Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 5,480.21 Million

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Dry Vacuum Pumps

Largest Market

Asia Pacific

Market Overview

Global Vacuum Pumps market was valued at USD 5,480.21 Million in 2023 and is expected to register a CAGR of 6.42% during the forecast period, due to the rising industrial applications in packaging, evaporation, and drying application in private sector such as food & beverage industry. Additionally, the rising demand for vacuum pumps such as dry vacuum pumps in packaging, plastic manufacturing and metal fabrication is expected to fuel expansion in the vacuum pumps market. Vacuum pumps are becoming the foundational technology model during the covid’19 pandemic as the semiconductor production during the pandemic has grown. Many enterprises are adopting vacuum pumps as a cost-effective solution to bolster the need for packaging, degassing, drying, distillation, holding & forming. Vacuum pumps assist various organizations such as pharmaceuticals industries in enhancing performance, better working conditions, lower maintenance cost, save valuable time of operation and industries expenditures, lower power consumption, increases production, after sales services, and reliability. Moreover, the growth of the market is on account of the rising adoption of smart technology and increasing demand for emerging IoT-based technology are further enabling customers to adopt advance vacuum pumps systems in the forecasting years.

Key Market Drivers

Semiconductor and Electronics Industry

The global vacuum pumps market is poised for substantial growth, with a key driving force being the Semiconductor and Electronics industry. This dynamic sector heavily relies on vacuum pump technologies for critical processes integral to semiconductor manufacturing and electronics production. As the demand for advanced electronic devices continues to surge worldwide, so does the need for efficient and reliable vacuum pumps.

In semiconductor fabrication, vacuum pumps play a pivotal role in processes such as thin film deposition, wafer etching, and packaging. The intricacies of semiconductor manufacturing demand precise vacuum control to ensure the quality and performance of the electronic components. The relentless pursuit of miniaturization and increased functionality in electronic devices, coupled with the rapid evolution of technologies like 5G and artificial intelligence, propels the Semiconductor and Electronics industry forward, thereby driving the demand for cutting-edge vacuum pump solutions. Moreover, the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the proliferation of smart devices contribute significantly to the demand for semiconductor components. These advancements necessitate highly sophisticated manufacturing processes that, in turn, rely on vacuum pumps for their precision and reliability. The ever-growing consumer appetite for smaller, faster, and more powerful electronic gadgets further amplifies the importance of vacuum pump technologies in ensuring the efficiency of production processes.

Additionally, as the global focus intensifies on sustainability and energy efficiency, the Semiconductor and Electronics industry seeks vacuum pump solutions that not only meet stringent performance requirements but also adhere to environmental standards. Innovations in vacuum pump technologies, including the development of energy-efficient and eco-friendly solutions, are becoming increasingly crucial to meet the evolving needs of the Semiconductor and Electronics sector. In conclusion, the Semiconductor and Electronics industry stands as a formidable driver of the global vacuum pumps market. The intricate synergy between technological advancements, consumer demands for high-performance electronic devices, and the industry's commitment to sustainability positions vacuum pumps as indispensable tools for the continued growth and innovation within this pivotal sector.

Healthcare Industry

The global vacuum pumps market is experiencing a significant impetus, with the Healthcare Industry emerging as a pivotal driver. Vacuum pumps play a crucial role in diverse healthcare applications, contributing to the industry's growth and the delivery of advanced medical services. As the healthcare sector undergoes rapid expansion and technological advancements, the demand for vacuum pump technologies is escalating. One of the primary applications of vacuum pumps in healthcare is in medical devices and instruments. Vacuum pumps are integral to various medical procedures and diagnostic equipment, including vacuum-assisted wound closure systems, blood collection devices, and analytical instrumentation. The expanding healthcare landscape, driven by an aging population and increased healthcare awareness, directly influences the demand for these medical devices, subsequently propelling the vacuum pumps market.

