Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

520.89 Thousand Metric Tonnes

Market Size (2029)

621.07 Thousand Metric Tonnes

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Phthalic Anhydride

Largest Market

South India


Market Overview

India Ortho-Xylene Market achieved a total market volume of 520.89 thousand Metric Tonnes in 2024 and is poised for strong growth in the forecast period to reach 621.07 thousand Metric Tonnes in 2030, with a projected CAGR of 3.01% through 2030The Indian Ortho-Xylene (o-Xylene) market holds a significant position in the country's chemical and petrochemical industry, serving as a vital precursor for the production of a wide range of products, including plastics, resins, and solvents. o-Xylene is a fundamental chemical compound with versatile applications in various industrial sectors.  o-Xylene is a critical component in the production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, which are extensively used in the manufacture of beverage bottles, containers, and packaging materials. As India's packaging industry expands, the demand for o-Xylene-based PET resins remains strong.

o-Xylene serves as a solvent in various chemical processes and is a precursor for the synthesis of phthalic anhydride, an essential chemical used in the production of plasticizers, dyes, and resins. The chemical manufacturing industry's growth significantly contributes to the demand for o-Xylene.  o-Xylene is employed in the formulation of agricultural chemicals and pesticides. As India's agriculture sector continues to evolve and adopt advanced farming practices, the demand for o-Xylene-based products has witnessed growth.

The supply of o-Xylene in India is sustained through domestic production and imports. Leading Indian petrochemical companies, such as Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) and Reliance Industries, operate o-Xylene production units, ensuring a stable supply to meet domestic needs. Domestic production caters to a substantial portion of the market. Nevertheless, India occasionally imports o-Xylene to address specific demand surges or bridge supply gaps. Import sources may include countries with well-established petrochemical industries, such as South Korea and Taiwan.

The production, distribution, and use of o-Xylene in India are subject to regulatory standards set by government agencies, including the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change. These regulations aim to ensure safety, quality, and adherence to environmental standards in the production and use of o-Xylene. The competitive landscape of the Indian o-Xylene market features a blend of domestic and international players. Indian manufacturers have the advantage of understanding local market dynamics, regulatory compliance, and established relationships with domestic clients. These companies are instrumental in meeting the growing demand for o-Xylene in the plastics, resins, and chemical industries.

International companies from countries with robust petrochemical sectors, such as South Korea and Taiwan, also play a significant role in the Indian market. They either export o-Xylene directly or collaborate with local distributors. This competition fosters innovation, quality enhancement, and competitive pricing, ultimately benefiting end-users. The cost of raw materials, including naphtha and toluene, significantly impacts o-Xylene production costs. Fluctuations in the prices of these raw materials can affect the profitability of o-Xylene manufacturers.

The petrochemical industry, including o-Xylene production, can have implications for environmental sustainability. Complying with stringent environmental regulations and adopting eco-friendly practices is crucial to address these concerns. The industry is witnessing a growing emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly o-Xylene production processes. This includes the adoption of greener technologies and practices to reduce the environmental footprint associated with o-Xylene production. Researchers are continually exploring new and innovative applications for o-Xylene and its derivatives, expanding its usage beyond traditional sectors. This includes the development of high-performance o-Xylene-based materials for specialized applications in the chemical and agricultural sectors.

Thus, the India o-Xylene market is a fundamental component of the nation's chemical and petrochemical industry, contributing to the production of plastics, resins, solvents, and agricultural chemicals. While challenges related to raw material costs and environmental concerns persist, emerging trends in sustainable production and innovative applications offer opportunities for growth and environmental responsibility. As India's packaging, chemical, and agriculture sectors continue to evolve, the role of o-Xylene remains integral in shaping the nation's chemical and industrial landscape.

Key Market Drivers

Growing Demand for Formulation of Agricultural Chemicals and Pesticides Propels Indian Ortho-Xylene Market Growth

The Indian Ortho-Xylene market is currently experiencing substantial growth, primarily driven by the increasing demand for the formulation of agricultural chemicals and pesticides. Ortho-Xylene, a vital chemical intermediate, is used in the production of various agricultural chemicals, including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. As India's agriculture sector continues to expand and modernize to meet the demands of a growing population, the need for Ortho-Xylene as a critical raw material for the formulation of effective agricultural chemicals is on the rise, providing essential solutions for crop protection and enhanced agricultural productivity.

