Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2022)

USD 9.96 Billion

CAGR (2023-2028)


Fastest Growing Segment

Surgery Sutures

Largest Market

North America


Market Overview

Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market has valued at USD 9.96 Billion in 2022 and  anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 9.36% through 2028. The global healthcare industry is undergoing a paradigm shift towards sustainability, and the integration of bio-based materials is playing a pivotal role in this transformation. Bio-based polypropylene (bio-PP), derived from renewable resources, has emerged as a sustainable alternative in the production of medical devices.

The use of bio-based polypropylene in medical devices is driven by the increasing awareness of environmental sustainability and the desire to reduce the carbon footprint in the healthcare sector. Traditional polypropylene, derived from fossil fuels, has been a mainstay in medical device manufacturing. However, the demand for more eco-friendly alternatives has led to the exploration and adoption of bio-based polypropylene.

One of the primary drivers of this market is the growing emphasis on sustainable practices in the healthcare industry. Bio-based polypropylene, derived from renewable feedstocks such as plant-based biomass, offers a way to reduce dependence on finite fossil resources. The medical sector's commitment to environmental responsibility, coupled with advancements in bio-based materials, is fostering the integration of bio-PP in various medical applications.

The global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market is characterized by a conscientious shift towards sustainable solutions in the healthcare sector. Regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific are at the forefront of this transition, with a significant presence of medical device manufacturers committed to adopting environmentally friendly materials.

North America, driven by stringent environmental regulations and a focus on green technologies, is witnessing substantial growth in the bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market. Europe, with its robust healthcare infrastructure and commitment to sustainable practices, is also a key contributor. Asia Pacific, with a burgeoning healthcare sector and increasing awareness of sustainability, presents substantial opportunities for the market's expansion.

Bio-based polypropylene finds versatile applications in the production of various medical devices, contributing to the overall sustainability of the healthcare industry. One notable application is in the manufacturing of single-use medical instruments such as syringes, IV components, and surgical instruments. The use of bio-PP in these devices aligns with the industry's commitment to reducing the environmental impact of medical waste.

Another critical application is in the production of medical packaging materials. Bio-based polypropylene is employed in the creation of sustainable and biodegradable packaging for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. The eco-friendly nature of bio-PP packaging addresses concerns about the environmental impact of traditional plastic packaging in the healthcare sector.

Several key trends and opportunities are shaping the bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market, reflecting the industry's response to environmental imperatives and technological advancements. The growing trend of circular economy practices is influencing the market, with an emphasis on the recyclability and biodegradability of bio-based materials. Manufacturers are exploring closed-loop systems for the recovery and recycling of bio-PP in medical devices to minimize waste.

The development of bio-based polypropylene with enhanced properties is a notable trend. Research and innovation efforts are focused on improving the mechanical and thermal characteristics of bio-PP to match or exceed those of traditional polypropylene. This trend opens opportunities for bio-PP to be used in a broader range of medical devices, including those requiring specific performance attributes.

The increasing collaboration between medical device manufacturers and bio-based material suppliers is a significant opportunity. Partnerships and strategic alliances enable the seamless integration of bio-PP in medical device production, combining the expertise of both sectors to meet regulatory standards and address specific application requirements.

While the bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market holds promise, it faces certain challenges that warrant consideration. One significant challenge is the cost competitiveness of bio-PP compared to traditional polypropylene. The production of bio-based materials often involves higher manufacturing costs, which can impact the adoption rate, especially in cost-sensitive markets.

Regulatory compliance and standardization pose another challenge. Ensuring that bio-PP in medical devices meets stringent regulatory requirements and industry standards is crucial for widespread adoption. Manufacturers need to navigate complex regulatory landscapes to establish bio-PP as a viable and accepted material in medical applications.

The global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market is at the forefront of sustainable innovation in the healthcare sector. As the industry strives to balance technological advancements with environmental responsibility, bio-PP emerges as a compelling solution to reduce the environmental impact of medical device production and disposal.

The interconnectedness of environmental sustainability, regulatory compliance, and material innovation underscores the complexity of the bio-based polypropylene in the medical devices market. Overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities will require collaboration across the healthcare and bio-based materials sectors, fostering a comprehensive approach towards greener and more sustainable healthcare practices.

