What UK election outcome means for Brexit and the economy
A short look at how the Conservatives and Labour are
different in their macroeconomic perspectives and approach
As TechSci
Research strives to keep you up to date with a series of analytical articles on
the UK General Elections and different sectors that form the fabric of the UK
Economy sees its culmination as the final count unravels, here is a broader
look at what their specific economic ideologies espouse and how they will
reshape Britain’s future in their own ways:
Taxation: Conservatives
believe in lowering taxes as much as possible. They are against raising Value
Added Tax (VAT) rates and aim to reduce corporate tax level to 17% by 2020.
They also aim to provide a social security net over the ‘gig economy’, the emerging
class of people such as coders, Uber drivers etc. who are essentially
considered ‘semi-employed’. Labour, on the other hand, wishes to raise taxes on
the top 5% to help fund British public services as well as raising corporate
tax rate. Labour is also promising a 20:1 salary cap; the top earner in any
company will get paid only up to 20 times as much as the lowest employee is

Infrastructure and Social Security: Labour wants to renationalise the banks and rail service as well as
a publicly owned energy and water companies. The Royal Mail is also said to be
renationalised as per the Labour manifesto. Furthermore, they aim to go ‘zero
carbon’ and reduce pollution levels across Britain adding more renewables to
the energy mix. Conservatives. on the other hand. are more for a decentralized
system relative to Labour and want to maintain more of the status quo. They
have promised during these general elections, to focus on planting 12 million
trees as well as supporting comprehensive waste disposal systems and a better
road network. Both parties have promised to improve the ailing British National
Health Service (NHS) and reducing unemployment. Both parties also plan on
improving the infrastructure and build more where necessary.
Industry: Conservatives
aim to fiercely protect their and improve their North Sea energy assets, and
introduce fracking, expecting them to create more jobs, both skilled and
unskilled, as well as make Britain’s energy infrastructure secure. They aim to
retain as much talent as possible post-Brexit. Labour, while they promise to
protect the North Sea assets but they propose to increase employment through
green technology and green energy jobs. They will push legislature to
completely ban fracking, and smoothen restrictions towards digital jobs. As per
Labour, sustainable technologies are the way towards raising employment rates
as well as transforming Britain, whereas Conservatives promise the same through
lower corporate tax. Both parties promise to negotiate the best deal possible
through the Brexit negotiations, and keep as many jobs as possible.
These are some
of the different ways that the two major parties differ with regards to
overarching economic factors and their different plans to revitalize the
British economy in their own specific ways.
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