Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 5.6 Billion

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Gas Engines

Largest Market

Eastern Province

Market Overview

Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market was valued at USD 5.6 Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 9.4% through 2029. The captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia is experiencing significant growth, propelled by the nation's increasing demand for a reliable and self-sufficient power supply. As a response to the need for energy security and the desire to reduce dependence on conventional grid systems, businesses in Saudi Arabia are increasingly adopting captive power generation solutions. This trend is particularly pronounced in industries such as manufacturing, petrochemicals, and healthcare, where uninterrupted power supply is crucial for operational continuity. The flexibility and control afforded by captive power generation systems, which enable organizations to tailor their energy production to specific requirements, contribute to their growing popularity. Additionally, the government's initiatives to diversify the energy mix and enhance overall energy efficiency further stimulate the market, positioning Saudi Arabia as a prominent player in the captive power generation sector within the Middle East region.

Key Market Drivers

Energy Security and Reliability

The impetus behind the growth of Saudi Arabia's captive power generation market stems from an imperative need for enhanced energy security and reliability within the nation's diverse industries, spanning from manufacturing to petrochemicals. A stable and uninterrupted power supply is not merely a convenience but a critical necessity for these industries to ensure seamless and continuous operations. Given the occasional disruptions and uncertainties associated with the conventional grid system, businesses operating in the Kingdom are progressively gravitating towards the adoption of captive power generation solutions. This strategic shift is driven by the overarching goal of establishing a reliable and self-sufficient energy source, thereby mitigating the risks posed by grid vulnerabilities. The significance of this driver becomes particularly pronounced in sectors where even brief periods of downtime can translate into substantial financial losses. In recognizing the potential economic impact of power interruptions, businesses are strategically leveraging captive power solutions to fortify their energy security. By doing so, they not only circumvent the vulnerabilities of the traditional grid but also gain greater control over their energy supply, ensuring an uninterrupted and resilient power source. This underscores the strategic importance of captive power generation in the Kingdom, where its role extends beyond a mere energy alternative to becoming a pivotal element in the foundation of businesses' operational continuity and overall economic stability. As Saudi industries continue to navigate the dynamic energy landscape, the imperative for robust captive power solutions persists, aligning with the overarching objective of fostering a resilient and secure energy ecosystem in the Kingdom.

Economic Diversification and Industrial Growth

As an integral component of Saudi Arabia's ambitious Vision 2030 initiative, the nation is undergoing a transformative economic shift aimed at diversifying its traditional reliance on oil exports and fostering industrialization. This strategic evolution has triggered a notable surge in industrial activities across various sectors, thereby intensifying the overall demand for power. Within this dynamic landscape, the captive power generation market emerges as a pivotal enabler, playing a crucial role in supporting and sustaining the momentum of this burgeoning industrial growth. By providing a dedicated and efficient energy source precisely tailored to the specific requirements of diverse industries, captive power generation aligns seamlessly with the broader economic agenda outlined in Vision 2030. This alignment positions captive power generation as more than just an energy solution; it becomes a vital and strategic instrument in the realization of a diversified, resilient, and robust Saudi economy. As industries continue to thrive and diversify, the role of captive power generation remains paramount in ensuring a sustainable and tailored energy supply that underpins the broader economic transformation envisioned by Saudi Arabia's forward-looking Vision 2030 initiative.

Flexibility and Operational Control

The burgeoning growth of the captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia is significantly propelled by a pivotal driver—the inherent flexibility and operational control it affords to businesses. Captive power systems stand out by empowering companies to meticulously tailor their energy production in precise accordance with specific operational requirements, thereby ensuring a paradigm of optimal efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This adaptability proves particularly indispensable in industries characterized by variable energy demands or those strategically positioned in remote locations where conventional grid connectivity poses significant challenges. The capability to independently manage and fine-tune power generation represents a cornerstone for businesses seeking heightened operational resilience and nuanced cost management strategies. By enabling companies to autonomously optimize their energy production processes, captive power solutions emerge as indispensable tools driving operational efficiency and financial prudence across diverse sectors within the Saudi Arabian market. This strategic flexibility not only addresses the unique energy needs of various industries but also positions captive power generation as a linchpin in the pursuit of heightened operational efficacy and sustainable economic practices, further solidifying its role as a driving force in the evolving energy landscape of Saudi Arabia.

