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Interview With Zoltan Kasap From Botiss Medical on Dental Bone Graft Substitutes Market

Interview With Zoltan Kasap From Botiss

Healthcare | Nov, 2022

Zoltan Kasap, Executive Director Global Sales and Marketing - Botiss Medical AG, tells TechSci Research that new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is definitely an exceptional challenge to have a new product in the market. These new regulations are much stricter, harder and very complicated, but it’s a necessary step to separate the “good” from the “bad” products on the market and in order to put patient treatment on the safe side.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- What has been a trend in the dental bone graft substitute procedures over the years?

EXPERT- The trends are constantly changing, and dental regeneration biomaterials are nowadays being used daily in oral surgery, perio and maxillofacial procedures. That is due to the concept that “there is no ideal biomaterial for every indication, but for every indication there is always something that works the best”, as well as the production of high-quality products and providing a high level of continuous education.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- If we talk about the dental bone graft substitute market, was there any major change due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis?

EXPERT- Yes, of course we faced many challenges during COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Most importantly for us, was that we were unable to have live events and had to adapt to online education only. However, this didn’t result in a decreased use of dental biomaterials. On the contrary, today their use is bigger than ever before.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- How would you describe the impact of biomaterials and increasing the amount of the biomaterials, specific to the dental bone grafting substitutes? 

EXPERT- Dental regeneration biomaterials are used to generate hard and soft tissue in situations where they are needed, or where they are insufficient. For sure this contributes to successful implant treatments and we can clearly say that as a result, the biomaterials market is growing in parallel to the implant market.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- Is there any development or changes happening in the dental bone graft substitute industry that you feel is worth sharing or are you foreseeing any major developments happening in the industry over the years?

EXPERT- Botiss is an innovative company that never stops developing and improving. Therefore, we are clearly dedicated on establishing new and exciting regenerative concepts. The best proof for this is the products that we already have in our portfolio and many more will follow over the coming years. Some of these may even completely change how we understand the regeneration process and treat patients. For sure we are not leaving behind the already well-established concepts, but there is always space for improvement and Botiss is clearly a game changer in this industry.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- When we talk about dental bone graft substitutes, generally which type of bone grafts are used and why? (Xenograft, Allograft, Autograft, Alloplast)


EXPERT- As I mentioned earlier, “there is no ideal biomaterial for every indication, but for every indication there is always something that works the best”. From this point of view, every material can be used in every indication, but the result won’t be the same. This a very complex topic and can’t be described in just few sentences.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- There are different mechanisms used in a dental bone graft substitute procedure like Osteoconduction, Osteoinduction, Osteopromotion, Osteogenesis, etc. Which according to you is most widely used and why?

EXPERT- You will hear different terminologies and cherry-picking in the market that are meant to sound scientific to provide sales. The best is if we provide the body the right conditions to heal itself and we should not believe too much in miracles e.g. growth factors, because that can be deceptive. The main regenerative mechanisms that we actually rely on are: providing long-term volume stability with Xenografts; controlled degradation with synthetic grafts; and complete regeneration with allografts. Therefore, all these treatment options are found within the Botiss biomaterials product portfolio.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- For what purpose, are dental bone graft substitutes majorly used and why? (Out of Socket Preservation, Ridge Augmentation, Periodontal Defect Regeneration, Implant Bone Regeneration, Sinus Lift)

EXPERT- Yes, dental regeneration biomaterials can be regularly used in each one of these indications and every material can be used in every indication, but the result won’t be the same. That’s why our portfolio is specifically developed to provide the best treatment options for each of these and is supported by extensive educational concepts.

TECHSCI RESEARCH- Similarly, what according to you are the major barriers to adoption for dental bone graft substitute procedures or major challenges that are hindering the growth of dental bone graft substitute industry in Europe?


EXPERT- The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is definitely an exceptional challenge to have a new product on the market. These new regulations are much stricter, harder and very complicated, but it’s a necessary step to separate the “good” from the “bad” products on the market and in order to put patient treatment on the safe side. This will definitely change the map of the biomaterial players but won’t stop the market growth.


Based on the conversation with Mr. Zolton and looking at latest trends in the dental bone graft substitute market, TechSci Research predicted that the dental bone graft substitute market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.00%, during the forecast period owing to increased prevalence of periodontal disease, root caries, and edentulous patients, as well as a growing geriatric population. Moreover, customer’s growing desire for dental bone graft substitutes, as well as a growing preference for cosmetic dentistry, are two important growth drivers for the industry. Major global population is unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. The growing number of cosmetic dental surgeries across the globe has significantly increased the demand for dental bone graft substitutes.


Authors: Himanshu Saxena, Shaurya Singh, Shraddha Sharma

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