As the demand for eco-friendly alternatives continues to grow, the bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market is poised for expansion. Manufacturers that prioritize innovation, cost-effectiveness, and environmental stewardship will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable medical device manufacturing, contributing to a healthier planet and population.

Key Market Drivers

Increasing Demand for Sustainable Materials is Expected to Drive the Demand for the Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market Growth

The global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market is poised for substantial growth, fueled by the increasing demand for sustainable materials in the healthcare sector. As sustainability becomes a focal point for various industries, including medical device manufacturing, bio-based polypropylene emerges as a viable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics. The unique properties of bio-based polypropylene, coupled with a growing awareness of environmental concerns and the need for greener practices in healthcare, are driving the demand for this bio-sourced polymer in the production of medical devices.

One of the primary drivers behind the surge in demand for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices is the increasing emphasis on sustainability within the healthcare industry. Medical devices, ranging from surgical instruments to packaging materials, have traditionally been manufactured using conventional plastics derived from fossil fuels. The shift towards bio-based polypropylene aligns with the healthcare sector's commitment to reducing its environmental impact, lowering carbon footprints, and adopting more sustainable practices. Bio-based polypropylene is derived from renewable resources such as plant-based feedstocks, providing a solution to the environmental challenges associated with conventional plastics.

The unique properties of bio-based polypropylene make it well-suited for medical device applications. This bio-sourced polymer offers similar mechanical and thermal properties to its petroleum-based counterpart, ensuring that medical devices maintain the necessary performance characteristics while introducing a more sustainable material into their composition. From disposable medical products to durable devices, bio-based polypropylene provides a versatile and environmentally friendly alternative without compromising functionality or safety standards.

Furthermore, the stringent regulations and standards governing medical device manufacturing are driving the adoption of sustainable materials. Regulatory bodies worldwide are increasingly focusing on environmental aspects, and healthcare providers are seeking suppliers and manufacturers who prioritize sustainable sourcing and production practices. Bio-based polypropylene, derived from renewable resources, fulfills these requirements and contributes to the healthcare industry's efforts to create a more environmentally conscious supply chain for medical devices.

The demand for bio-based polypropylene is particularly pronounced in single-use medical devices and packaging. Single-use medical products, such as syringes, vials, and disposable surgical instruments, are crucial in preventing infections and ensuring patient safety. The transition to bio-based polypropylene in these applications addresses concerns related to the environmental impact of medical waste. The use of sustainable materials in single-use medical devices aligns with the broader trend towards a circular economy, where materials are sourced responsibly, used efficiently, and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Moreover, the global push for reducing plastic waste and achieving sustainability goals has gained momentum. Bio-based polypropylene provides a solution to the challenges posed by conventional plastics in terms of disposal and end-of-life considerations. As medical facilities and healthcare providers aim to minimize their environmental footprint, the adoption of bio-based polypropylene contributes to the overall reduction of plastic waste and supports the transition towards a more circular and sustainable healthcare system.

The growing awareness among healthcare professionals and consumers about the environmental impact of medical devices is a key factor driving the demand for bio-based polypropylene. Patients and healthcare providers alike are increasingly seeking products that align with their sustainability values. As a result, medical device manufacturers are incorporating bio-based polypropylene into their product portfolios to meet this demand for greener alternatives, contributing to the positive environmental and social impact of the healthcare industry.

In conclusion, the increasing demand for sustainable materials, driven by environmental awareness and regulatory considerations, is expected to drive the growth of the global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market. The unique combination of performance characteristics, environmental benefits, and adherence to regulatory standards positions bio-based polypropylene as a compelling choice for medical device manufacturers and healthcare providers. As the healthcare sector continues its sustainability journey, the adoption of bio-based polypropylene is likely to expand, fostering a more environmentally responsible approach to medical device manufacturing and contributing to the broader global efforts towards a sustainable future.

