BHEL commissioned second thermal unit of 270MW in Punjab within one month of commissioning of a first unit of same capacity
India: A 270 MW coal-fired thermal power unit has been commissioned
by BHEL at Goindwal Sahib city in Tarn Taran district, near Amritsar in Punjab.
Within a month of commissioning of 270 MW of thermal unit in Punjab, BHEL has
commissioned another thermal unit at the same site of GVK Power and Infra
Limited (GVKPIL). BHEL’s scope of work in this project included design,
engineering, manufacture, supply, erection and commissioning of steam turbines,
generators, boilers, associated auxiliaries and electricals, besides Controls
and Instrumentation (C&I) and Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs).
TechSci Research depicts that increasing the power generation capacity
in India would drive the demand of Power and Distribution transformers. The
development of power plants would require expansion in the power transmission
and distribution network. Indian government is focused towards expansion of the
country’s T&D network with significantly higher investments in current
five-year plan than the previous plans, which is expected to result in robust
growth of the power & distribution transformers industry over the next five
years. In addition, Indian government is focusing on restructured accelerated
Power development and reforms programme which is aimed at providing basic power
infrastructure to rural inhabitants and households in the country, which will
provide impetus to power and distribution transformers market in India.
According to recently
released TechSci Research report, “India Power and Distribution Transformers
Market Forecast and
Opportunities, 2020”, the potential of power & distribution transformers
market in India is in a growing phase. It provides statistical analysis and
information on market size, industry behavior and trends. The report includes
market projections and demand forecasting. The report will suffice in providing
the intending clients with cutting-edge market intelligence and help them in
taking sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and
analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers and key challenges
faced by the power & distribution transformer market in India. The market
for power & distribution transformers in India is projected to grow at a
CAGR of 10.5% during 2015-20.