Government Initiatives and Incentives

The flourishing trajectory of the captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia is notably underpinned by the proactive approach of the Saudi Arabian government in championing sustainable and efficient energy practices. Through a series of targeted initiatives, the government has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to diversifying the energy mix, elevating overall energy efficiency, and mitigating environmental impact—aligning closely with the prevailing global trend towards cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions. This visionary approach extends to the implementation of government incentives, encompassing a spectrum of favorable regulations, subsidies, and robust support frameworks for renewable energy projects. These incentives collectively serve as a compelling catalyst, motivating businesses to channel their investments into captive power generation. By doing so, companies not only address their immediate operational energy needs but also actively contribute to the broader national energy objectives. This symbiotic relationship between government initiatives and private sector engagement underscores the pivotal role of captive power generation as a linchpin in realizing both immediate operational imperatives and the long-term strategic vision for a sustainable and resilient energy landscape in Saudi Arabia. As the government's commitment to sustainability persists, the captive power generation market is poised to remain a dynamic and integral component of the nation's multifaceted journey towards a more sustainable and diversified energy future.

Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

A compelling impetus propelling the growth of the captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia is the escalating emphasis on environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Within this paradigm shift, businesses operating in the Kingdom are increasingly cognizant of the imperative to curtail their carbon footprint and embrace more sustainable energy practices. Captive power generation emerges as a strategic enabler for companies seeking to enact tangible change in their environmental impact. By affording businesses the capability to seamlessly integrate cleaner and greener energy sources into their operations, captive power generation becomes a linchpin in aligning corporate practices with global sustainability goals. This strategic alignment extends beyond mere compliance, as companies leveraging captive power solutions not only mitigate their environmental impact but also elevate their corporate image. This nexus between environmental consciousness and operational practices is becoming particularly germane as sustainability considerations evolve into integral components of business strategies. Companies adopting captive power generation not only cater to the growing consumer and investor preference for environmentally responsible practices but also contribute substantively to Saudi Arabia's broader commitment to fostering a more sustainable and eco-friendly energy landscape. As environmental sustainability continues to ascend as a core tenet of corporate ethos, the captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia stands poised as a pivotal player in steering the nation's industries towards a greener and more responsible energy future.

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Key Market Challenges

Infrastructure Barriers and Initial Investment Costs

A significant challenge facing the captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia is the substantial upfront investment required for infrastructure development. Establishing a reliable and efficient captive power system demands substantial capital investment in power generation equipment, distribution networks, and associated technologies. Many businesses, particularly smaller enterprises, may find the initial costs prohibitive, posing a barrier to widespread adoption. Overcoming this challenge necessitates strategic planning, financial incentives, and collaborative efforts between the private sector and government to make captive power solutions more accessible and economically viable for a broader range of businesses.

Regulatory Framework and Policy Uncertainties

The captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia encounters a notable challenge in navigating the intricate regulatory landscape and contending with policy uncertainties. Despite the government's commendable efforts to incentivize renewable and efficient energy practices, there remains a degree of unpredictability in regulatory frameworks, permit issuance, and compliance standards. This regulatory ambiguity poses a considerable obstacle for businesses intending to invest in captive power generation, as they grapple with the complexities of interpreting and adhering to evolving regulations. The lack of a streamlined and predictable regulatory environment introduces an element of uncertainty, impacting the confidence of businesses seeking to explore sustainable and independent power solutions. To foster market growth and facilitate industry participation, there is an evident need for a regulatory framework characterized by clarity, coherence, and stability. Clear guidelines for captive power projects are indispensable, providing businesses with the necessary assurance and understanding to make informed investments in a sector critical to the Kingdom's pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. A well-defined regulatory landscape not only mitigates the challenges faced by businesses but also plays a pivotal role in fortifying the foundations for the captive power generation market, promoting confidence, and facilitating the seamless integration of sustainable power solutions into Saudi Arabia's energy infrastructure.