Increasing Prevalence of Chronic Diseases to Propels the Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market Growth

The global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market is experiencing a significant upswing, propelled by the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases worldwide. The rising incidence of chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and orthopedic disorders, has led to a surge in the demand for medical devices. As the healthcare industry grapples with the challenges posed by the growing burden of chronic diseases, bio-based polypropylene emerges as a pivotal material in medical device manufacturing due to its versatility, biocompatibility, and potential environmental benefits.

One of the primary drivers behind the growing demand for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices is the escalating prevalence of chronic diseases. Chronic conditions, characterized by long-term persistence and the need for ongoing medical intervention, have become a global health concern. Medical devices play a crucial role in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of chronic diseases, ranging from implantable devices like pacemakers to diagnostic tools and drug delivery systems. The versatility of bio-based polypropylene makes it an attractive choice for manufacturing a diverse range of medical devices, addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by chronic health conditions.

The demand for medical devices is particularly pronounced in segments such as orthopedics, cardiovascular interventions, and diabetes management, where chronic diseases often require specialized and ongoing medical care. Bio-based polypropylene, with its biocompatible properties, offers advantages in the development of implantable devices and prosthetics. It provides a material that is well-tolerated by the human body, reducing the risk of adverse reactions and supporting the long-term functionality of medical implants. In orthopedics, for example, bio-based polypropylene can be utilized in the fabrication of joint replacements and supportive devices, contributing to improved patient outcomes and quality of life.

Cardiovascular diseases, which constitute a major component of chronic conditions, necessitate the use of sophisticated medical devices for diagnosis and treatment. Bio-based polypropylene finds application in the production of cardiovascular implants, stents, and diagnostic tools due to its mechanical strength, flexibility, and compatibility with the cardiovascular system. As the global burden of cardiovascular diseases continues to rise, the demand for bio-based polypropylene in cardiovascular medical devices is expected to grow, supporting advancements in treatment modalities and interventions.

The management of diabetes, another prevalent chronic disease, involves the use of various medical devices, including insulin delivery systems and continuous glucose monitoring devices. Bio-based polypropylene's suitability for contact with bodily fluids, along with its potential to offer a more sustainable option, positions it as a valuable material in the development of diabetes-related medical devices. As the number of individuals with diabetes increases globally, the demand for bio-based polypropylene in diabetes management devices is anticipated to contribute significantly to market growth.

Furthermore, the potential environmental benefits of bio-based polypropylene align with the broader trend of sustainability in healthcare. The life cycle of medical devices, from manufacturing to disposal, has come under scrutiny as the healthcare industry seeks more environmentally responsible practices. Bio-based polypropylene, derived from renewable resources, offers a pathway towards reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional petroleum-based plastics used in medical devices. This environmental consciousness resonates with both healthcare providers and consumers, fostering the adoption of bio-based materials in medical device manufacturing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical role of medical devices in healthcare systems worldwide. The demand for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices has also been influenced by the increased focus on infection prevention and control. The material's potential for use in single-use disposable medical devices, such as syringes and protective barriers, aligns with the heightened awareness of hygiene and safety measures, contributing to the growth of the bio-based polypropylene market.

In conclusion, the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases is a key driver propelling the growth of the global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market. The material's versatility, biocompatibility, and potential for environmental sustainability position it as a valuable choice in the development of medical devices aimed at addressing the challenges posed by chronic health conditions. As the healthcare industry continues to innovate in the face of a rising burden of chronic diseases, the adoption of bio-based polypropylene is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of medical device manufacturing, with a focus on improved patient outcomes and sustainable healthcare practices.

Growing Awareness of the Benefits of Bio- Polypropylene Propels Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market Growth

The global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market is experiencing a significant growth trajectory, propelled by the increasing awareness of the benefits associated with this sustainable material. Bio-based polypropylene, derived from renewable feedstocks, has garnered attention in the medical device manufacturing sector due to its unique combination of biocompatibility, versatility, and environmental advantages. As awareness grows regarding the environmental impact of traditional plastics and the need for more sustainable healthcare practices, the demand for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices is on the rise.