Moreover, vacuum pumps are indispensable in laboratory and research settings within the healthcare industry. They are utilized in processes such as filtration, distillation, and sample preparation, supporting critical research endeavors, pharmaceutical development, and biotechnology applications. The growing focus on medical research and the development of innovative healthcare solutions further amplifies the importance of vacuum pump technologies. In medical imaging, vacuum pumps are utilized in technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electron microscopy. These diagnostic tools rely on vacuum systems for creating the necessary conditions for precise imaging and analysis. As medical imaging technologies continue to advance, the demand for vacuum pumps with higher efficiency and performance characteristics is expected to rise.

Additionally, vacuum pumps play a crucial role in supporting sterilization processes in healthcare facilities. The need for maintaining a sterile environment in hospitals, clinics, and laboratories underscores the importance of vacuum pump solutions in autoclaves and other sterilization equipment. The healthcare industry's commitment to adopting cutting-edge technologies, coupled with the increasing prevalence of medical procedures and diagnostics, positions vacuum pumps as essential components in advancing healthcare services globally. In conclusion, the Healthcare Industry emerges as a driving force in the global vacuum pumps market, with its diverse applications and continuous technological advancements fueling the demand for these critical devices.

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Key Market Challenges

High Initial Costs

The global vacuum pumps market encounters a significant hurdle in the form of high initial costs, presenting a challenge that could impede market expansion. The acquisition and installation expenses associated with vacuum pump systems, particularly those featuring advanced technologies and high-performance capabilities, can pose a considerable financial burden for businesses. This challenge is particularly pronounced for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and emerging industries, limiting their ability to invest in these essential technologies. The upfront investment required for state-of-the-art vacuum pump systems is often a deterrent for potential buyers, leading to delays or hesitations in adopting these critical technologies. While advanced vacuum pump solutions offer enhanced efficiency, precision, and reliability, the capital expenditure involved in their procurement can strain budgetary allocations and hinder investment decisions. This financial barrier may result in end-users opting for less advanced or outdated technologies, potentially compromising operational effectiveness and long-term cost savings.

Moreover, the high initial costs extend beyond the purchase of the vacuum pump system itself. Installation, training, and potential facility modifications to accommodate the new equipment contribute to the overall financial outlay. The comprehensive cost of ownership, including maintenance and operational expenses, must be carefully considered by end-users, further complicating the decision-making process.

To address this challenge, manufacturers in the vacuum pumps market need to explore strategies to make their products more cost-effective without compromising on performance. This could involve innovations in manufacturing processes, materials, or business models that reduce production costs and, consequently, the final purchase price for end-users. Additionally, offering flexible financing options or leasing programs may help alleviate the financial burden for businesses looking to integrate advanced vacuum pump technologies.

Educating end-users about the long-term benefits and potential return on investment associated with high-performance vacuum pump systems is also crucial. Emphasizing energy efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced operational capabilities can contribute to a more compelling value proposition, potentially justifying the initial investment for businesses. In conclusion, mitigating the impact of high initial costs requires a concerted effort from vacuum pump manufacturers to innovate in terms of affordability and to communicate the long-term value proposition to end-users. Striking a balance between advanced technologies and cost-effectiveness will be essential for the sustained growth of the global vacuum pumps market.

Energy Consumption and Efficiency

The global vacuum pumps market faces a formidable challenge in the realm of energy consumption and efficiency, a concern that has the potential to significantly impede market growth. As industries across the spectrum increasingly emphasize sustainability and energy conservation, the vacuum pumps sector is under pressure to deliver high-performance solutions while minimizing energy consumption. The intrinsic nature of vacuum pump operations, which often involve creating and maintaining low-pressure environments, requires substantial energy input, contributing to a perception of inefficiency. One of the primary concerns for end-users is the operational cost associated with energy consumption. High energy consumption not only translates into increased operational expenses but also raises environmental concerns, especially as organizations strive to reduce their carbon footprint. Energy-intensive vacuum pump systems may be viewed as economically burdensome and less environmentally friendly, compelling industries to seek alternatives that balance performance with energy efficiency.