Technological Integration and Expertise

The integration of advanced technologies into captive power generation systems presents a challenge, especially for industries with limited technical expertise. Implementing and maintaining sophisticated technologies, such as smart grids, energy storage solutions, and renewable energy sources, require specialized knowledge and skilled personnel. The shortage of expertise in these emerging technologies can hinder the efficient deployment and operation of captive power systems. Addressing this challenge involves investment in training programs, knowledge transfer initiatives, and collaborative efforts between the government, industry, and educational institutions to cultivate a skilled workforce capable of managing and optimizing advanced captive power technologies.

Grid Connectivity and Interoperability

While captive power generation offers independence from the traditional grid, ensuring seamless connectivity and interoperability with existing grid infrastructure poses a challenge. Businesses may encounter difficulties in integrating their captive power systems with the national grid, especially in regions with limited infrastructure. Ensuring smooth grid connectivity is essential for scenarios where excess power can be fed back into the grid or during periods of low captive power production. Overcoming this challenge requires coordinated efforts between businesses and utility providers to develop interoperable systems, smart grid solutions, and a regulatory framework that supports bidirectional energy flow, enhancing the overall stability and resilience of the power infrastructure in Saudi Arabia.

Key Market Trends

Growing Embrace of Renewable Energy Sources

A prominent market trend in Saudi Arabia's captive power generation sector is the increasing embrace of renewable energy sources. As part of the global shift towards sustainable practices and in alignment with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 initiative, businesses are incorporating renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind into their captive power systems. This trend is driven by the desire to reduce carbon footprints, enhance energy efficiency, and contribute to environmental conservation. The declining costs of renewable technologies, coupled with government incentives and favorable regulations, are fostering a transition towards cleaner and more sustainable captive power solutions, positioning Saudi Arabia as a key player in the region's renewable energy landscape.

Advanced Energy Storage Solutions

The integration of advanced energy storage solutions represents a notable market trend in Saudi Arabia's captive power generation sector. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of efficient energy storage to address the intermittency of renewable sources and optimize power usage. Technologies such as advanced batteries and grid-scale energy storage systems play a crucial role in enhancing the reliability and flexibility of captive power systems. This trend reflects a strategic effort to overcome the challenges associated with variable energy production, ensuring a consistent and stable power supply for industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare.

Digitalization and Smart Grid Technologies

The incorporation of digitalization and smart grid technologies is a key trend shaping the landscape of captive power generation in Saudi Arabia. Businesses are leveraging advanced data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and automation to optimize the performance and efficiency of their captive power systems. Smart grids enable real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and demand-side management, enhancing overall operational control and resource utilization. This trend aligns with the broader industry 4.0 paradigm, where the integration of digital technologies is revolutionizing the energy sector and contributing to a more resilient and adaptive captive power infrastructure in Saudi Arabia.

Decentralization and Distributed Generation

A noteworthy market trend is the shift towards decentralization and distributed generation in Saudi Arabia's captive power sector. Instead of relying solely on centralized power plants, businesses are exploring distributed generation models where power is generated closer to the point of use. This decentralization trend enhances energy resilience, reduces transmission losses, and provides businesses with greater control over their power supply. The adoption of distributed energy resources, including on-site renewable generation and combined heat and power (CHP) systems, reflects a strategic move towards a more flexible and responsive energy infrastructure in the Kingdom.

Focus on Energy Efficiency and Demand-side Management

The increasing emphasis on energy efficiency and demand-side management is a significant trend in Saudi Arabia's captive power generation market. Businesses are implementing measures to optimize energy consumption, reduce wastage, and enhance overall efficiency. This trend is driven by a dual commitment to cost savings and environmental sustainability. Companies are investing in energy-efficient technologies, conducting energy audits, and implementing demand response strategies to align power consumption with operational needs. As energy efficiency becomes a key performance indicator, this trend is influencing the design and operation of captive power systems, contributing to a more sustainable and economically viable energy landscape in Saudi Arabia.

