Industry News

Snapdeal to Restructure its website to make it User friendly

India: E-commerce giant Snapdeal is adding new features to its website to make the user experience more joyful and helpful. Features such as Product Selfies, which allow user to post their picture with the product, enhanced order tracking and a new order page.

In addition to this company also has a search feature on their website called Snapsearch, which allows users to upload pictures of the product they want and search bar will look for the similar product.

The company constantly strives for new ways to increase its customer base. For instance, previous year the company invested in logistics company Go javas, which helped them to reduce the delivery time by 75 %. Company is also using Immediate payment system (IMPS) for faster refund settlements.

According to Techsci Research Snapdeal’s policy of restructuring its website is a customer centric approach which will help them to enhance their customer base. Snapdeal allowing customer to upload the product picture and having features like snapsearch will ultimately help both the seller and the consumer.  Snaplite, which enables users with slow network connections to access the lighter version of their website will further help company to tap more customers.

Company’s steps towards making the customer experience seamless by offering the products and services after analyzing the needs and wants of the customer is a good move which can help them to capture more customers.

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