Technological advancements aimed at enhancing the efficiency of vacuum pumps are underway, with a focus on developing systems that optimize energy usage without compromising performance. The challenge lies in achieving this delicate balance, as end-users demand vacuum pump solutions that not only meet their operational requirements but also align with stringent energy efficiency standards. The push for energy efficiency is further underscored by regulatory bodies and environmental initiatives, adding an additional layer of complexity for vacuum pump manufacturers. Compliance with evolving energy efficiency standards necessitates continuous innovation and investment in research and development to create more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.

Addressing the energy consumption and efficiency challenge requires a multi-faceted approach. Manufacturers must invest in the development of next-generation, energy-efficient technologies such as variable speed drives, regenerative blowers, and advanced control systems. Additionally, educating end-users about the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits associated with energy-efficient vacuum pump systems is crucial for market acceptance. In conclusion, the global vacuum pumps market must navigate the delicate balance between providing high-performance solutions and addressing the growing concerns related to energy consumption. Manufacturers that can successfully innovate in the direction of energy efficiency will be better positioned to meet the evolving demands of industries focused on sustainability, ensuring the continued growth and relevance of the vacuum pumps market in an energy-conscious global landscape.

Technological Complexity

The global vacuum pumps market faces a significant challenge in the form of technological complexity, which has the potential to hamper its widespread adoption and implementation. As vacuum pump systems become increasingly sophisticated and technologically advanced, end-users may encounter difficulties in understanding, operating, and maintaining these complex systems. This challenge is particularly pertinent for operators and technicians who may require specialized training to effectively navigate and troubleshoot intricate vacuum pump technologies. The complexity of modern vacuum pump systems stems from the incorporation of advanced features, automation, and smart functionalities designed to enhance performance and efficiency. While these technological advancements offer numerous benefits, including improved precision and energy efficiency, they also pose a hurdle for users who may lack the requisite expertise. The demand for highly skilled personnel to manage and maintain these complex systems can result in increased operational costs for businesses, potentially acting as a deterrent to widespread adoption.

Moreover, as vacuum pump technologies continue to evolve, there may be a lag in the development of standardized operating procedures and training programs. This lag could exacerbate the challenges associated with technological complexity, leading to longer learning curves for operators and potential operational inefficiencies. Another aspect of technological complexity is the integration of Industry 4.0 concepts, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics, into vacuum pump systems. While these technologies offer the promise of predictive maintenance and real-time monitoring, they also introduce new layers of complexity in terms of data management, cybersecurity, and connectivity.

Manufacturers in the vacuum pumps market need to address these challenges by investing in user-friendly interfaces, comprehensive training programs, and robust technical support systems. Simplifying the operational aspects of vacuum pump systems and providing accessible resources for end-users can mitigate the impact of technological complexity, fostering greater acceptance and utilization of these crucial technologies across diverse industries. As the market continues to innovate, striking a balance between technological advancement and user-friendliness will be paramount to overcoming the challenges associated with technological complexity in the global vacuum pumps market.

Key Market Trends

Rising Adoption of Dry Vacuum Pumps

The global vacuum pumps market is undergoing a transformative phase with the rising adoption of dry vacuum pumps, a trend that is poised to drive market growth in the foreseeable future. Dry vacuum pumps are gaining prominence as a preferred alternative to traditional oil-sealed pumps due to their numerous advantages and environmental considerations.

One of the primary drivers behind the increasing adoption of dry vacuum pumps is the growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Unlike oil-sealed pumps, dry vacuum pumps operate without the need for lubricating oil, eliminating the risk of oil contamination in the process. This not only aligns with the global push for cleaner and greener technologies but also addresses concerns related to the disposal and management of oil-based lubricants. Moreover, dry vacuum pumps are recognized for their lower maintenance requirements. The absence of oil in the pump mechanism reduces the need for regular oil changes, resulting in decreased downtime and operational interruptions. This characteristic makes dry vacuum pumps not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective over the long term, appealing to industries looking to optimize their operational efficiency and reduce total cost of ownership.