One of the primary applications of Ortho-Xylene is in the production of herbicides used for weed control in agriculture. Weeds compete with crops for essential nutrients, sunlight, and water, reducing crop yields and overall agricultural productivity. Ortho-Xylene is utilized as an intermediate in the synthesis of herbicides that effectively combat weed infestations, ensuring healthy crop growth and increased agricultural yields. In India, where agriculture plays a crucial role in the economy, the demand for herbicides formulated using Ortho-Xylene has increased as farmers seek ways to boost crop productivity.

Ortho-Xylene also serves as a key component in the production of insecticides. Insects, pests, and diseases pose significant threats to crops and can lead to substantial losses in agricultural production. Insecticides formulated with Ortho-Xylene provide a crucial means of pest control, protecting crops from damage and ensuring higher yields. With India's vast and diverse agricultural landscape, the demand for insecticides containing Ortho-Xylene continues to grow as farmers aim to protect their crops from infestations.

Ortho-Xylene plays a role in the formulation of fungicides, which are essential for preventing and managing fungal diseases that can devastate crops. Fungal infections can lead to substantial crop losses, affecting food security and farmer livelihoods. Ortho-Xylene-based fungicides are used to effectively combat fungal diseases, ensuring the quality and quantity of agricultural produce in India. The growth in India's agriculture sector has led to investments in expanding Ortho-Xylene production capacities and ensuring the quality and consistency of the material. A reliable supply of high-quality Ortho-Xylene is essential for manufacturers in the agriculture and agrochemical industry, as they depend on this key raw material to produce effective and safe agricultural chemicals that meet industry standards and regulatory requirements.

The emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture aligns with the role of Ortho-Xylene in the formulation of environmentally responsible agrochemicals. Sustainable agriculture practices, including the use of biopesticides and reduced chemical usage, are being encouraged in India to minimize environmental impact and protect natural resources. Ortho-Xylene-based agricultural chemicals are developed to meet these sustainability goals while ensuring effective crop protection. The growing demand for the formulation of agricultural chemicals and pesticides is propelling the growth of the Ortho-Xylene market in India. As the country's agriculture sector expands to meet the food needs of its growing population, Ortho-Xylene plays a crucial role in the production of high-quality agrochemicals that protect crops from weeds, pests, and diseases. This growth not only advances the agriculture and agrochemical industry but also strengthens India's position as a hub for the production of effective, sustainable, and environmentally responsible agricultural chemicals that contribute to enhanced crop protection and increased agricultural productivity.

Rising Demand for Solvents and Chemical Manufacturing Propels India's Ortho-Xylene Market Growth

The Indian Ortho-Xylene market is currently experiencing significant growth, primarily driven by the rising demand for solvents and chemical manufacturing. Ortho-Xylene, a crucial chemical intermediate, plays a pivotal role in the production of various industrial solvents, such as paint thinners, adhesives, and coatings, as well as in the manufacture of a wide range of chemicals used in different industries. As India's industrial activities continue to expand and diversify, the demand for Ortho-Xylene as a critical raw material is on the rise, providing essential solutions for the formulation of a variety of chemical products.

One of the primary applications of Ortho-Xylene is in the production of industrial solvents. These solvents are used in various industries for cleaning, degreasing, and thinning of paints and coatings. The automotive, construction, and manufacturing sectors all rely on industrial solvents to ensure the proper functioning of machinery and equipment. As these industries expand and modernize in India, the demand for high-quality industrial solvents containing Ortho-Xylene has increased to meet the growing industrial needs.

Ortho-Xylene is also used as a chemical intermediate in the production of various chemicals, including phthalic anhydride and isophthalic acid. Phthalic anhydride, in particular, is a critical component in the manufacturing of plasticizers used in a wide range of plastic and polymer products, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride). The growth in the construction, automotive, and plastics industries in India has driven the demand for Ortho-Xylene-based chemicals, which are essential for the production of durable and flexible plastic materials. Ortho-Xylene is used in the synthesis of chemicals like 2,4-xylenol, which serves as a key intermediate to produce various pharmaceuticals, fragrances, and agrochemicals. As India's pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors continue to grow and innovate, the demand for Ortho-Xylene-based intermediates has increased to meet the needs of these expanding industries.