One of the primary drivers behind the expanding use of bio-based polypropylene in medical devices is the heightened awareness of environmental sustainability within the healthcare industry. The conventional plastics historically used in medical device manufacturing, often derived from fossil fuels, contribute to environmental pollution and pose challenges in terms of waste disposal. Bio-based polypropylene addresses these concerns by offering a renewable and more eco-friendly alternative. As healthcare organizations and professionals become increasingly conscious of their ecological footprint, the adoption of bio-based polypropylene aligns with broader sustainability goals.

The biocompatibility of bio-based polypropylene is a key factor contributing to its popularity in medical device applications. The material's compatibility with the human body makes it suitable for use in implantable medical devices, prosthetics, and other applications where direct contact with biological tissues is involved. The growing awareness of the biocompatibility of bio-based polypropylene has led to its utilization in various medical devices, ranging from orthopedic implants to surgical instruments, contributing to improved patient outcomes and reduced risks of adverse reactions.

In addition to its biocompatible properties, bio-based polypropylene offers versatility in medical device design and manufacturing. The material can be molded into complex shapes, allowing for the production of intricate and customized medical devices. This flexibility is particularly valuable in the development of patient-specific implants and devices tailored to individual anatomies. The awareness of these design possibilities has led to increased interest and adoption of bio-based polypropylene in the medical device industry, fostering innovation and advancements in device customization.

The communication of the environmental benefits associated with bio-based polypropylene plays a crucial role in driving its adoption in the medical devices market. Healthcare professionals, patients, and regulatory bodies are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainable practices in the industry. Bio-based polypropylene, by virtue of being derived from renewable resources, contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions and dependence on finite fossil fuel resources. As awareness spreads about the positive environmental impact of choosing bio-based materials, medical device manufacturers are more inclined to incorporate bio-based polypropylene into their products.

Moreover, consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, influencing purchasing decisions and creating demand for sustainable products, including medical devices. Patients are increasingly seeking healthcare solutions that align with their values, including environmental responsibility. The awareness of the benefits of bio-based polypropylene resonates with patients who prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly choices, creating a market pull for medical devices incorporating this material. This trend is expected to influence medical device manufacturers to adopt bio-based polypropylene in response to the growing demand for sustainable and patient-centric healthcare solutions.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of sustainable practices in healthcare. The increased focus on infection prevention and control measures has led to a surge in the use of single-use medical devices, where bio-based polypropylene can play a crucial role. The awareness of the environmental impact of disposable medical devices has prompted the exploration of sustainable alternatives, and bio-based polypropylene emerges as a viable solution in this context.

In conclusion, the growing awareness of the benefits of bio-based polypropylene is a key driver propelling the growth of the global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market. The material's biocompatibility, versatility, and positive environmental impact align with the evolving values of the healthcare industry and consumers. As awareness continues to spread regarding the advantages of adopting sustainable materials in medical device manufacturing, the demand for bio-based polypropylene is expected to increase, driving innovation and fostering a more sustainable future for the healthcare sector.

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Key Market Challenges

High Cost of Bio-based Polypropylene Poses a Significant Obstacle to Market Expansion

The inflated cost of bio-based polypropylene poses a significant obstacle to the market expansion of global bio-based polypropylene in the medical devices sector. While the demand for sustainable and bio-derived materials in medical applications is growing, the elevated production costs of bio-based polypropylene remain a challenge. The intricate processes involved in sourcing bio-based feedstocks, refining, and manufacturing bio-based polypropylene contribute to its comparatively higher cost compared to traditional polypropylene.

This cost disparity creates a barrier to widespread adoption in the medical devices market, where cost-effectiveness is paramount. Industry stakeholders must focus on innovative approaches, such as optimizing production processes, exploring cost-effective sourcing alternatives, and leveraging economies of scale, to make bio-based polypropylene more competitive. By addressing the challenge of high costs, the bio-based polypropylene market can better position itself for sustained growth in the global medical devices sector, aligning with the increasing emphasis on eco-friendly materials.

Technical Challenges of Using Bio-based Polypropylene

Technical challenges associated with the use of bio-based polypropylene present a significant obstacle to the market expansion of global bio-based polypropylene in the medical devices sector. While the demand for sustainable materials in medical applications is on the rise, bio-based polypropylene encounters hurdles related to its technical properties. Achieving the required level of mechanical strength, thermal stability, and biocompatibility for medical devices proves challenging, as bio-based polypropylene may not inherently possess the exact characteristics as its traditional counterpart.