The semiconductor and electronics industry, in particular, is at the forefront of driving the adoption of dry vacuum pumps. These pumps find extensive application in semiconductor manufacturing processes, where contamination-sensitive environments demand high levels of cleanliness and reliability. The transition to dry pumps in this industry is driven by the need for enhanced performance, reduced maintenance, and compliance with stringent manufacturing standards.

As the demand for semiconductor devices, electronics, and advanced manufacturing processes continues to rise globally, the adoption of dry vacuum pumps is expected to follow suit. Manufacturers in the vacuum pumps market are responding to this trend by investing in the development of innovative dry pump technologies, aiming to capture a growing share of the market. In conclusion, the rising adoption of dry vacuum pumps represents a significant trend in the global market, driven by environmental concerns, cost-effectiveness, and the specific requirements of industries like semiconductor manufacturing. This shift marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of vacuum pump technologies, offering both ecological benefits and operational advantages that position dry pumps as a driving force in the future growth of the global vacuum pumps market.

Growing Demand in Semiconductor and Electronics Industry

The global vacuum pumps market is experiencing robust growth, driven significantly by the burgeoning demand in the Semiconductor and Electronics industry. This sector stands as a primary catalyst for the increased adoption of vacuum pump technologies, as these pumps play an indispensable role in critical manufacturing processes within semiconductor fabrication and electronics production.

Semiconductor manufacturing requires a meticulously controlled environment, and vacuum pumps are instrumental in processes such as thin film deposition, plasma etching, and ion implantation. As the Semiconductor and Electronics industry continuously advances technologically, with a relentless focus on miniaturization and increased functionality of electronic devices, the demand for high-performance vacuum pumps continues to soar. The intricacies of these manufacturing processes necessitate precise pressure control, ensuring the quality and reliability of semiconductor components. Furthermore, the rapid evolution of technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is driving an unprecedented demand for semiconductor components. This surge in demand directly translates to an increased need for vacuum pumps, positioning them as fundamental tools in the production of cutting-edge electronic devices.

In addition to traditional semiconductor applications, vacuum pumps play a crucial role in emerging technologies such as quantum computing and advanced sensors. As these technologies mature, the demand for vacuum pump solutions with specialized capabilities is expected to rise, further propelling market growth.

The Semiconductor and Electronics industry's influence extends beyond manufacturing, encompassing research and development activities that constantly push the boundaries of innovation. Vacuum pumps are integral to experimental processes, ensuring controlled environments for testing and prototyping in semiconductor research labs. As the global appetite for electronic devices continues to grow, the Semiconductor and Electronics industry's impact on the vacuum pumps market is poised to remain substantial. Manufacturers in the vacuum pumps sector are likely to witness sustained demand, prompting them to innovate and tailor solutions to meet the evolving needs of this dynamic and pivotal industry. In conclusion, the growing demand in the Semiconductor and Electronics industry acts as a key driver, steering the trajectory of the global vacuum pumps market towards continued expansion and technological advancement.

Segmental Insights

Lubrication Insights

Dry Vacuum Pumps segment dominates in the global Vacuum Pumps market with a market share of 64.09% in 2023. With the rapid growth of the semiconductor industry, there has been a significant increase in demand for dry vacuum pumps. Meanwhile, liquid ring vacuum pumps find extensive applications in sectors such as pulp and paper, as well as oil and gas. The rising demand for energy-efficient pumps and clean vacuums pumps aims to reduce overall operation costs, thereby supporting the development of dry vacuum pumps.

In August 2021, EDS set a new standard in the dry screw vacuum pump market. Specifically designed for challenging industrial and chemical installations, the EDS family offers both air-cooled and water-cooled models. Its unmatched pollutant management capabilities make it ideal for demanding chemical and industrial applications. Thanks to its simplicity, ease of maintenance, and high speed, the EDS line is the preferred choice for such applications.

Therefore, it is recommended that leading companies in the Global Vacuum Pumps Market focus on the dry vacuum pumps segment to secure a larger market share.

