Press Release

Vietnam Dairy Testing Market to Grow with a CAGR of 4.60% through 2029

Consumer Preferences for Specialty Dairy Products and Food Fraud and Contamination Concerns are expected to drive the Vietnam Dairy Testing Market growth in the forecast period, 2025-2029


According to TechSci Research report, “Vietnam Dairy Testing Market – By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2029F”, the Vietnam Dairy Testing Market stood at USD 25.07 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow with a CAGR of 4.60% through 2029.

The Vietnamese government has been enacting stringent regulations and standards concerning food safety and quality, particularly within the dairy sector. These regulations mandate rigorous testing procedures for dairy producers and manufacturers to ensure adherence to compliance requirements. Such enforcement underscores the pressing necessity for dairy testing services and solutions across the industry, ensuring that products meet regulatory benchmarks and safeguard consumer health.

Vietnam's dairy industry has witnessed notable growth in recent years, propelled by urbanization, increasing disposable incomes, and evolving dietary preferences. As demand for dairy products surges, there arises a corresponding need for robust testing infrastructure to uphold quality standards across the entire production and distribution chain. Also, Vietnam's active participation in international trade agreements and its deepening integration into the global economy have opened up lucrative export avenues for dairy producers. To capitalize on these opportunities, dairy producers must conform to stringent quality and safety standards mandated by importing nations. This necessitates comprehensive testing of dairy products to ensure compliance with international regulations and standards, facilitating market access and enhancing competitiveness on the global stage.

The evolution of technology has revolutionized dairy testing methodologies, rendering them more precise, efficient, and cost-effective. Innovations such as rapid testing kits, molecular diagnostics, and automation have streamlined testing processes, enabling dairy producers to conduct thorough quality assessments swiftly and reliably. These technological advancements drive the adoption of cutting-edge testing solutions within the Vietnamese dairy industry, bolstering efficiency and ensuring product integrity. Alongside the traditional dairy product range, there is a burgeoning demand for specialty dairy items in Vietnam, including organic, lactose-free, and functional products. These specialized products often command premium prices and are associated with distinct quality attributes. Consequently, there is a heightened need for specialized testing protocols to authenticate claims pertaining to the authenticity and quality of these specialty dairy offerings, catering to discerning consumer preferences. The convergence of stringent regulatory requirements, burgeoning domestic demand, expanding international trade opportunities, technological innovations, and the rise of specialty dairy products collectively shape the landscape of the Vietnam dairy testing market, driving the adoption of advanced testing solutions and ensuring adherence to rigorous quality standards across the industry.


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The Vietnam Dairy Testing Market is segmented into type, technology, product, regional distribution, and company.

Based on technology, the Rapid Technology segment has emerged as the predominant market leader, Rapid technology methods offer unparalleled advantages in terms of speed and efficiency, revolutionizing the dairy industry's approach to testing. By delivering results in a fraction of the time required by conventional methods, rapid technology empowers dairy producers to make swift, informed decisions and address quality control issues promptly. In an industry where time is of the essence, this acceleration enables streamlined testing processes, reduced turnaround times, and expedited time-to-market for dairy products. Rapid technology's on-site testing capabilities represent a transformative leap in quality control practices. By conducting testing directly at dairy production facilities or even in the field, this approach eliminates the need to send samples to off-site laboratories—a process known for its time-consuming nature and associated costs. On-site testing facilitates real-time monitoring of production processes, enabling immediate detection of potential contaminants or adulterants. This proactive intervention helps prevent product spoilage or contamination, granting dairy producers unprecedented control over product quality and safety throughout the entire production chain. Cost-effectiveness is another hallmark of rapid technology methods, particularly in terms of labor and equipment expenses. Automated rapid testing systems minimize human intervention and efficiently process large sample volumes, reducing the need for manual labor and lowering operational costs. Despite initial investments in rapid testing equipment, long-term savings in time, labor, and resources render rapid technology financially viable for dairy producers of all scales.

Also, the versatility and flexibility of rapid technology methods empower dairy producers to tailor testing approaches to their specific needs, sample types, and budget constraints. With a wide array of methods and technologies—ranging from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and spectroscopy—dairy producers can select the most suitable rapid testing method. This adaptability extends to addressing emerging food safety threats, navigating new regulatory requirements, and meeting evolving consumer preferences, fostering greater agility and responsiveness to market dynamics. Rapid technology methods play a pivotal role in ensuring regulatory compliance and facilitating market access—a critical consideration amidst increasing scrutiny and consumer demand for safe dairy products. By enabling dairy producers to meet stringent regulatory standards effectively, rapid testing enhances competitiveness and marketability, particularly for export-oriented ventures seeking international market penetration. Through expedited testing processes and timely results, dairy producers can demonstrate their unwavering commitment to product safety and quality, reinforcing their position in both domestic and international markets.


Major companies operating in Vietnam Dairy Testing Market are:

  • SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA
  • Bureau Veritas
  • Eurofins Scientific SE
  • Intertek Group plc
  • Romer Labs Division Holding


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“Vietnam Dairy Testing Market is poised for dynamic growth driven by factors such as stringent regulatory standards, technological advancements, expanding domestic demand, and increasing integration into global trade networks. As the dairy industry continues to evolve and diversify, stakeholders must prioritize investment in robust testing infrastructure, embrace innovative testing methodologies, and uphold uncompromising standards of safety and quality assurance. By navigating regulatory complexities, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and meeting evolving consumer preferences, the Vietnam Dairy Testing Market is primed to unlock new opportunities, enhance competitiveness, and ensure the continued supply of safe, high-quality dairy products for consumers domestically and abroad”, said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director of TechSci Research, a research-based management consulting firm.

Vietnam Dairy Testing Market, By Type (Safety {Pathogens, Adulterants, Pesticides}, Quality), By Technology (Traditional Technology and Rapid Technology), By Product (Milk & Milk Powder, Cheese, Butter & Spreads, ICE Cream & Desserts, Yogurt, Cheese, Butter & Spreads and Others), By Company, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2019-2029F”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Vietnam Dairy Testing Market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Vietnam Dairy Testing Market.



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