Segmental Insights

Technology Type Insights

The Saudi Arabia captive power generation market witnessed the dominance of gas engines within the technology type segment, a trend expected to persist throughout the forecast period. Gas engines held a commanding position due to their versatility, efficiency, and adaptability to various industrial applications. The demand for gas engines in captive power generation is propelled by their capability to efficiently utilize different fuel sources, including natural gas and biogas, providing businesses with flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Gas engines excel in distributed power generation scenarios, catering to diverse industries such as manufacturing, petrochemicals, and healthcare. Their modularity and quick start-up capabilities make them well-suited for applications requiring rapid response to varying energy demands. Additionally, the growing emphasis on environmental sustainability and adherence to stringent emission standards further contributes to the prominence of gas engines, which generally exhibit lower emissions compared to some traditional alternatives. The adoption of combined heat and power (CHP) systems, wherein gas engines simultaneously produce electricity and utilize waste heat for heating or cooling purposes, also enhances their attractiveness. As Saudi Arabia continues its efforts toward economic diversification and industrial growth, the demand for reliable and efficient captive power solutions is expected to remain robust, sustaining the dominance of gas engines in the technology type segment. Furthermore, ongoing advancements in gas engine technology, such as enhanced efficiency and reduced environmental impact, are likely to reinforce their market leadership, making them a pivotal component in the evolving energy landscape of Saudi Arabia's captive power generation sector.

Fuel Type Insights

The Saudi Arabia captive power generation market was predominantly led by the gas segment within the fuel type category, and this dominance is anticipated to endure throughout the forecast period. Gas-based captive power generation has emerged as a frontrunner due to its inherent advantages, including cleaner combustion, higher efficiency, and operational flexibility. Natural gas, in particular, has gained widespread popularity as a fuel source, driven by its availability, cost-effectiveness, and lower environmental impact compared to traditional alternatives like coal or diesel. The Kingdom's strategic initiatives toward energy diversification and sustainability, as outlined in the Vision 2030 agenda, further support the dominance of gas in the captive power generation market. The emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and aligning with global environmental standards positions gas as a preferred choice for industries seeking to balance energy security with environmental responsibility. Additionally, the versatility of gas-fired power generation systems, capable of quick start-ups and meeting varying energy demands, contributes to their sustained dominance. The scalability of gas-based captive power solutions caters to a spectrum of industries, from small-scale operations to large industrial complexes. With ongoing advancements in gas turbine technology and the integration of combined cycle systems, the gas segment is poised to maintain its stronghold in the Saudi Arabian captive power generation market. As the nation continues its trajectory toward economic diversification and industrial growth, the demand for reliable, efficient, and environmentally conscious energy solutions is likely to propel the dominance of gas in the fuel type segment, shaping the Kingdom's captive power landscape for the foreseeable future.

End Use Insights

The industrial sector emerged as the dominant segment within the Saudi Arabia captive power generation market based on end use, and this trend is anticipated to persist throughout the forecast period. The industrial sector's dominance can be attributed to its substantial energy requirements for manufacturing, processing, and operational activities, necessitating a reliable and self-sufficient power supply. Industries such as manufacturing, petrochemicals, and mining are increasingly adopting captive power generation solutions to ensure uninterrupted power, mitigate the risk of grid outages, and achieve operational resilience. The industrial segment's reliance on captive power generation is further propelled by the need for process continuity, where even momentary power disruptions can result in significant production losses. Moreover, as Saudi Arabia focuses on economic diversification and industrialization as part of its Vision 2030 initiative, the demand for captive power solutions in the industrial sector is expected to grow. The flexibility offered by captive power systems allows industries to tailor energy production to their specific operational requirements, contributing to enhanced efficiency and cost-effectiveness. As the industrial landscape continues to evolve, with new projects and expansions, the industrial end-use segment is poised to maintain its dominance in the Saudi Arabian captive power generation market, playing a pivotal role in shaping the nation's energy infrastructure and ensuring the resilience of its industrial operations.