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Regional Insights

Asia Pacific dominates the global Vacuum Pumps market with a market share of 41.88% in 2023. The vacuum pumps market in the Asia-Pacific region is significantly influenced by increased investments in key end-user sectors such as oil and gas, chemical, and power generation. Abundant oil sands in countries like China and India further contribute to this market.

Notably, China's Vacuum Pumps Market holds the largest market share, while the Indian Vacuum Pumps Market exhibits the highest growth rate in the Asia-Pacific region. Furthermore, in March 2022, China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, also known as Sinopec, announced its intention to make its largest capital investment in history for 2022, aligning with Beijing's call for energy companies to ramp up production. Sinopec plans to invest USD 11.41 billion in upstream exploitation, focusing on natural gas fields in Sichuan province the Inner Mongolia region.

Additionally, in March 2022, Ingersoll Rand launched the new SVT Series of high-efficiency, high-capacity oil-lubricated rotary screw vacuum pumps under its specialist vacuum brand, Elmo Rietschle. These vacuum pumps are specifically designed for industries such as electronics and food & beverage.

Recent Developments

  • In September 2022, Atlas Copco AB, a leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions recently launched a new series of speed-driven screw pumps in three pumping speed classes (GHS 1402, GHS 1602, and GHS 2002 VSD+). The new GHS 1402-2002 VSD+ series of pumps features a new design for better performance, optimal oil separation, a smaller footprint, and an innovative new controller that results in better vacuum performance, a 15% smaller footprint, and longer maintenance intervals.

Key Market Players

  • Atlas Copco AB
  • Flowserve Corporation
  • Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG
  • Ingersoll Rand Inc.
  • Ebara Corporation
  • Graham Manufacturing
  • ULVAC, Inc.
  • Sulzer Ltd
  • Busch Group
  • Gebr. Becker GmbH

By Lubrication

By Mechanism

By Pressure

By End-User

By Region

  • Dry Vacuum Pumps
  • Wet Vacuum Pumps
  • Gas Transfer Vacuum Pumps
  • Gas Binding Vacuum Pumps
  • Low Vacuum Pumps
  • Medium Vacuum Pumps
  • High Vacuum Pumps
  • Ultra-High Vacuum Pumps
  • Extreme-High Vacuum Pumps
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Automotive
  • Chemical & Petrochemical
  • Electronics & Semiconductors
  • Food & Beverage
  • Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
  • Other
  • North America
  • Europe & CIS
  • South America
  • Middle East & Africa
  • Asia Pacific


Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Vacuum Pumps Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

·         Vacuum Pumps Market, By Lubrication

o   Dry Vacuum Pumps

o   Wet Vacuum Pumps

·         Vacuum Pumps Market, By Mechanism

o   Gas Transfer Vacuum Pumps

o   Gas Binding Vacuum Pumps

·         Vacuum Pumps Market, By Pressure

o   Low Vacuum Pumps

o   Medium Vacuum Pumps

o   High Vacuum Pumps

o   Ultra-High Vacuum Pumps

o   Extreme-High Vacuum Pumps

·         Vacuum Pumps Market, By End-User

o   Aerospace & Defense

o   Automotive

o   Chemical & Petrochemical

o   Electronics & Semiconductors

o   Food & Beverage

o   Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

o   Other

  • Vacuum Pumps Market, By Region:

o   Asia-Pacific

§  China

§  India

§  Japan

§  South Korea

§  Indonesia

§  Singapore

§  Thailand

§  Vietnam

o   Europe & CIS

§  Germany

§  Spain

§  Italy

§  Russia

§  France

§  Austria

§  Hungary

o   North America

§  United States

§  Canada

§  Mexico

o   Middle East & Africa

§  Saudi Arabia

§  Turkey

§  Iran

§  Iraq

o   South America

§  Brazil

§  Argentina

§  Colombia

§  Chile

§  Peru

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Vacuum Pumps Market.