The growth of India's chemical manufacturing sector has prompted investments in expanding Ortho-Xylene production capacities and ensuring the quality and consistency of the material. A reliable supply of high-quality Ortho-Xylene is essential for manufacturers in the chemical industry, as they depend on this key raw material to produce a wide range of chemical products that meet industry standards and regulatory requirements. The emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly production aligns with the role of Ortho-Xylene in the formulation of environmentally responsible chemicals. Manufacturers in India are increasingly focusing on eco-friendly materials and processes to reduce the environmental footprint of the chemical industry. Ortho-Xylene-based chemicals can be developed to meet these sustainability goals while ensuring efficient and sustainable chemical manufacturing.

The rising demand for solvents and chemical manufacturing is propelling the growth of the Ortho-Xylene market in India. As the country's industrial activities expand and diversify, driven by the growth of various sectors like automotive, construction, plastics, and chemicals, Ortho-Xylene plays a pivotal role in the production of industrial solvents and essential chemical intermediates. This growth not only advances the chemical manufacturing industry but also strengthens India's position as a hub for the production of high-quality chemicals that cater to the diverse needs of modern industries and the evolving sustainability goals of the chemical manufacturing sector.

Growing Demand for Production of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Resins is Propelling the India Ortho-Xylene Market Growth

The Indian Ortho-Xylene market is currently experiencing substantial growth, primarily driven by the increasing demand for the production of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) resins. Ortho-Xylene, a critical chemical intermediate, plays a pivotal role in the manufacturing of PET resins, which are widely used in the packaging industry to produce bottles, containers, and various other packaging materials. As India's packaging sector continues to expand and adapt to evolving consumer preferences, the demand for Ortho-Xylene as a crucial raw material for PET resin production is on the rise, providing essential solutions for the packaging of food, beverages, and a wide range of consumer products.

One of the primary applications of Ortho-Xylene in the production of PET resins is in the synthesis of terephthalic acid, a key precursor for PET resin manufacturing. Terephthalic acid, when combined with ethylene glycol, undergoes a polymerization process to create PET resin. PET resins are valued for their excellent clarity, strength, and barrier properties, making them ideal for the packaging of beverages, carbonated soft drinks, bottled water, and various food products. As India's population and consumption patterns evolve, the demand for PET containers has surged, driven by the increasing need for convenient and lightweight packaging solutions.

The versatility of PET resins extends to the textile industry, where they are used in the production of polyester fibers and fabrics. Polyester fibers have a wide range of applications, from clothing and home textiles to industrial and automotive materials. As India's textile and apparel industry continues to grow and diversify, the demand for PET resins to produce polyester fibers has increased to meet the needs of various sectors. PET resins find applications in the automotive industry for the production of parts and components, including lightweight and durable components for interior and exterior applications. The automotive sector in India is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing domestic and international demand for vehicles. PET resins are used to manufacture automotive components that contribute to vehicle weight reduction and improved fuel efficiency.

The growth of India's packaging, textile, and automotive industries has led to investments in expanding Ortho-Xylene production capacities and ensuring the quality and consistency of the material. A reliable supply of high-quality Ortho-Xylene is essential for manufacturers in these industries, as they depend on this key raw material to produce PET resins that meet industry standards and consumer expectations. The emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendliness in the packaging industry aligns with the role of Ortho-Xylene in the production of environmentally responsible PET resins. PET resins can be developed with recycling and sustainability in mind, contributing to circular economy initiatives and eco-friendly packaging solutions. As consumer awareness of sustainability and environmental impact grows, the demand for PET resins with eco-friendly attributes has increased.

The growing demand for the production of PET resins is propelling the growth of the Ortho-Xylene market in India. As the country's packaging, textile, and automotive sectors continue to expand and adapt to changing consumer preferences, Ortho-Xylene plays a pivotal role in the production of high-quality PET resins used in packaging, textiles, and automotive applications. This growth not only advances these industries but also strengthens India's position as a hub for the production of versatile, lightweight, and sustainable materials that cater to the evolving needs of modern consumers and the packaging industry's sustainability goals.

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Key Market Challenges

Raw Material Price Fluctuation

Fluctuations in the price of raw materials, particularly Ortho-Xylene, are posing a significant hindrance to the growth of the Ortho-Xylene market in India. Ortho-Xylene is a crucial petrochemical compound used in the production of various chemicals, including phthalic anhydride and plasticizers. The pricing of Ortho-Xylene is closely linked to the global supply and demand dynamics of the petrochemical industry. The unpredictable price fluctuations in Ortho-Xylene directly affect production costs, making it challenging for manufacturers to maintain competitive pricing and profit margins. This uncertainty also disrupts production planning and can lead to market instability.