Overcoming these technical challenges requires substantial investment in research and development to refine the material's composition and processing techniques. Industry stakeholders must collaborate to address these obstacles and ensure that bio-based polypropylene meets the stringent performance standards demanded by the medical field. By successfully navigating these technical challenges, the bio-based polypropylene market can position itself as a viable and sustainable alternative, fostering growth in the global medical devices sector.

Key Market Trends

Development of New Bio-based Polypropylene

The global Bio-based Polypropylene in the Medical Devices market is experiencing a transformative shift, with a significant trend driving growth being the development of new bio-based polypropylene materials. As the world increasingly focuses on sustainable and eco-friendly solutions, the medical devices industry is embracing the use of bio-based polypropylene to reduce its environmental impact. This innovative trend involves leveraging plant-derived feedstocks to produce polypropylene, a versatile polymer widely used in medical devices due to its excellent chemical resistance, durability, and low toxicity. The development of bio-based polypropylene not only addresses concerns related to the use of fossil fuels but also aligns with the global push for greener and more sustainable materials in healthcare applications.

For instance, companies are actively exploring bio-based polypropylene as a viable alternative for manufacturing medical devices such as syringes, surgical instruments, and packaging materials. The renewable and biodegradable nature of bio-based polypropylene contributes to a reduced carbon footprint and supports the circular economy within the medical industry. As regulatory bodies increasingly emphasize sustainability in healthcare practices, the demand for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices is expected to grow substantially.

Furthermore, the development of new bio-based polypropylene variants with enhanced properties, such as improved mechanical strength and sterilization compatibility, is driving innovation in the medical devices sector. This trend not only responds to market demands for sustainable materials but also positions bio-based polypropylene as a key player in shaping the future of eco-friendly solutions in the global medical devices market.

Growing Demand for Minimally Invasive Procedures

The global Bio-based Polypropylene in the Medical Devices market is witnessing significant growth, with a pivotal trend driving this expansion being the growing demand for minimally invasive procedures. As the healthcare industry increasingly shifts towards less invasive treatment approaches, bio-based polypropylene emerges as a key player in meeting the unique requirements of medical devices used in these procedures. The inherent properties of bio-based polypropylene, including its biocompatibility, flexibility, and resistance to chemicals, make it well-suited for the manufacturing of medical devices designed for minimally invasive surgeries.

For example, bio-based polypropylene is employed in the production of catheters, endoscopic devices, and surgical instruments used in laparoscopic procedures. The demand for these devices is propelled by factors such as quicker recovery times, reduced scarring, and lower post-operative complications associated with minimally invasive techniques. The adoption of bio-based polypropylene aligns with the industry's commitment to sustainability and addresses concerns related to the environmental impact of medical waste generated during these procedures.

Furthermore, the use of bio-based polypropylene in medical devices supports the development of lightweight and ergonomic tools, enhancing the precision and maneuverability required for minimally invasive surgeries. As regulatory bodies emphasize the importance of biocompatible and sustainable materials in healthcare, the demand for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices is expected to grow, with a focus on ensuring patient safety and environmental responsibility.

In conclusion, the growing demand for minimally invasive procedures is a key trend shaping the growth of the global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices market, as the unique properties of this material align with the evolving needs of the healthcare industry for innovative and sustainable solutions in the realm of medical devices.

Segmental Insights

Application Insights

Based on the application, the surgical mesh segment are projected to experience rapid growth during the forecast period due to its pivotal role in addressing diverse medical conditions and its increasing adoption in various surgical procedures. Surgical meshes are widely utilized in hernia repair, pelvic organ prolapses, and other soft tissue reconstruction surgeries. As the prevalence of hernias and pelvic organ prolapse continues to rise globally, the demand for surgical meshes is expected to surge.

The minimally invasive nature of surgeries involving surgical meshes contributes to their growing popularity, offering reduced recovery times and postoperative complications. Advancements in surgical techniques and an aging population, which is more prone to conditions requiring surgical intervention, further drive the demand for surgical meshes.