Available Customizations:

Global Vacuum Pumps Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Global Vacuum Pumps Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]  

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.                    Markets Covered

1.2.2.                    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.                    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Formulation of the Scope

2.4.  Assumptions and Limitations

2.5.  Sources of Research

2.5.1.                    Primary Research

2.5.2.                    Secondary Research

2.6.  Approach for the Market Study

2.6.1.                    The Bottom-Up Approach

2.6.2.                    The Top-Down Approach

2.7.  Approach for the Market Study

2.8.  Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

2.9.  Forecasting Methodology

2.9.1.                    Data Triangulation & Validation

3.    Executive Summary

4.    Voice of Customer

4.1.  Factors Considered while Choosing Market player for Vacuum Pumps

4.2.  Key Satisfaction Level

4.3.  Current Need Gaps

5.    Global Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook, 2019-2029F

5.1.  Market Size & Forecast

5.1.1.                    By Value

5.2.  Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.                    By Lubrication (Dry Vacuum Pumps, Wet Vacuum Pumps)

5.2.2.                    By Mechanism (Gas Transfer Vacuum Pumps, Gas Binding Vacuum Pumps)

5.2.3.                    By Pressure (Low Vacuum Pumps, Medium Vacuum Pumps, High Vacuum Pumps, Ultra-High Vacuum Pumps, Extreme-High Vacuum Pumps)

5.2.4.                    By End-User (Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Electronics & Semiconductors, Food & Beverage, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Others)

5.2.5.                    By Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe & CIS, North America, Middle East & Africa, South America)

5.3.  By Company (2023)

5.4.  Market Map

6.    Asia-Pacific Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook, 2019-2029F

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.                    By Value

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.                    By Lubrication

6.2.2.                    By Mechanism

6.2.3.                    By Pressure                                        

6.2.4.                    By End-User                                       

6.2.5.                    By Country

6.3.  Asia-Pacific: Country Analysis

6.3.1.                    China Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

6.3.2.                    India Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

6.3.3.                    Japan Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

6.3.4.                    South Korea Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

6.3.5.                    Indonesia Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

6.3.6.                    Singapore Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

6.3.7.                    Thailand Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

6.3.8.                    Vietnam Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

7.    Europe & CIS Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook, 2019-2029F

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.                    By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.                    By Lubrication

7.2.2.                    By Mechanism

7.2.3.                    By Pressure

7.2.4.                    By End-User

7.2.5.                    By Country

7.3.  Europe & CIS: Country Analysis

7.3.1.                    Germany Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

7.3.2.                    Spain Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

7.3.3.                    Italy Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

7.3.4.                    Russia Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

7.3.5.                    France Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

7.3.6.                    Austria Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

7.3.7.                    Hungary Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

8.    North America Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook, 2019-2029F

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.                    By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.                    By Lubrication

8.2.2.                    By Mechanism

8.2.3.                    By Pressure

8.2.4.                    By End-User

8.2.5.                    By Country

8.3.  North America: Country Analysis

8.3.1.                    United States Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

8.3.2.                    Canada Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

8.3.3.                    Mexico Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

9.    Middle East & Africa Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook, 2019-2029F

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.                    By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.                    By Lubrication

9.2.2.                    By Mechanism

9.2.3.                    By Pressure

9.2.4.                    By End-User

9.2.5.                    By Country

9.3.  Middle East & Africa: Country Analysis

9.3.1.                    Saudi Arabia Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

9.3.2.                    Turkey Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

9.3.3.                    Iran Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

9.3.4.                    Iraq Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast                     By Value        Market Share & Forecast                     By Lubrication                     By Mechanism                     By Pressure                     By End-User

10. South America Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook, 2019-2029F

10.1.          Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1.                  By Value

10.2.          Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1.                  By Lubrication                                     

10.2.2.                  By Mechanism                                    

10.2.3.                  By Pressure                                        

10.2.4.                  By End-User                                       

10.2.5.                  By Country

10.3.          South America: Country Analysis

10.3.1.                  Brazil Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast                  By Value     Market Share & Forecast                  By Lubrication                  By Mechanism                  By Pressure                  By End-User

10.3.2.                  Argentina Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast                  By Value     Market Share & Forecast                  By Lubrication                  By Mechanism                  By Pressure                  By End-User