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Regional Insights

The Eastern Province emerged as the dominant region within the Saudi Arabia captive power generation market based on geographical segmentation, and this dominance is anticipated to endure throughout the forecast period. The Eastern Province, with its strategic significance as a hub for industrial activities, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, and manufacturing, has witnessed a substantial demand for reliable and independent power sources. The concentration of key industrial complexes and economic zones in this region has propelled the adoption of captive power generation solutions to meet the energy needs of diverse industries. The proximity to major oil and gas reserves has also influenced the dominance of the Eastern Province, as these industries often require robust and uninterrupted power supply for their operations. Additionally, the region's commitment to economic diversification and industrial growth, in alignment with the broader Vision 2030 initiative, further drives the demand for captive power solutions in the Eastern Province. The critical role of the Eastern Province in contributing to Saudi Arabia's economic development, coupled with its focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, positions it as a key driver for the captive power generation market. As the region continues to attract investments and witness industrial expansions, the demand for reliable and customized power solutions is expected to grow, sustaining the dominance of the Eastern Province in the Saudi Arabian captive power generation market and shaping the energy landscape of the region for the foreseeable future.

Key Market Players

  • Abdul Latif Jameel Power and Water
  • Alfanar
  • Nesma & Partners
  • Jadwa Investment
  • Arabian Bemco Contracting Company
  • Aljomaih Holding Company
  • Alfanar Global Development Company
  • TAQA Arabia
  • Altaaqa Global
  • Alfanar Heavy Industries

 By Technology Type

By Fuel Type

By Ownership

By End Use

By Region

  • Heat Exchanger
  • Turbines
  • Gas Engines
  • Transformers
  • Others
  • Diesel
  • Gas
  • Coal
  • Others
  • Single
  • Multiple
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Riyadh
  • Makkah
  • Madinah
  • Jeddah
  • Tabuk
  • Eastern Province
  • Rest of Saudi Arabia

Report Scope:

In this report, the Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market, By Technology Type:

o   Heat Exchanger

o   Turbines

o   Gas Engines

o   Transformers

o   Others

  • Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market, By Fuel Type:

o   Diesel

o   Gas

o   Coal

o   Others

  • Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market, By Ownership:

o   Single

o   Multiple  

  • Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market, By End Use:

o   Residential

o   Commercial

o   Industrial

  • Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market, By Region:

o   Riyadh

o   Makkah

o   Madinah

o   Jeddah

o   Tabuk

o   Eastern Province

  • Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market.

Available Customizations:

Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.       Product Overview

1.1.   Market Definition

1.2.   Scope of the Market

1.2.1.        Markets Covered

1.2.2.        Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.        Key Market Segmentations

2.       Research Methodology

2.1.   Objective of the Study

2.2.   Baseline Methodology

2.3.   Formulation of the Scope

2.4.   Assumptions and Limitations

2.5.   Sources of Research

2.5.1.        Secondary Research

2.5.2.        Primary Research

2.6.   Approach for the Market Study

2.6.1.        The Bottom-Up Approach

2.6.2.        The Top-Down Approach

2.7.   Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

2.8.   Forecasting Methodology

2.8.1.        Data Triangulation & Validation

3.       Executive Summary

4.       Impact of COVID-19 on Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market

5.       Voice of Customer

6.       Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market Overview

7.       Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

7.1.   Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.        By Value

7.2.   Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.        By Technology Type (Heat Exchanger, Turbines, Gas Engines, Transformers, and Others)

