Google join hands with Ford to build self-driving cars
The world’s pioneer technology company –Google teamed up with one of the automotive leader –Ford to combine the technology and manufacturing capabilities to manufacture self-driving cars.
Google co-founder Seregey Brin entered into a joint venture with Ford to build self-driving cars with Google’s robo-car technology. According to the sources, the formal partnership deal will be announced in January at the Consumer Electronics Show. The deal is likely to be non-exclusive and it is reported that the Google has been in talks with other automakers as well.
The partnership will benefit both the parties. Ford self-driving software development will get a huge boost and Google get the manufacturing expertise and infrastructure support from the automaker.
Both Ford and Google shares the common mission of successful launch of self-driving cars on public roads. In addition, Google co-founder Brin said that the company was considering to partner with automakers which can use its self-driving system, which it believes could someday eliminate around thirty-three thousand deaths on the U.S. roads.
From the past few years, Ford is experimenting its own systems and Google has more than fifty test vehicles on the roads of California and Texas.
Recently, Google’s parent firm Alphabet would move the self-driving car segment under its own business unit. The key aim of this shift is to achieve the goal of launching a car or taxi services in the U.S. urban areas.
TechSci Research recent report on autonomous car technology, “Global Autonomous Car Technology Market Forecast and Opportunities, 2035 – ADAS, Semi-Autonomous, Fully-Autonomous” describes that information technology is rapidly becoming the vital constituent of automobile industry. The innovation and development in technology enhance the usability of products offered by the sector.
Analyzing the current move by Google, TecSci Research depicts that the company strategizes quick entry into the market by partnering with OEM –Ford which will help the company to avoid investing in building its own automotive manufacturing units and expertise. On the technology front of automotive, it is clear that Google needs to compete with major automakers such as Nissan, Volvo, Mercedes Benz to name few as these companies are promising to launch technology advanced vehicles for customers by 2020.