Moreover, ongoing research and development activities are leading to innovations in mesh materials and designs, enhancing their efficacy and safety. As healthcare providers increasingly recognize the benefits of surgical meshes in improving patient outcomes and reducing the likelihood of recurrence, the segment is positioned for accelerated growth. The versatility of surgical meshes in supporting weakened or damaged tissues and promoting optimal healing makes them an integral component of modern surgical interventions, fostering the projected rapid growth during the forecast period.


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Regional Insights

Based on the Region, North America's dominance in the global bio-based polypropylene (PP) in medical devices market can be attributed to several key factors that position the region at the forefront of this industry. One significant driver is the well-established and technologically advanced healthcare infrastructure in North America, particularly in the United States and Canada. These countries boast sophisticated medical facilities and a high level of adoption of advanced medical technologies, creating a substantial market for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices.

Stringent regulations and standards in North America regarding the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly materials in the healthcare sector contribute to the increased adoption of bio-based polypropylene. As awareness of the environmental impact of traditional plastics grows, healthcare providers and manufacturers in the region are increasingly inclined towards sustainable alternatives, such as bio-based polypropylene, for medical device production.

Moreover, North America places a strong emphasis on research and development, fostering innovation in bio-based materials. The region's commitment to reducing carbon footprints and promoting eco-friendly solutions aligns with the use of bio-based polypropylene in medical devices. Government initiatives and incentives further encourage the incorporation of sustainable materials in healthcare applications.

The robust presence of key players in the bio-based polypropylene industry, as well as a well-established network of medical device manufacturers, contributes to North America's dominance. Proximity to raw material suppliers and a mature market for medical devices create a conducive environment for the growth of bio-based polypropylene applications in medical settings.

Overall, the convergence of advanced healthcare infrastructure, stringent environmental regulations, a focus on sustainability, and a robust industry ecosystem positions North America as a dominant player in the global bio-based polypropylene in medical devices market. This trend is likely to persist as the region continues to prioritize sustainable practices in healthcare and innovation in materials science.

Recent Developments

  • In 2023,  Braskem, a prominent polyolefins producer in the Americas and a global leader in biopolymers, disclosed plans to assess an investment in the production of carbon-negative bio-based polypropylene (PP) in the U.S. Leveraging their proven technology, the project aims to convert bioethanol into segregated bio-based PP, with Braskem actively seeking partnerships with clients, brand owners, and suppliers.
  • In 2023, South Korean chemical company LG Chem has entered into a partnership with Gevo, an American renewable chemicals and advanced biofuel company. The collaboration aims to jointly work on the advancement of ethanol-to-olefin (ETO) technology, a crucial component for the commercialization of propylene derived from biomaterials.

Key Market Players

  • Saudi Basic Industries Corp
  • LyondellBasell Industries NV
  • Mitsui Chemicals Inc.
  • Borealis AG
  • Braskem SA
  • TotalEnergies SE
  • Danimer Scientific Inc
  • FAF Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co KG
  • GreenMantra Recycling Technologies Ltd
  • Avient Corporation


By Application

By Region

  • Heart Valve Structures
  • Surgery Sutures
  • Surgical Mesh
  • Others
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • South America
  • Middle East & Africa


Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices  Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices  Market, By Application:

o   Heart Valve Structures

o   Surgery Sutures

o   Surgical Mesh

o   Others

  • Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices  Market, By Region:

o   North America

§  United States

§  Canada

§  Mexico

o   Europe

§  France

§  United Kingdom

§  Italy

§  Germany

§  Spain

o   Asia-Pacific

§  China

§  India

§  Japan

§  Australia

§  South Korea

o   South America

§  Brazil

§  Argentina

§  Colombia

o   Middle East & Africa

§  South Africa

§  Saudi Arabia

§  UAE

§  Kuwait

§  Turkey

§  Egypt

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices  Market.