10.3.3.                  Colombia Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast                  By Value     Market Share & Forecast                  By Lubrication                  By Mechanism                  By Pressure                  By End-User

10.3.4.                  Chile Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast                  By Value     Market Share & Forecast                  By Lubrication                  By Mechanism                  By Pressure                  By End-User

10.3.5.                  Peru Vacuum Pumps Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast                  By Value     Market Share & Forecast                  By Lubrication                  By Mechanism                  By Pressure                  By End-User

11. Market Dynamics

11.1.          Drivers

11.2.          Challenges

12. Market Trends & Developments

13. Company Profiles

13.1.          Atlas Copco AB

13.1.1.                  Business Overview

13.1.2.                  Key Financials and Revenues

13.1.3.                  Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.1.4.                  Headquarters Address

13.1.5.                  Key Products Offered

13.2.          Flowserve Corporation

13.2.1.                  Business Overview

13.2.2.                  Key Financials and Revenues

13.2.3.                  Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.2.4.                  Headquarters Address

13.2.5.                  Key Products Offered

13.3.          Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG

13.3.1.                  Business Overview

13.3.2.                  Key Financials and Revenues

13.3.3.                  Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.3.4.                  Headquarters Address

13.3.5.                  Key Products Offered

13.4.          Ingersoll Rand Inc.

13.4.1.                  Business Overview

13.4.2.                  Key Financials and Revenues

13.4.3.                  Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.4.4.                  Headquarters Address

13.4.5.                  Key Products Offered

13.5.          Ebara Corporation

13.5.1.                  Business Overview

13.5.2.                  Key Financials and Revenues

13.5.3.                  Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.5.4.                  Headquarters Address

13.5.5.                  Key Products Offered

13.6.          Graham Manufacturing

13.6.1.                  Business Overview

13.6.2.                  Key Financials and Revenues

13.6.3.                  Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.6.4.                  Headquarters Address

13.6.5.                  Key Products Offered

13.7.          ULVAC, Inc.

13.7.1.                      Business Overview

13.7.2.                      Key Financials and Revenues

13.7.3.                      Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.7.4.                      Headquarters Address

13.7.5.                      Key Products Offered

13.8.          Sulzer Ltd

13.8.1.                      Business Overview

13.8.2.                      Key Financials and Revenues

13.8.3.                      Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.8.4.                      Headquarters Address

13.8.5.                      Key Products Offered

13.9.          Busch SE

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13.9.2.                      Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.9.3.                      Headquarters Address

13.9.4.                      Key Products Offered

13.10.       Gebr. Becker Gmbh

13.10.1.                   Business Overview

13.10.2.                   Key Personnel/Contact Person

13.10.3.                   Headquarters Address

13.10.4.                   Key Products Offered

14. Strategic Recommendations

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Figures and Tables

List of Figures:

Figure 1:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 2:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 3:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 4:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 5:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 6:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Region, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 7:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Company, By Value, 2023

Figure 8:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Map, By Lubrication, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023

Figure 9:            Global Vacuum Pumps Market Map, By Mechanism, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023

Figure 10:          Global Vacuum Pumps Market Map, By Pressure, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023

Figure 11:          Global Vacuum Pumps Market Map, By End-User, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023

Figure 12:          Global Vacuum Pumps Market Map, By Region, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2023