To mitigate the impact of raw material price volatility, stakeholders in the India Ortho-Xylene market should consider strategies such as diversifying sourcing options, entering into long-term supply agreements, and implementing effective inventory management. These measures are essential for maintaining market competitiveness and fostering sustainable growth, even in the face of raw material price fluctuations.

Environmental Regulations

Environmental regulations are proving to be a significant impediment to the growth of the Ortho-Xylene market in India. Ortho-Xylene, a crucial petrochemical compound used in various chemical processes, including the production of phthalic anhydride and plasticizers, is subject to strict environmental standards due to its potential impact on air and water quality. As India strives to address environmental concerns and reduce pollution, regulatory authorities have imposed stringent emissions controls and waste management requirements. Compliance with these regulations often necessitates substantial investments in emissions control technologies and cleaner production processes, leading to increased production costs. This additional financial burden not only affects the competitiveness of Ortho-Xylene producers but also presents challenges in terms of maintaining pricing stability and market growth.

To overcome these hurdles and stimulate growth in the India Ortho-Xylene market, stakeholders should prioritize cleaner and more sustainable production practices, adopt eco-friendly technologies, and collaborate with regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with evolving environmental standards. This approach can help the industry navigate environmental concerns, maintain market stability, and foster sustainable growth in an increasingly eco-conscious business environment.

Key Market Trends

Growing Demand for High-Value Ortho-Xylene Derivatives

The India Ortho-Xylene market is currently experiencing robust growth, with a key trend being the growing demand for high-value Ortho-Xylene derivatives. Ortho-Xylene is an aromatic hydrocarbon primarily used in the production of various chemicals and derivatives. The surge in demand for high-value Ortho-Xylene derivatives is driven by several critical factors and is playing a central role in the expansion of the Ortho-Xylene market.  One of the primary drivers of this trend is the increasing need for specialized chemicals in various industries. High-value Ortho-Xylene derivatives find applications in the production of specialty chemicals, including agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and fine chemicals. These derivatives often possess unique properties that are essential for specific applications and industries, and their demand is growing significantly.

The pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries are among the key consumers of high-value Ortho-Xylene derivatives. These sectors require specialized chemicals to produce pharmaceutical intermediates and crop protection chemicals. The increasing demand for pharmaceuticals and crop protection products is boosting the requirement for Ortho-Xylene derivatives with distinct chemical properties, which are vital in the manufacturing process. The India Ortho-Xylene market's shift towards more value-added products aligns with the global chemical industry's pursuit of innovation and market differentiation. Manufacturers are focusing on creating high-value derivatives that cater to specific industrial applications, enabling them to meet evolving consumer and industrial demands and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Thus, the growing demand for high-value Ortho-Xylene derivatives is a key driver for the growth of the India Ortho-Xylene market. As various industries seek specialized chemicals with unique properties for specific applications, Ortho-Xylene and its derivatives have become integral components in the production of these high-value chemicals. This trend positions India as a dynamic player in the global chemical industry, contributing to the expansion of the Ortho-Xylene market and reinforcing the nation's reputation for innovation and quality in chemical manufacturing.

Increasing Focus on Sustainable Production

The India Ortho-Xylene market is currently experiencing significant growth, with a key trend centered on the increasing focus on sustainable production practices. Ortho-Xylene is an essential chemical compound used in various industries, including the production of phthalic anhydride and other chemicals. The surge in demand for sustainable production methods is driven by several vital factors and is contributing to the expansion of the Ortho-Xylene market. One of the primary drivers of this trend is the growing global awareness of environmental sustainability. Industries and consumers are increasingly recognizing the need to reduce their carbon footprint and minimize their impact on the environment. Sustainable Ortho-Xylene production practices, which encompass reduced energy consumption, waste reduction, and the use of eco-friendly technologies, align with these environmental concerns. Stringent environmental regulations and certifications have gained prominence in the chemical industry. Compliance with these standards is essential not only to meet legal requirements but also to cater to the demands of environmentally conscious consumers. Sustainable production processes enable manufacturers to reduce their environmental impact and achieve certifications that validate their commitment to eco-friendly practices.

