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    New Age Vaccine Development

    Healthcare | Apr, 2023

    Vaccination is the most reliable way to reduce the likelihood of a pandemic or epidemic, reducing the outbreak of infectious diseases. Thanks to the rapid advancement in medical sciences and increasing adoption of technologies, vaccines are becoming more effective and providing positive outcomes.

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    Bionic Eyes: Restoring Vision through Technology

    Healthcare | Feb, 2023

    Globally, nearly 50 million people are blind while another 34 million people are affected with severely impaired vision. Retinitis pigmentosa (hereditary disease that destroy photosensitive rod and cone cells in the retina) and macular degeneration (a condition that causes degeneration in the cells found in the centre of retina) are the leading cause of blindness in younger people.

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    Interview with CEO of ReliOn Diagnostics on India Diagnostic Labs Market

    Healthcare | Dec, 2022

    Mr Rishab, tells TechSci Research that SRL, Dr LAL and Thyrocare are key players who hold a major share in Diagnostic labs market. New companies like Healthians has shown a greater progress by surpassing all players in price and TAT. Their SOP for sample collection is quite impressive. Entry of TATA group in diagnostics and medicine has earned everyone’s trust. In the field of walk-ins, I would suggest that Dr DANGS LAB has won that race. Their state of the art infrastructure has nicely integrated hygiene with healthcare.

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