of the importance of iodine in the diet have significantly fueled the demand for Potassium Iodate in the food and feed industries, reinforcing the prominence of the Food & Feed Additives segment. The segment's dominance is also underscored by the fact that product quality and safety are paramount in the food and feed industries, and Potassium Iodate's high purity and consistency align with these requirements.

The dominance of the Food & Feed Additives segment in the Indian Potassium Iodate market is a result of its critical role in the food and feed industries, its alignment with the nation's growing demand for iodine-fortified food products and healthy animal nutrition, and its contribution to high-quality and safe dietary supplements. This dominance is expected to persist as these industries continue to expand and consumers continue to prioritize product quality and safety in the food supply chain.

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Regional Insights

Based on the region, the dominance of the Western region in the Indian Potassium Iodate market is a result of its industrial diversity, well-established infrastructure, and strategic advantages. This dominance is expected to persist as the region continues to thrive in various manufacturing sectors, especially in chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and as the demand for high-quality chemicals remains on the rise. The primary reasons for the Western region's dominance is its industrial strength and the presence of significant chemical manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors. States like Gujarat and Maharashtra are home to a substantial number of chemical industries that rely on Potassium Iodate as a key chemical for various applications. The region's robust industrial infrastructure, research and development facilities, and a conducive environment for manufacturing have played a pivotal role in its prominence.

Gujarat, in particular, hosts numerous manufacturing facilities that require Potassium Iodate for pharmaceutical production and other applications, ensuring a consistent supply of this essential chemical. The state's well-developed port infrastructure and logistical advantages make it an ideal location for the import and distribution of Potassium Iodate, meeting the demands of industries not only within the region but also across the country. The Western region's proactive approach to environmental regulations and its commitment to sustainability have also driven the demand for Potassium Iodate, especially in industries that prioritize eco-friendly and high-quality production processes.

Key Market Players

  • Vishal Laboratories Private Limited
  • Calibre Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
  • Vizag Chemicals International
  • Samrat Pharmachem Limited
  • Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd.
  • Rishi Chemical Works Pvt Ltd

By Product Type

By Application

By Region

  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Nutraceuticals
  • Polymer
  • Food & Feed Additives
  • Others
  • West India
  • North India
  • South India
  • East India



Report Scope:

In this report, the India Potassium Iodate Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • India Potassium Iodate Market, By Product Type:

o   Solid

o   Liquid

  ·    India Potassium Iodate Market, By Application:

o   Pharmaceuticals

o   Nutraceuticals

o   Polymer

o   Food & Feed Additives

o   Others

  • India Potassium Iodate Market, By Region:

o   West India

o   North India

o   South India

o   East India

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the India Potassium Iodate Market.

Available Customizations:

India Potassium Iodate Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

India Potassium Iodate Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]               

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.     Markets Covered

1.2.2.     Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.     Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Overview of the Market

3.2.  Overview of Key Market Segmentations

3.3.  Overview of Key Market Players

3.4.  Overview of Key Regions/Countries

3.5.  Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

4.    Voice of Customers

5.    Impact of COVID-19 on India Potassium Iodate Market

6.    India Potassium Iodate Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.     By Value & Volume

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.     By Product Type (Solid, Liquid)

6.2.2.     By Application (Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals, Polymer, Food & Feed Additives, Others)

6.2.3.     By Region (North, South, East, West)

6.2.4.     By Company (2024)

6.3.  Product Market Map

7.    North India Potassium Iodate Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast          

7.1.1.     By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.     By Product Type

7.2.2.     By Application

8.    South India Potassium Iodate Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast          

8.1.1.     By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.     By Product Type

8.2.2.     By Application

9.    East India Potassium Iodate Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast          

9.1.1.     By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.     By Product Type

9.2.2.     By Application

10.  West India Potassium Iodate Market Outlook

10.1.              Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1.  By Value

10.2.              Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1.  By Product Type

10.2.2.  By Application

11.  Market Dynamics

11.1.              Drivers

11.2.              Challenges

12.  Market Trends & Developments

12.1.              Merger & Acquisition

12.2.              Product Development

12.3.              Recent Developments

13.  Porters Five Forces Analysis

13.1.              Competition in the Industry

13.2.              Potential of New Entrants

13.3.              Power of Suppliers

13.4.              Power of Customers

13.5.              Threat of Substitute Products

14.  Pricing Analysis

15.  Policy & Regulatory Framework

16.  Competitive Landscape

16.1.              Vishal Laboratories

16.1.1.  Business Overview

16.1.2.  Company Snapshot

16.1.3.  Products & Services

16.1.4.  Financials (As Reported)

16.1.5.  Recent Developments

16.2.              Calibre Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.

16.3.              Vizag Chemicals International

16.4.              Samrat Pharmachem Limited

16.5.              Omkar Speciality Chemicals Ltd.

16.6.              Rishi Chemical Works Pvt Ltd

17.  Strategic Recommendations

18. About us and Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size, By Volume of the India Potassium Iodate Market was estimated to be 0.74 thousand Metric Tonnes in 2024.


Based on the type, the solid segment emerged as the dominant player in the Indian market for Potassium Iodate in 2024. As it plays a crucial role in various industrial and medical applications. Another, its alignment with the nation's healthcare and food industries, and its contribution to the development of radioprotective medicines and iodized salt. This dominance is expected to persist as these sectors continue to expand and prioritize product quality and safety.


Based on the region, the dominance of the Western region in the Indian Potassium Iodate market is a result of its industrial diversity, well-established infrastructure, and strategic advantages. This dominance is expected to persist as the region continues to thrive in various manufacturing sectors, especially in chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and as the demand for high-quality chemicals remains on the rise.


Growing demand form pharmaceutical sector and rising demand for potassium iodate in chemical industry applications are the major drivers for the India Potassium Iodate Market.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
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