The competitive nature of the global chemical industry necessitates the adoption of sustainable practices. India's chemical manufacturers are keen to position themselves as responsible and forward-thinking contributors to the industry. The implementation of sustainable production processes fosters a positive image, and it has the potential to create a competitive advantage, positioning Indian manufacturers as leaders in eco-conscious chemical manufacturing. The increasing focus on sustainable Ortho-Xylene production is a key driver for the growth of the India Ortho-Xylene market. As the chemical industry continues to evolve, driven by sustainability concerns and changing consumer preferences, the adoption of eco-friendly manufacturing practices reflects India's commitment to responsible and environmentally conscious chemical production. This trend significantly contributes to the expansion of the Ortho-Xylene market and reinforces its importance in various industrial applications while promoting environmental responsibility.

Segmental Insights

Application Insights

Based on the application, the phthalic anhydride segment emerged as the dominant player in the Indian market for Ortho-Xylene in 2024, primarily due to its critical role in the production of phthalic anhydride, which is in high demand across diverse industrial sectors. As these industries continue to expand, phthalic anhydride's dominance is expected to persist in the Ortho-Xylene market. Phthalic anhydride is a crucial intermediate chemical compound used in the production of phthalate plasticizers, alkyd resins, and unsaturated polyester resins. These materials, in turn, have widespread applications in the plastics industry, construction, automotive, and the production of consumer goods. The demand for these products has consistently increased in India due to the country's growing population, urbanization, and expanding industrial sectors.

Phthalic anhydride's dominance in the Ortho-Xylene market is further underpinned by its significance in the paint and coatings industry, where it is used to manufacture coatings for various surfaces, including automobiles, buildings, and appliances. With the construction and automotive sectors showing substantial growth, the demand for phthalic anhydride continues to rise, solidifying its position as the primary application for Ortho-Xylene in the Indian market. Moreover, the adaptability and versatility of phthalic anhydride in multiple industries have contributed to its sustained dominance, making it an indispensable component of India's chemical manufacturing landscape.

End User Insights

Based on the end user, the automotive segment is projected to experience rapid growth during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the crucial role of Ortho-Xylene in the manufacturing of various automotive components and materials. This dominance can be attributed to the significant growth in the Indian automotive industry and the widespread use of Ortho-Xylene-derived products in vehicle manufacturing.

Ortho-Xylene is a key raw material for the production of isophthalic acid, which is used in the synthesis of high-performance coatings and resins. These coatings and resins are vital in the automotive sector for applications such as painting, coating, and molding of various automotive parts, including body panels, interior components, and engine parts. The exceptional properties of Ortho-Xylene-derived materials, such as durability and corrosion resistance, make them indispensable in ensuring the quality and longevity of automotive finishes and components.

India's automotive industry has experienced substantial growth over the years, with a surge in domestic and international demand for vehicles. As a result, the demand for Ortho-Xylene-derived products has also risen, making the automotive segment the dominant end-user in the Ortho-Xylene market. The segment's significance is further highlighted by the increasing emphasis on quality, safety, and environmental standards in the automotive sector, all of which drive the demand for high-performance coatings and materials derived from Ortho-Xylene.


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Regional Insights

Based on the region, the South India region has indeed emerged as the dominant player. This regional dominance can be attributed to a combination of factors, including industrial infrastructure, proximity to key resources, and a burgeoning demand for chemicals and petrochemicals.

South India, particularly Tamil Nadu, is a significant hub for chemical and petrochemical manufacturing in the country. The region boasts well-established industrial clusters, such as the Manali Industrial Area in Chennai and the Cuddalore Industrial Estate, housing numerous chemical manufacturing units. These clusters play a pivotal role in the production of Ortho-Xylene and related chemicals. South India's strategic geographical location, with access to major ports along the eastern coastline, facilitates the import of key raw materials like benzene, essential for Ortho-Xylene production. This logistical advantage ensures a seamless supply chain for manufacturers, further solidifying South India's dominance in the market.

The region's skilled workforce and conducive business environment have fueled the growth of the chemical and petrochemical sectors, leading to increased production of Ortho-Xylene and its derivatives. With the escalating demand for chemicals and petrochemicals, especially in sectors like paints, coatings, and adhesives, South India's prominent position in the Ortho-Xylene market is expected to endure, cementing its status as a key contributor to the country's chemical manufacturing landscape.

