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    Interview with Dr. Manthan Mehta from Fitterfly on Digital Therapeutics Industry

    Healthcare | Dec, 2023

    Dr. Manthan Mehta with us, who is working with Fitterfly, which is a health tech start-up specializing in Digital Therapeutics (DTx), as program head says that separating out therapy to what the app is doing, so that not every app should not be called a digital therapeutic; That is a major difference. And that's where regulations also need to come in where what can you call as a digital therapeutic? So if it is the digital therapeutic, if you want to label yourself that, there should be certain criteria that should be met, which should be defined by our local national regulators as well, that you have to have certain outcome data.

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    New Age Vaccine Development

    Healthcare | Apr, 2023

    Vaccination is the most reliable way to reduce the likelihood of a pandemic or epidemic, reducing the outbreak of infectious diseases. Thanks to the rapid advancement in medical sciences and increasing adoption of technologies, vaccines are becoming more effective and providing positive outcomes.

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    Bionic Eyes: Restoring Vision through Technology

    Healthcare | Feb, 2023

    Globally, nearly 50 million people are blind while another 34 million people are affected with severely impaired vision. Retinitis pigmentosa (hereditary disease that destroy photosensitive rod and cone cells in the retina) and macular degeneration (a condition that causes degeneration in the cells found in the centre of retina) are the leading cause of blindness in younger people.

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