7.2.2.        By Fuel Type (Diesel, Gas, Coal, and Others)

7.2.3.        By Ownership (Single and Multiple)

7.2.4.        By End Use (Residential, Commercial, and Industrial)

7.2.5.        By Region (Riyadh, Makkah, Madinah, Jeddah, Tabuk, Eastern Province, Rest of Saudi Arabia)

7.3.   By Company (2023)

7.4.   Market Map

8.       Riyadh Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

8.1.   Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.        By Value

8.2.   Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.        By Technology Type

8.2.2.        By Fuel Type

8.2.3.        By Ownership

8.2.4.        By End Use

9.       Makkah Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

9.1.   Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.        By Value

9.2.   Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.        By Technology Type

9.2.2.        By Fuel Type

9.2.3.        By Ownership

9.2.4.        By End Use

10.     Madinah Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

10.1.Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1.     By Value

10.2.Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1.     By Technology Type

10.2.2.     By Fuel Type

10.2.3.     By Ownership

10.2.4.     By End Use

11.     Jeddah Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

11.1.Market Size & Forecast

11.1.1.     By Value

11.2.Market Share & Forecast

11.2.1.     By Technology Type

11.2.2.     By Fuel Type

11.2.3.     By Ownership

11.2.4.     By End Use

12.     Tabuk Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

12.1.Market Size & Forecast

12.1.1.     By Value

12.2.Market Share & Forecast

12.2.1.     By Technology Type

12.2.2.     By Fuel Type

12.2.3.     By Ownership

12.2.4.     By End Use

13.     Eastern Province Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

13.1.Market Size & Forecast

13.1.1.     By Value

13.2.Market Share & Forecast

13.2.1.     By Technology Type

13.2.2.     By Fuel Type

13.2.3.     By Ownership

13.2.4.     By End Use

14.     Rest of Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market Outlook

14.1.Market Size & Forecast

14.1.1.     By Value

14.2.Market Share & Forecast

14.2.1.     By Technology Type

14.2.2.     By Fuel Type

14.2.3.     By Ownership

14.2.4.     By End Use






15.     Market Dynamics



16.     Market Trends and Developments

17.     Company Profiles

17.1.Abdul Latif Jameel Power and Water

17.1.1.     Business Overview

17.1.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.1.3.     Recent Developments

17.1.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.1.5.     Key Product/Services Offered


17.2.1.     Business Overview

17.2.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.2.3.     Recent Developments

17.2.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.2.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.3.Nesma & Partners

17.3.1.     Business Overview

17.3.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.3.3.     Recent Developments

17.3.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.3.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.4.Jadwa Investment

17.4.1.     Business Overview

17.4.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.4.3.     Recent Developments

17.4.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.4.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.5.Arabian Bemco Contracting Company

17.5.1.     Business Overview

17.5.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.5.3.     Recent Developments

17.5.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.5.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.6.Aljomaih Holding Company

17.6.1.     Business Overview

17.6.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.6.3.     Recent Developments

17.6.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.6.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.7.Alfanar Global Development Company

17.7.1.     Business Overview

17.7.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.7.3.     Recent Developments

17.7.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.7.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.8.TAQA Arabia

17.8.1.     Business Overview

17.8.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.8.3.     Recent Developments

17.8.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.8.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.9.Altaaqa Global

17.9.1.     Business Overview

17.9.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

17.9.3.     Recent Developments

17.9.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.9.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

17.10.    Alfanar Heavy Industries

17.10.1.   Business Overview

17.10.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

17.10.3.   Recent Developments

17.10.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

17.10.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

18.     Strategic Recommendations

19. About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market was USD 5.6 Billion in 2023.


The dominant segment by Fuel Type in the Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation market in 2023 was the Gas segment.


The dominant region in the Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market is Eastern Province.


The major drivers for the Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market include the imperative need for energy security, the government's focus on sustainable practices, increasing industrial activities, flexibility, and operational control for businesses, and heightened environmental sustainability awareness.


Parvati Sharma

Account Manager BD
Press Release

Saudi Arabia Captive Power Generation Market is expected to grow at a 9.4% CAGR

Feb, 2024

The rising demand for reliable and independent power sources, coupled with the need for energy security, is driving the growth of the captive power generation market in Saudi Arabia during the foreca