Key Market Players

  • Pon Pure Chemicals Group
  • Niksan Pharmaceutical
  • Reliance Industries Limited.
  • Meru Chem Pvt. Ltd.
  • Shiv Chemicals

By Application

 By End User

By Region

  • Lube Oil Additives
  • Phthalic Anhydride
  • Soybean Herbicides Bactericides
  • Others
  • Automotive
  • Paints and Coatings
  • Building and Construction
  • Marine
  • Electrical & Electronics
  • Aerospace & Defence
  • Agriculture
  • Others
  • West India
  • North India
  • South India
  • East India


Report Scope:

In this report, the India Ortho-Xylene Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • India Ortho-Xylene Market, By Application:

o   Lube Oil Additives

o   Phthalic Anhydride

o   Soybean Herbicides Bactericides

o   Others

  • India Ortho-Xylene Market, By End User:

o   Automotive

o   Paints and Coatings

o   Building and Construction

o   Marine

o   Electrical & Electronics

o   Aerospace & Defence

o   Agriculture

o   Others

  • India Ortho-Xylene Market, By Region:

o   West India

o   North India

o   South India

o   East India

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the India Ortho-Xylene Market.

Available Customizations:

India Ortho-Xylene Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

India Ortho-Xylene Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Overview of the Market

3.2.  Overview of Key Market Segmentations

3.3.  Overview of Key Market Players

3.4.  Overview of Key Regions/Countries

3.5.  Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, and Trends

4.    Voice of Customers

5.    Impact of COVID-19 on India Ortho-Xylene Market

6.    India Ortho-Xylene Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.    By Value & Volume

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Application (Lube Oil Additives, Phthalic Anhydride, Soybean Herbicides, Bactericides, Others)

6.2.2.    By End User Industry (Automotive, Paints and Coatings, Building and Construction, Marine, Electrical & Electronics, Aerospace & Defence, Agriculture, Others)

6.2.3.    By Region (North, South, East, West)

6.2.4.    By Company (2024)

6.3.  Product Market Map

7.    North India Ortho-Xylene Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

7.1.1.    By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Application

7.2.2.    By End User Industry

8.    South India Ortho-Xylene Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

8.1.1.    By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.    By Application

8.2.2.    By End User Industry

9.    East India Ortho-Xylene Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

9.1.1.    By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.    By Application

9.2.2.    By End User Industry

10. West India Ortho-Xylene Market Outlook

10.1.             Market Size & Forecast        

10.1.1. By Value

10.2.             Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1. By Application

10.2.2. By End User Industry

11. Market Dynamics

11.1.             Drivers

11.2.             Challenges

12. Market Trends & Developments

12.1.             Merger & Acquisition

12.2.             Product Development

12.3.             Recent Developments

13. Porters Five Forces Analysis

13.1.             Competition in the Industry

13.2.             Potential of New Entrants

13.3.             Power of Suppliers

13.4.             Power of Customers

13.5.             Threat of Substitute Products

14. Pricing Analysis

15. Policy & Regulatory Framework

16. India Economic Profile

17. Competitive Landscape

17.1.             Pon Pure Chemicals Group

17.1.1. Business Overview

17.1.2. Company Snapshot

17.1.3. Products & Services

17.1.4. Financials (As Reported)

17.1.5. Recent Developments

17.2.             Niksan Pharmaceutical

17.3.             Reliance Industries Limited.

17.4.             Meru Chem Pvt. Ltd.

17.5.             Shiv Chemicals

18. Strategic Recommendations

19. About us and Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the India Ortho-Xylene Market by volume was estimated to be 520.89 thousand Metric Tonnes in 2024.


Based on the application, the phthalic anhydride segment emerged as the dominant player in the Indian market for Ortho-Xylene in 2024, primarily due to its critical role in the production of phthalic anhydride, which is in high demand across diverse industrial sectors. As these industries continue to expand, phthalic anhydride's dominance is expected to persist in the Ortho-Xylene market.


Based on the region, the South India region has indeed emerged as the dominant player. This regional dominance can be attributed to a combination of factors, including industrial infrastructure, proximity to key resources, and a burgeoning demand for chemicals and petrochemicals.


Rising demand for formulation of agricultural chemicals and rising demand for solvents and chemical manufacturing are the major drivers for the India Ortho-Xylene Market.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

India Ortho-Xylene Market to Grow with a CAGR of 3.01% through 2029

May, 2024

Rising demand for formulation of agricultural chemicals and rising demand for solvents and chemical manufacturing are factors driving the India Ortho-Xylene Market in the forecast period 2025-2029.