Figure 13:          Asia-Pacific Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 14:          Asia-Pacific Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 15:          Asia-Pacific Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 16:          Asia-Pacific Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 17:          Asia-Pacific Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 18:          Asia-Pacific Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Country, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 19:          China Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 20:          China Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 21:          China Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 22:          China Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 23:            China Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 24:            India Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 25:            India Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 26:            India Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 27:            India Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 28:            India Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 29:            Japan Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 30:            Japan Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 31:            Japan Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 32:            Japan Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 33:            Japan Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 34:            South Korea Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 35:            South Korea Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 36:            South Korea Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 37:            South Korea Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 38:            South Korea Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 39:            Indonesia Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 40:            Indonesia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 41:            Indonesia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 42:            Indonesia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 43:            Indonesia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 44:            Singapore Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 45:            Singapore Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 46:            Singapore Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 47:            Singapore Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 48:            Singapore Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 49:            Thailand Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 50:            Thailand Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 51:            Thailand Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 52:            Thailand Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 53:            Thailand Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 54:            Vietnam Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 55:            Vietnam Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 56:            Vietnam Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 57:            Vietnam Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 58:            Vietnam Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 59:            Europe & CIS Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 60:            Europe & CIS Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 61:            Europe & CIS Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 62:            Europe & CIS Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 63:            Europe & CIS Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 64:            Europe & CIS Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Country, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 65:            Germany Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 66:            Germany Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 67:            Germany Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 68:            Germany Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 69:            Germany Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 70:            Spain Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 71:            Spain Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 72:            Spain Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 73:            Spain Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 74:            Spain Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 75:            Italy Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 76:            Italy Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 77:            Italy Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 78:            Italy Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 79:            Italy Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 80:            Russia Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 81:            Russia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 82:            Russia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 83:            Russia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 84:            Russia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 85:            France Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 86:            France Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 87:            France Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 88:            France Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 89:            France Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 90:            Austria Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 91:            Austria Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 92:            Austria Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 93:            Austria Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 94:            Austria Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 95:            Hungary Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 96:            Hungary Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 97:            Hungary Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 98:            Hungary Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 99:            Hungary Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 100:          North America Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 101:          North America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 102:          North America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 103:          North America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 104:          North America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 105:          North America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Country, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 106:          United States Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 107:          United States Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 108:          United States Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 109:          United States Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 110:          United States Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 111:          Canada Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 112:          Canada Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 113:          Canada Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 114:          Canada Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 115:          Canada Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 116:          Mexico Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 117:          Mexico Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 118:          Mexico Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 119:          Mexico Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 120:          Mexico Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 121:          Middle East & Africa Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 122:          Middle East & Africa Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 123:          Middle East & Africa Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 124:          Middle East & Africa Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 125:          Middle East & Africa Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 126:          Middle East & Africa Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Country, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 127:          Saudi Arabia Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 128:          Saudi Arabia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 129:          Saudi Arabia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 130:          Saudi Arabia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 131:          Saudi Arabia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 132:          Turkey Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 133:          Turkey Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 134:          Turkey Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 135:          Turkey Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 136:          Turkey Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 137:          Iran Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 138:          Iran Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 139:          Iran Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 140:          Iran Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 141:          Iran Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 142:          Iraq Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 143:          Iraq Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 144:          Iraq Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 145:          Iraq Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 146:          Iraq Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 147:          South America Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 148:          South America Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 149:          South America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 150:          South America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 151:          South America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 152:          South America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 153:          South America Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Country, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 154:          Brazil Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 155:          Brazil Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 155:          Brazil Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 156:          Brazil Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 157:          Brazil Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 158:          Argentina Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 159:          Argentina Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 160:          Argentina Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 161:          Argentina Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 162:          Argentina Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 163:          Colombia Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 164:          Colombia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 165:          Colombia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 166:          Colombia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 167:          Colombia Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 168:          Chile Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 169:          Chile Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 170:          Chile Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 171:          Chile Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 172:          Chile Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 173:          Peru Vacuum Pumps Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2019-2029F

Figure 174:          Peru Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Lubrication, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 175:          Peru Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Mechanism, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 176:          Peru Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By Pressure, By Value, 2019-2029F

Figure 177:          Peru Vacuum Pumps Market Share, By End-User, By Value, 2019-2029F

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the global Vacuum Pumps market was USD 5,480.21 Million in 2023


Dry Vacuum Pumps was the dominant segment with a market share of 64.09% in the global Vacuum Pumps market in 2023, by lubrication.


The challenges in the global Vacuum Pumps market include Energy Consumption and Efficiency Concerns and Cost Sensitivity in Emerging Markets, etc.


The major drivers for the global Vacuum Pumps market include Digitalization and Industry 4.0 Integration and Electronics and Semiconductor Industry Advancements, etc.


Parvati Sharma

Account Manager BD
Press Release

Vacuum Pumps Market Expands with Solution Segment at a robust CAGR of 6.42%

Apr, 2023

The increasing global Vacuum Pumps market is driven by rising industrial applications in packaging, evaporation, and drying application during the forecast period 2025-2029