Industry News

UK Moving Forward with First Driverless Car Trials

United Kingdom: Milton Keynes witnessed the first public trials of driverless cars, carrying passengers, in the UK. The tests were conducted by Transport Systems Catapult where the cars operated entirely without human control while carrying passengers.

“Today’s first public trials of driverless vehicles in our towns is a ground-breaking moment”, Business and energy secretary, Greg Clark said in a statement. He further added, “The global market for autonomous vehicles present huge opportunities for our automotive and technology firms and the research that underpins the technology and software will have applications way beyond autonomous vehicles.”

The council leader Peter Marland checked out the driverless cars that were unveiled earlier this year in Milton Keynes. In early October 2016, the cars were tested as a 40 pod fleet is expected to be pushed into operations by the end of 2017 by RDM Group which is among the fastest growing advanced engineering companies of the UK. The cars will also be equipped with navigation technology and sensors provided by Mobile Robotics Group of the University of Oxford.

“I am delighted to be representing Milton Keynes, a city that is fast establishing itself as one of the global leaders in transport innovation and smart mobility. The world will be watching as we move to the forefront of technology, bringing great benefits to our residents who will be able to use this cheaper, convenient and more environmentally aware mode of transport to make bespoke journeys”, said Peter Marland.

According to a recent report published by TechSci Research, Global Autonomous Car Technology Market Forecast and Opportunities, 2035 – ADAS, Semi-Autonomous, Fully-Autonomous”, global autonomous car technology market is expected to witness a CAGR of over 10% through 2035. The market is currently dominated by ADAS segment, which is expected to maintain its dominance over the next twenty years as well. The dominance of this segment can be attributed to anticipated increase in government regulations pertaining to integration of ADAS technologies in passenger cars.

As per TechSci Research, the public trail held in UK, indicates the emergence of autonomous car technology market across the region. Moreover, the market also holds a huge potential for growth in coming years in the country.

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