Available Customizations:

Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices  market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices  Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Applications

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Overview of the Market

3.2.  Overview of Key Market Segmentations

3.3.  Overview of Key Market Players

3.4.  Overview of Key Regions/Countries

3.5.  Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, Trends

4.    Impact of COVID-19 on Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market

5.    Voice of Customer

6.    Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.    By Value & Volume

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Application (Heart Valve Structures, Surgery Sutures, Surgical Mesh, Others)

6.2.2.    By Region

6.2.3.    By Company (2022)

6.3.  Market Map

7.    Asia Pacific Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.    By Value & Volume

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Application

7.2.2.    By Country

7.3.  Asia Pacific: Country Analysis

7.3.1.    China Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

7.3.2.    India Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

7.3.3.    Australia Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

7.3.4.    Japan Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

7.3.5.    South Korea Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

8.    Europe Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.    By Value & Volume

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.    By Application

8.2.2.    By Country

8.3.  Europe: Country Analysis

8.3.1.    France Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           Application

8.3.2.    Germany Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

8.3.3.    Spain Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

8.3.4.    Italy Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

8.3.5.    United Kingdom Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

9.    North America Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.    By Value & Volume

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.    By Application

9.2.2.    By Country

9.3.  North America: Country Analysis

9.3.1.    United States Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

9.3.2.    Mexico Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

9.3.3.    Canada Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value & Volume        Market Share & Forecast           By Application

10. South America Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook

10.1.             Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1. By Value & Volume

10.2.             Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1. By Application

10.2.2. By Country

10.3.             South America: Country Analysis

10.3.1. Brazil Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

10.3.2. Argentina Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

10.3.3. Colombia Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

11. Middle East and Africa Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook

11.1.             Market Size & Forecast

11.1.1. By Value & Volume

11.2.             Market Share & Forecast

11.2.1. By Application

11.2.2. By Country

11.3.             MEA: Country Analysis

11.3.1. South Africa Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

11.3.2. Saudi Arabia Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

11.3.3. UAE Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

11.3.4. Qatar Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

11.3.5. Turkiye Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

11.3.6. Egypt Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value & Volume     Market Share & Forecast         By Application

12. Market Dynamics

12.1.             Drivers

12.2.             Challenges

13. Market Trends and Developments

13.1.             Recent Developments

13.2.             Product Launches

13.3.             Mergers & Acquisitions

14. Global Bio-based Polypropylene In Medical Devices Market: SWOT Analysis

15. Pricing Analysis

16. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

16.1.             Competition in the Industry

16.2.             Potential of New Entrants

16.3.             Power of Suppliers

16.4.             Power of Customers

16.5.             Threat of Substitute Application

17. PESTLE Analysis

18. Competitive Landscape

18.1.             Saudi Basic Industries Corp

18.1.1. Business Overview

18.1.2. Company Snapshot

18.1.3. Applications & Services

18.1.4. Financials (In case of listed companies)

18.1.5. Recent Developments

18.1.6. SWOT Analysis

18.2.             LyondellBasell Industries NV

18.3.             Mitsui Chemicals Inc.

18.4.             Borealis AG

18.5.             Braskem SA

18.6.             TotalEnergies SE

18.7.             Danimer Scientific Inc

18.8.             FAF Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co KG

18.9.             GreenMantra Recycling Technologies Ltd

18.10.          Avient Corporation

19. Strategic Recommendations

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market was estimated to be USD 9.96 Billion in 2022.


Based on the application, the surgical mesh segment is projected to experience rapid growth during the forecast period due to its pivotal role in addressing diverse medical conditions and its increasing adoption in various surgical procedures. Surgical meshes are widely utilized in hernia repair, pelvic organ prolapses, and other soft tissue reconstruction surgeries. As the prevalence of hernias and pelvic organ prolapse continues to rise globally, the demand for surgical meshes is expected to surge.


Based on the Region, North America's dominance in the global bio-based polypropylene (PP) in medical devices market can be attributed to several key factors that position the region at the forefront of this industry. One significant driver is the well-established and technologically advanced healthcare infrastructure in North America, particularly in the United States and Canada. These countries boast sophisticated medical facilities and a high level of adoption of advanced medical technologies, creating a substantial market for bio-based polypropylene in medical devices.


Increasing demand for sustainable materials and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases are the major drivers for the Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices Market to Grow with a CAGR of 9.36% through 2028

Nov, 2023

Increasing demand for sustainable materials and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases are factors driving the Global Bio-based Polypropylene in Medical Devices market in the forecast period 2024-